View Full Version : Does being 30 feel different?

08-10-2003, 10:59 PM
when i wake up monday morning I am gonna be 30 yrs. old. Some of my friends say they are starting to feel older, is it true?

08-10-2003, 11:09 PM
I think it depends on how fat you are....

08-11-2003, 12:04 AM
Originally posted by leeb@Aug 10 2003, 11:07 PM
when i wake up monday morning I am gonna be 30 yrs. old. Some of my friends say they are starting to feel older, is it true?
It's already Monday morning here....

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! :bjump: :cdance: :bdance: :redance: :gbounce:

08-11-2003, 12:15 AM
I posed naked for a website when I was a week away from 30...it's been all downhill since then :(

08-11-2003, 01:50 AM

30 isn't too bad. Happy Birthday bro :)

damm I will be 36 in December, where did the years go??

08-11-2003, 02:07 AM
30 is cool, before 30 life is just luck, after 30 skill comes into play... :yowsa:

08-11-2003, 04:11 AM
hmmmm... I dunno...

I'm 25 for the rest of my online life!!!



08-11-2003, 04:47 AM
Happy Birthday Lee

dude you're old :wnw:

08-11-2003, 05:15 AM
Lee hon, age is just a thing.. you're only as old as you feel. Sooo do everything you can to make yourself feel young for the rest of your life.

I turn 36 in November! and I still don't feel old.

Happy Birthday hon!


08-11-2003, 07:13 AM
Happy Birthday :stout: :okthumb:

08-11-2003, 07:40 AM
Originally posted by Wizzo@Aug 11 2003, 01:15 AM
30 is cool, before 30 life is just luck, after 30 skill comes into play... :yowsa:

08-11-2003, 08:34 AM
the 30 year olds I have felt have felt pretty good.

08-11-2003, 08:44 AM
As soon as you turn 30 everything starts either drooping more or falling off.....


Happy Birthday............................ :yowsa:

08-11-2003, 08:46 AM
30 ain't nothing! I remember (barely) when I hit the big 5-0...I spent it in Matamoros, working on a printer. :biglaugh:

Last edited by Torone at Aug 11 2003, 06:54 AM

08-11-2003, 09:29 AM
Remember a man is only as old as the woman he feels :groucho:

30 is not old
40 was the cruelest birthday
at 40 your mind and body start to turn against you

08-11-2003, 09:34 AM
Originally posted by Vick@Aug 11 2003, 08:37 AM
Remember a man is only as old as the woman he feels :groucho:

30 is not old
40 was the cruelest birthday
at 40 your mind and body start to turn against you
look forward for 45....you practically forget 20's by than

08-11-2003, 09:38 AM
The next 10 years should be the very exciting and productive . You should have the maturity, health and stamina at this age to start setting the stage for the rest of your life. Don't waste it! It is a wonderful time. If I could go back to any time in my life - it would be 35.

08-11-2003, 11:03 AM
I didnt feel any different when I turned 30.

What bothered me was now I couldnt go to the clubs I used to hang out at when I was younger. Because I remember we would always laugh at the 30 something guys hanging out at the bar trying to be hip.

I dont want to be that guy. Like I got time for clubs anyway lol

08-11-2003, 11:11 AM
I remember when my sister called me to wish me a happy 30th...

She said: "so... how you doing?" I said: "great, how are you?" And then she said: "are you okay?" and I said: "why wouldn't I be?" After a while she explained that turning 30 really upset her... I could care less. It's just another day, and you're only as old as you feel... blah blah blah.

Sometimes my mom talks about "old people" and I remind her that her bouncing baby boy is going to be 40 before she knows it. That kind of freaks her out. hahaha

Happy Birthday Lee! :)

08-11-2003, 11:21 AM
Happy Birthday, and as for feeling diff at 30, no I didnt, but just turned 32, and it sucks.

Live it up for the next 2 years. A:-)

Sabby, come talk to me when your 40.


08-11-2003, 12:38 PM
Wow.. you are getting old !
Happy Birthday !

I will be 30 in two years I am looking foward to it : )


08-11-2003, 12:56 PM
Happy Birthday Lee! :rokk:

Yeah... 30 kinda sucks a little more for women I think... we think too much. lol Marsha's right, you're only as old as ya feel. Some days I feel ancient (when my kids remind me "gosh mom - you're 34????") and other days I still feel like I'm the same person I was when I met my hubby at 17. It's still me - inside, nothing has changed.

Hope you have a great one... remember, it's all about what YOU make of it! :yowsa:

08-11-2003, 12:57 PM
I'm on the fast track to 40. I don't celebrate birthdays and never have. Even when I was a kid I didn't have parties because I didn't want them. It's just another day. I used to always take the day off when I worked a day job just because there was this very annoying woman that worked there that kept track of everyone's birthday and insisted on singing happy birthday to you in her very annoying voice. Making a big deal out of one day in your life is pretty silly if you ask me.

08-11-2003, 01:06 PM
Originally posted by ulfie@Aug 11 2003, 01:05 PM
I'm on the fast track to 40. I don't celebrate birthdays and never have. Even when I was a kid I didn't have parties because I didn't want them. It's just another day. I used to always take the day off when I worked a day job just because there was this very annoying woman that worked there that kept track of everyone's birthday and insisted on singing happy birthday to you in her very annoying voice. Making a big deal out of one day in your life is pretty silly if you ask me.
Hoo boy - it's a good thing I've got a backup husband - you wouldn't last 5 minutes with my family - we celebrate birthdays in a BIG way! :bjump: Heck, we celebrate anything we can come up with, LOL! :awinky:

Last edited by Peaches at Aug 11 2003, 01:14 PM

08-11-2003, 02:47 PM
first off thanks for all the bday wishes. Second, i woke up this morning and it felt just like every other day, so i guess i will get worried next year, see if 31 changes anything.

I guess i could start a new thread.....I am getting married in 5 days, will THAT change anything? :D

08-11-2003, 02:54 PM
Originally posted by leeb@Aug 11 2003, 01:55 PM
I guess i could start a new thread.....I am getting married in 5 days, will THAT change anything? :D
Well, in the animal world they call that "getting fixed".............


08-11-2003, 02:57 PM
Happy Birthday Lee!

As far as getting married...are you scared yet?

08-11-2003, 04:42 PM
....I don't remember that far back!

08-11-2003, 05:20 PM
Originally posted by leeb@Aug 11 2003, 10:55 AM

I guess i could start a new thread.....I am getting married in 5 days, will THAT change anything? :D
Well if your not getting laid, getting bitched at about your sox on the floor, or argueing over who gets to unload the dishwasher and the only way you can get comfort is to hear the sound of a shotgun racking the slide in your head............then no nothing should be different.

Last edited by Shok at Aug 11 2003, 02:25 PM

08-11-2003, 08:54 PM
Wow, a lot of us 36'ers around here. I hit 36 in July. That was actually far more disturbing than 30. 30 was a milestone...36 is just the second half of your thirties and on the downhill slide to 40.

But as long as my tits can still pass the pencil test I think I'm doing ok. :awinky:

Happy Birthday Lee, and congrats on your upcoming nuptials. :)

08-11-2003, 09:08 PM
Originally posted by Lisa@Aug 11 2003, 08:02 PM
Wow, a lot of us 36'ers around here. I hit 36 in July. That was actually far more disturbing than 30. 30 was a milestone...36 is just the second half of your thirties and on the downhill slide to 40.

But as long as my tits can still pass the pencil test I think I'm doing ok. :awinky:

Happy Birthday Lee, and congrats on your upcoming nuptials. :)
Lisa, I didn't get a chance to feel them at dinner but your tits still look like they passed the test. :)

08-12-2003, 08:29 AM
Originally posted by leeb@Aug 11 2003, 12:55 PM
I guess i could start a new thread.....I am getting married in 5 days, will THAT change anything? :D
First, happy B'day!

About getting married...I'm an expert on that. Beware! Most single women are subs. Immediately after the reception, they become doms... :biglaugh:

08-12-2003, 05:23 PM
Well gee Ulfie, I was sitting right beside you, you could have had a go...tho with your wife sitting on the other side of you that may not have been considered prudent. :)

N.B Of course had you actually tried to cop a feel I probably would have decked you... :P

08-12-2003, 05:50 PM
Originally posted by DannyCox@Aug 11 2003, 12:50 PM
....I don't remember that far back!
Danny I dont either...Somebody sent me this when I was 40 though;)

Perks of being over 40...

Kidnappers are not very interested in you.

In a hostage situation you are likely to be released first.

No one expects you to run into a burning building.

People call at 9 PM and ask, "Did I wake you?"

People no longer view you as a hypochondriac.

There is nothing left to learn the hard way.

Things you buy now won't wear out.

You can eat dinner at 4 P.M.

You can live without sex but not without glasses.

You enjoy hearing about other peoples operations.

You get into heated arguments about pension plans.

You have a party and the neighbors don't even realize it.

You no longer think of speed limits as a challenge.

You quit trying to hold your stomach in, no matter who walks into the room.

You sing along with elevator music.

Your eyes won't get much worse.

Your investment in health insurance is finally beginning to pay off.

Your joints are more accurate meteorologists than the national weather service.

Your secrets are safe with your friends because they can't remember them either.

Your supply of brain cells is finally down to manageable size.

You can't remember who sent you this list.

08-12-2003, 05:54 PM
i've noticed that my balls hang lower :P

08-12-2003, 06:13 PM
I feel younger at 34 than I did when I turned 30. It's all in the noggin.

08-12-2003, 06:16 PM
Originally posted by Lisa@Aug 12 2003, 04:31 PM
Well gee Ulfie, I was sitting right beside you, you could have had a go...tho with your wife sitting on the other side of you that may not have been considered prudent. :)

N.B Of course had you actually tried to cop a feel I probably would have decked you... :P
Yeah, and women hit in places I don't like to be hit in. :o

08-12-2003, 07:32 PM
Originally posted by ulfie@Aug 12 2003, 06:24 PM
Yeah, and women hit in places I don't like to be hit in. :o
I don't hit - I throw keys. B) You didn't have any, so you would have been safe! See - you could have had a free feel of Lisa's boobs and you blew it! :P

08-12-2003, 07:38 PM
Originally posted by Peaches@Aug 12 2003, 06:40 PM
See - you could have had a free feel of Lisa's boobs and you blew it! :P
Story of my life.

08-12-2003, 07:48 PM
I will add that both Peaches and Lisa are sweethearts and it was fun spending time with them. I'm not a guy that's aggressive with women which is probably why I'm still single. I respect women more than you can know. I was raised by a single mom. Probably my downfall in the dating world. Guys I know that treat women terrible get married. Never figured that one out. It's just not me to do that and it never will be. Sorry for the self analysis. ;)

08-12-2003, 08:46 PM
Lee, Honey, I would be more worried about the fact that I was getting married in a few days :biglaugh:

Will you be serving Dom at the wedding, Bradley and I cant wait!!!

:cdance: :cdance: :cdance:

08-13-2003, 12:20 PM
Happy Birthday Lee-

Hope you have your black socks on boy!

Best of luck in yor new marriage as well-

08-13-2003, 12:37 PM
where's brad?

08-13-2003, 12:41 PM
Originally posted by shawcutie@Aug 12 2003, 07:54 PM

Will you be serving Dom at the wedding, Bradley and I cant wait!!!

:cdance: :cdance: :cdance:

atleast serve Veuve Clicot Le Grande Dam 1990

less than dom and twice the bottle


brad i just saved you some money

Thats your wedding present

08-13-2003, 12:50 PM
Originally posted by shawcutie@Aug 12 2003, 08:54 PM
Will you be serving Dom at the wedding, Bradley and I cant wait!!!

08-13-2003, 06:41 PM
Originally posted by Forest+Aug 13 2003, 08:49 AM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Forest @ Aug 13 2003, 08:49 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteBegin--shawcutie@Aug 12 2003, 07:54 PM

Will you be serving Dom at the wedding, Bradley and I cant wait!!!

:cdance: :cdance: :cdance:

atleast serve Veuve Clicot Le Grande Dam 1990

less than dom and twice the bottle


brad i just saved you some money

Thats your wedding present[/b][/quote]
I would actually have to agree with you on this one Forrest... Veuve Cliquot is a nice champagne... never tried "le grande dam 1990"