View Full Version : Copyright Infringement ?

08-08-2003, 06:33 AM
Hey everyone...

What's the plan when someone steals your video ?

This guy emailed me lastyear to trade banners on our links pages - so I did.

Then he contacted me again to post another banner inside my members area on the videos page - so I did.

Then I check this year, and he had taken both of my banners down, but never told me so was in effect stealing traffic from outside and inside my members area.

Tonight I got an email from a fan/member of my site, letting me know that the guy at busty.videos.com had posted one of my videos, after he removed the copyright information and site name.

Needless to say, I already think this guy is a sleaze, because he contacted me for a traffic trade and then after his banners were in place, he neglected to stick to the deal that HE suggested.

Now I find out about this guy stole my video and posted it on his site - if you go to -
Busty-Video.com and check the news section - there's my video, in the black lace. (http://www.busty-video.com)

So what do I do? What do you people do when this happens to you? After the traffic stealing / renig on the trade, and now this - I want to teach this sleazebag a lesson - is it worth my time? What can I do to protect myself from this kind of foul webmaster involving himself in my world?

help? advise please...oh great webmaster knowitalls :wnw:

thank you

08-08-2003, 06:51 AM
Live and learn,
this is the oldest dirty trick in the book...

I don't think it would worth your while breaking his knee caps for it...

tell him to remove your videos or you sue and tell EVERYBODY who he is

Mike AI
08-08-2003, 10:54 AM
Yep, Serge is right. However please document your e-mail telling him to take it down, if he refuses you can sue him and get a decent amount since he had been warned, and hence is acting malicious!

08-08-2003, 01:32 PM
Hehe, just don't get too nasty in the email telling him to remove the video, it may have to be shown in court later :)

08-08-2003, 04:35 PM
ASK SOBE GIRL for legal advise to this matter. Hes an expert on stealing stuff