View Full Version : can anyone clarify the new Visa policy..

08-05-2003, 02:57 AM
i have heard two distinctly different stories now and i am not sure which is true.

version 1: Chargebacks will be lowered to 1% for everyone processing Visa transactions in the US. if chargebacks go over 1% you get warning etc. if chargebacks go over 100 per month, you get both warnings and you pay a fine of $100.00 per chargeback.

version 2: Chargebacks threshholds will be lowered to 1% for people with more than 100 chargebacks per month. the fine per chargeback for each one over 100 will be $100.00

conversations on both here and GFY and elsewhere left me with the impression that the rules really only are targeting people/companies with 100 or more chargebacks per month.

i see from Epochs announcement(s) by e-mail that they talk about 1% but not about 100 chargebacks per month.

Mitch from Netbilling says that version 1 is true, the rules will be for everyone, even smaller companies doing low transaction volumes.

does anyone know which version is more correct or where to find some more definitive information?

08-05-2003, 11:26 AM
Epoch, CCBill & Jettis are right. Fewer than 100 chargebacks in a month and you are subject to a higher allowable %. More than 100 and you are subject to the 1% rule. Never heard anything about a $100 fine.

08-05-2003, 11:34 AM
thanks Hooper.

this was not making much sense to me.
http://www.netpond.com/threaded/showthread...=&threadid=4784 (http://www.netpond.com/threaded/showthread.php?s=&threadid=4784)

it seems that there are 3 almost independent forces at work and its hard to get a straight answer.

1) Visa and their rules, policies and descretion
2) the merchant bank, their rules, policies and descretion
3) the IPSP, thier new policies and rules to try to stay alive.

08-05-2003, 12:00 PM
From what I understand being an Epoch client is it $100 per CB over 100 a month, if you are over 1%. Under 100 CB's total for a month there are no fines, but Epoch could choose to drop you as part of their risk management.