View Full Version : One World Order

Almighty Colin
07-15-2003, 08:47 AM
In a ten thousand year period the world has gone from thousands of political units (mostly tribal) to just a few hundred. Will there be further consolidation? Is it inevitable that there will be one world government? One king to rule them all? Or have we reached a stable point where there will always be a few hundred nations with independent cultures and leadership?

Your thoughts?

07-15-2003, 08:54 AM
Colin, are you testing the water for you run for World President?

07-15-2003, 09:41 AM
Colin, ever heard of Alex Brown???
He's been talking about this for years....


Almighty Colin
07-15-2003, 09:52 AM
I think it's the nature of political systems to conglomerate. If two tribes in an area are getting outresourced, outmanned, and bullied by a third, there's a good chance if they don't form some sort of alliance they will disappear.

The UN, NATO, Arab League and EU are all examples of such alliances.

Whether it stops at 200, 100, 10, 2, or 1 might very well be random. After all, one can become two through Civil War or secession.

mini jr
07-15-2003, 11:26 AM
they also break apart. empires grow, expand and collapse. alliances form and disolve. are there more countries or less countries today... than 500 years ago? 1000 years ago? more governments or less goverments?

- the EU will not survive as it was envisioned.
- The Arab League is just a plaque on a door.
- The UN is an alliance of people who dont agree on shit.
- NATO is obsolete.

the information age and technology are making the necessity of such alliances out of the need for self defense and survival obsolete.

(just playing devils advocate) :)

Mike AI
07-15-2003, 12:13 PM
Yeah none of this Star Trek Federation stuff will be happening....

However, there is a world wide movement which will be continueing. That is of Globilization, free markets, and liberal democracy ( or some versions of it)

07-15-2003, 01:25 PM
I would lean towards an expansion/contraction/big bang kinda thing colin.. eventually one world order and then perhaps something devestating happens or rather the one world order is too good to the rich.. and suddenly *bam* everything splits off into thousands of fragments/tribes again?

07-15-2003, 02:31 PM
I never trust people against globalization. You shouldn't stop growth towards one government any more than you should stop the transfer of information from one country to another, or the growth of technology. I don't think there should be a president of the world though, and I don't think it should happen quickly.

Almighty Colin
07-15-2003, 02:34 PM
Originally posted by Hunter@Jul 15 2003, 01:39 PM
You shouldn't stop growth towards one government any more than you should stop the transfer of information from one country to another, or the growth of technology. I don't think there should be a president of the world though, and I don't think it should happen quickly.
How do you envision the world if you want one world government but no president? Council? Such things have their own troubles.

Almighty Colin
07-15-2003, 02:35 PM
Originally posted by Hunter@Jul 15 2003, 01:39 PM
I never trust people against globalization.
Do you have trust issues? ;-)

07-15-2003, 02:59 PM
Do you have trust issues? ;-)

Yes I do :) I think the people with "get us out of the un bumber stickers" are all theives, cheats, and lyars and follow me home all the time just so they can keep my address in their huge databse of people to kill.

07-15-2003, 03:02 PM
How do you envision the world if you want one world government but no president? Council? Such things have their own troubles.

I'm sure there would be problems with a council, but look at how much damage one president of one country has done here in the us. Too much power for one man obviously.

07-15-2003, 03:18 PM
Must be talking about the "secret society", the New World Order folks, of which a majority of our US Presidents have been members.

Interesting book came out in the 70's called "Call it a Conspiracy" by Gary Allen...talks about who and why the past 200 years of wars were started....it's all about $$$ and the World Bank.

http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/0686057376/ref=pd_sim_books_5/104-6149222-1594305?v=glance&s=books#product-details (Interesting Reading)

07-15-2003, 03:39 PM
Hunter - don't trust me!!!!

I am against globalization (at least where the rest of the world thinks the US should lower our standard of living instead of raising their standard of living, I'm speaking mostly economy wise)

and would like the US out of the UN and the UN kicked out of the US.
The UN is prime NYC Real Estate and from what I see a huge waste of resources

But just so you know I am not as you said "theives, cheats, and lyars" and you need a Spel Chek

Almighty Colin
07-15-2003, 06:00 PM
Originally posted by Vick@Jul 15 2003, 02:47 PM

But just so you know I am not as you said "theives, cheats, and lyars" and you need a Spel Chek
Hunter is Forest's brother.

Almighty Colin
07-17-2003, 05:45 AM
Originally posted by mini jr@Jul 15 2003, 10:34 AM
are there more countries or less countries today... than 500 years ago? 1000 years ago? more governments or less goverments?
Comes down to definition I think. You get a different answer depending on how you define government. A century ago there were less independent governments in the world today because of the age of empire. Africa was almost completely colonized by European powers.

Some countries are so fractured politically that they don't operate as a country. Consider all the tribal conflicts in Africa, for example.

It's definitely been up and down over recorded history. Some very large empires decreased the number of political systems in the world however there were many area of the world that were ruled tribally (Americas Africa) rather than by large-scale government until relatively recently.

07-17-2003, 08:47 AM
photogregg, many of the past US Presidents have been members of the masonic order and even the $1 note has the pyramid and the all seing eye which is displayed in lodges thoughout the world.

Many believe that they are behind the new world order. The Knights Templars is a side degree within the masonic order and the KT were the first ones to run "banks" as far back as the 1200's. They used to loan money (gold) to the Kings of countries and because they owned land in just about every European nation in those days they were represented at a national level as well.

A trivial point, the KT were the ones who created what we know of today as the Tarot cards but they were used for an entirely different puspose by them. All very interesting stuff.

07-17-2003, 01:45 PM
But Kevin, what I've never understood is do the Masons control the Trilateral Commission and the Concil on Foreign Relations, or is the whole plot run out of the National Council of Churches? :rolleyes: :huh:

07-17-2003, 05:01 PM
I am with Hooper on this. It makes sense that we will see an ever evolving landscape of contraction and expansion. USSR breaks up, EU comes together (maybe some nations will actually join there - just an example). US takes over the world, then gets broken up, etc. :D

07-17-2003, 07:16 PM
PornoDoggy I don't believe the Masonic order as it is at grass roots level in cities and towns around the World has anything to do with this. But at a higher level who knows.

Their strength is that they never speak out (or very seldom) publicly to challenge anything said about them. Every tom, dick and harry has something to say about it and all claim to know the inner workings, but do they?

I haven't got the answer for you mate. We can only speculate at this stage.

07-17-2003, 07:17 PM
When American leaders start speaking more than one or two languages fluently en-masse then the rest of the world should start to worry.

07-18-2003, 12:08 AM
Originally posted by Pornwolf@Jul 17 2003, 03:25 PM
When American leaders start speaking more than one or two languages fluently en-masse then the rest of the world should start to worry.
since we have a President that can barely speak English, i dont think this is an immediate concern.

07-18-2003, 12:15 AM
Originally posted by JR@Jul 17 2003, 11:16 PM

since we have a President that can barely speak English, i dont think this is an immediate concern.

07-18-2003, 03:47 AM
Empires have existed for a long time, and so have nationalist sentiments which always fuel armed conflict. Inevitably there will be a global government but there will always be resistance and rebellions. That leaves it pretty open to constant change.

But I think it will go well beyond our planet once we develop terraforming technology.

Last edited by Ironhorse at Jul 18 2003, 01:56 AM