View Full Version : Interesting tidbit about Private Lynch

07-10-2003, 01:26 PM

Army's Analysis
A report soon to be released by the U.S. Army officially negates media reports that former prisoner of war Jessica Lynch (search) emptied two revolvers at her Iraqi attackers. The Army's report also says media reports that the assailants shot and stabbed her were incorrect. What's more, the 15-page report says Lynch suffered her extensive injuries not from her captors, but from a vehicle accident prior to her seizure. In fact, one source tells the Washington Times that "Lynch survived principally because of the medical attention she received from the Iraqis."

Mike AI
07-10-2003, 01:31 PM
Again what is the big deal about it? Most initial reports that come from a battlefield are going to be wrong. The press is the only people who are trying to create a hissy fit about it, the military is trying to peice together the full true story....

I for one am not losing any sleep over it....

Same with Bush's quoting of faulty intelligence about nuclear material from Africa. I am amazed how the press is trying to make it a big deal. If this was the ONLY arguement for going to war, then it would be a big deal, but as a small point amoung thousands... again I ask - WHO CARES?

07-10-2003, 01:37 PM
No big deal....

lol...I just thought it was interesting.... Especially about the Iraqi medical treatment...

And yes, battlefield reports are quite often distorted and it always better to wait until after the dust settles before trying to figure out the "truth" in any situation.....

And, I don't think the press is making anything out of this one, at least that I have seen.....

The WMDs, nuclear material, reasons for war thing is a different ball of wax... And the questions should be asked and answered... If the people selling the warto the American people knowingly lied, their should be and will be consequences to those lies... How big of consequences, who knows? But if the answers don't eventually come out, it will definitely make selling the next one a lot harder........

07-10-2003, 01:39 PM
Originally posted by Mike AI@Jul 10 2003, 12:39 PM
Same with Bush's quoting of faulty intelligence about nuclear material from Africa. I am amazed how the press is trying to make it a big deal. If this was the ONLY arguement for going to war, then it would be a big deal, but as a small point amoung thousands... again I ask - WHO CARES?
So if Bush knowingly used false information or Cheney knowingly gave Bush false information to be used in the STOUA you don't care?

Mike AI
07-10-2003, 02:05 PM
So if Bush knowingly used false information or Cheney knowingly gave Bush false information to be used in the STOUA you don't care?

I do not think it was knowingly, I think there was confusion. But it does not bother me even if he did. It is a small, insignificant point to the arguement for going to war.

07-10-2003, 02:33 PM
how about not telling us things until you know for sure..media or gov't . I had speculation passed on as facts.

07-10-2003, 02:41 PM
Originally posted by Mike AI@Jul 10 2003, 01:13 PM
So if Bush knowingly used false information or Cheney knowingly gave Bush false information to be used in the STOUA you don't care?

I do not think it was knowingly, I think there was confusion. But it does not bother me even if he did. It is a small, insignificant point to the arguement for going to war.
How confusing is a report commissioned by the Vice-President under the auspices of the CIA? If what the man said is true, that Cheney himself was behind his fact finding mission, Cheney would have to be an idiot of IMMENSE proportions to be confused about something HE initiated. Come on Mike... you can do better than that.

07-10-2003, 02:54 PM
Originally posted by Mike AI@Jul 10 2003, 01:13 PM
So if Bush knowingly used false information or Cheney knowingly gave Bush false information to be used in the STOUA you don't care?

I do not think it was knowingly, I think there was confusion. But it does not bother me even if he did. It is a small, insignificant point to the arguement for going to war.
Small and insignificant part of the arguement? On what planet? :blink:

07-10-2003, 03:29 PM
What do you guys really expect Mike to say?

"Hmm, after reconsidering the facts, I really believe the war on Iraq might have been unjustified"

:D :D :D

Mike AI
07-10-2003, 03:37 PM
The war against Iraq was done for geo-strategic purposes. By eliminating Saddam as a threat to Saudi Arabia, we were able to move our troops out of Saudi. By taking over Iraq, we will be able to build a regime in a central part of the region that is friendly to the US. Iraq also has tons of oil, which will help keep oil flowing at market prices...

Oh and look at he map. Iran is now sourrounded by US troops both in Afganistan, and Iraq. We are bordering Syria as well.

The US now has a new base of operations in a toubled part of the world.... hopefully we can stabilize it like we did Europe after WWII. It is going to take a lot of hard work, a lot of money, and a lot of patience.... and 40-50 years!

The part of overthrowing a evil dictator who killed tens of thousdands of inncoent people, who raped, gassed his own people, started numerous wars, and had in the past had chemical/biological weapons - that is just a PLUS. ( It did give the US reason to move in....)

You guys get all worked up because you do not understand how the game works.... Real Politik... its the way Nations have been dealing with one another since the begining of time.

07-10-2003, 03:47 PM
I think Saddam was a good guy -- after all, he killed more muslims than anyone else. Maybe we should have deposed the Saudis instead. ;)

07-10-2003, 03:54 PM
Mikey, if it makes you feel better to think that people who disagree with your vision of real politik somehow don't understand it, or are just to niave to "get it," then feel free to do so. Yes, I know - questioning the decision is political. So was the snow job in selling the war.

What you seem to be saying is that the thread of WMD, and the whole eeeeeeevil-diktater routine (which was about as convincing out of this Administration as Jesse Jackson as a KKK recruiter) was in fact a lie or deliberate misrepresentation - but a NECESSARY lie/misrepresentation to convince the un (or public school) educated, niave, gullible sheep (anyone who doesn't see the world the way you do) to go along with it.

Back here in the real world - where us common folks live - The Three Stooges (Bush, Blair, and Howard) sold this war in large part because of the threat of the WMD that we "knew" they had. You can make all the rationalizations and justifications that you want - but if the general public ever gets the idea that the Administration actually acted the way you are suggesting they did, then the faux cowboy and his entourage will be on their way back to Kennebunkport, TX. That kind of arrogance will not sell.

You gonna remind me I admitted to reading Marx too?

Last edited by PornoDoggy at Jul 10 2003, 03:03 PM

Mike AI
07-10-2003, 03:56 PM
Mikey, if it makes you feel better to think that people who disagree with your vision of real politik somehow don't understand it, or are just to niave to "get it," then feel free to do so.

PD it does not matter if you agree with the vision or not. It is the REALITY of the situation.

You might not agree with my vision of resperation, but I promise you are breathing in Oxygen and exhaling carbon dioxide....

Mike AI
07-10-2003, 04:04 PM
Oh and PD, I have read Karl Marx as well.... difference is, I think he is full of shit.


07-10-2003, 04:20 PM
I agree that I am breathing in oxegyn and exhaling carbon dioxide. We have no disagreement on that.

Now, perhaps we can disagree over the reasons that the TEMPERATURE of the oxegyn I breathe in today is different than it was 40 years ago ... I'll consult my scientists, and you consult your scientific studies filtered through the appropriate political commisars to ensure they reflect party doctrine. :lol:

I have never been a follower of Karl Marx, and will agree with your eloquent description of him as full of shit. That does not mean that anyone who spouts the correct anti-Marxist rhetoric is not equally full of shit. Nor does it mean that I agree with anyone under the delusion that subscribers to political philosophies to the left of John Birch are Marxist.

07-10-2003, 05:08 PM
"Hmm, after reconsidering the facts, I really believe the war on Iraq might have been unjustified"

I bet a great number of American citizens are saying that.
And I doubt Blair has much hope in the UK.

Karl Marx pretty much recycled the teachings of Jesus Christ ;-)

07-10-2003, 05:13 PM
the labour party will still be in charge in the UK as they just have too much of a majority to have it change at the next election. but I wouldn't be suprised if we see a new leader of the party and thus a new Prime Minister before the next election.