View Full Version : Is it just me, or does this biz get more boring?

07-02-2003, 01:32 PM
Is it just me, or does this biz get more boring every day. I mean the $ is still great, I would reckon June 2003 was one of my best months ever due to our diversification. But at the same time, with a good business model and good people, a chimp could almost make a fortune.

Overall, I do not get as excited as I used to. Maybe it is because the business used to be my main focus, now I have life outside and other interests.

I used to look forward to coming to work, now I just stop in for a few hours, sign a few checks and proceed with my day. Seems that every day I have to remind myself that the $ is great, thats why I do this, for the $. Maybe it is the grind of 6+ years sitting in front of a pc.

Can't wait for it to cool down and buy a new bass boat with my ARS points to start my official training to become a professional bass fisherman.

Always looking for investments offline, but nothing has these sorts of returns. This business will spoil you very fast and leave you very economically jaded.

Anyone else get burned out, bored? Heading to Six Flags in a few hours, lol.

07-02-2003, 02:05 PM
hey brad you can use my boat

07-02-2003, 02:16 PM
Originally posted by dantheman@Jul 2 2003, 01:13 PM
hey brad you can use my boat
hey dan

can u bring that to internext?

i want to throw a webmaster party on it


Last edited by Forest at Jul 2 2003, 01:24 PM

07-02-2003, 02:18 PM
you might have ADD ? :D

07-02-2003, 02:33 PM
Originally posted by slavdogg@Jul 2 2003, 10:26 AM
you might have ADD ? :D
Among other disorders! Wish I was still young, I could come to SF and we could hit some raves;-)

07-02-2003, 02:44 PM
Originally posted by BradShaw@Jul 2 2003, 01:40 PM
Anyone else get burned out, bored? Heading to Six Flags in a few hours, lol.
I wouldn't say burned out .. but yes .. 'the thrill is gone' compared to 5 years ago. I still love the biz and can't see myself doing anything else for the near future BUT ....

Getting up and walking away from the computer gets easier and easier. I no longer have to force myself, in fact I look for excuses to do things now, whereas I used to come up with things to do just to keep working.

having a 'life' now is much more appealing than just sitting there on a machine for 16+ hrs/day


Mike AI
07-02-2003, 02:52 PM
Of course 5-6 years agp we were all building a business that did not exist. Exciting new technology, cutting edge stuff, and of course porn....

But eentually as business grew it has become a BUSINESS, and hence the day in and day out work that must get done.

I have gone through the burn out stage... lat year I backed off and let Stan run the show, and did a lot of traveling and had a lot of fun.

Right now, I am excited again - I think this is due to the pressures our industry find itself in. I tend to get motivated by difficult situation, and new challenges....

The launching of PureCash has been consuming a majority of my time, we are already 2 weeks behind the Beta launch date, but we are pluggin away. I have been working with my staff very closely on the developing of the program, but I have also been hands on in producing the content for the reality sites. ( I have even made a majority of the trailers myself).

So personally I am having a kind of porn renesance... of course, VISA, and other issues could rain on my parade.... but I will keep plugging along.

07-02-2003, 03:14 PM
I would have to say one of the main reasons I got bored was because I have taken such a hands off approach. But I did it for a reason, and it has $paid$ off. Heck, I do not even know basic html anymore.

Since I am a jackass and cant stand 99% of the people in this biz, it is better that I sit back and let Greg run the show, everyone likes him! He has alot more patience to deal with idiots on a daily basis than I dio.
People that hate me, will do biz with Greg, so it works well! A nice balance.

Mike AI
07-02-2003, 03:17 PM
Brad your rebel without a caust attitude does not fool me.... :D

I just hope you are paying Greg well enough, if he is running the show, I hope he is pulling down mid 6 figures.... if not he may end up somewhere else.

07-02-2003, 03:18 PM
Ahh yes, Bass Fishing that reminds me I need to go out to Bass Pro Shops today and pick up my new crankbait rod & reel. Getting the Shimano Curado Reel and a St. Croix Premier 6' 6" Rod.

Pic of our boat from the Tracker website is attached, just has a few more goodies on it, including a 150 hp Mercury.



07-02-2003, 03:40 PM
Mike, I do not even make that kind of $! That dinner I paid for at Alan Alberts, I will be making payments on my Capital One credit card for months.

And don't kid yourself, I am still the golden boy behind the scenes, I just deal the golden secrets to Greg and things go from there.

Mike AI
07-02-2003, 03:42 PM
I am still the golden boy behind the scenes, I just deal the golden secrets to Greg and things go from there

That is why I got YOU the shirt, and not Greg....

I think I got away from Vegas for only paying for one meal, at Sbarros... good thing too, since I only brought $85.69 to Vegas with me!

07-02-2003, 03:43 PM
I dressed in black today
It represents this phase I'm in
And what it was I can't believe
This thing that you're hiding behind

It's from a different life
And what it was, is still in your dreams
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Oh and you still bitch about your payments
It's funny how your looks predict your statements

So..check your head
Set your eyes on your dreams
Be happy with nothing
'Cause you're a site to see

You fell out of time
With some distance to go
and it's what's you believe
and what you show

and at the end of life
Everyone's taken

So..check your head

07-02-2003, 03:47 PM
No poems in my threads please, unless they are haiku.

Off to SiX Flags, it is only 97 with 70% humidity.

Last edited by BradShaw at Jul 2 2003, 12:01 PM

07-02-2003, 04:24 PM
Well since you said please :P

Got get wet and have a good time

07-02-2003, 06:06 PM
It's much more boring. People are more careful in what they say. Fewer fights and controversies.

07-02-2003, 06:49 PM
Originally posted by Mike AI@Jul 2 2003, 02:00 PM
Of course 5-6 years agp we were all building a business that did not exist. Exciting new technology, cutting edge stuff, and of course porn....

But eentually as business grew it has become a BUSINESS, and hence the day in and day out work that must get done.

I have gone through the burn out stage... lat year I backed off and let Stan run the show, and did a lot of traveling and had a lot of fun.

Right now, I am excited again - I think this is due to the pressures our industry find itself in. I tend to get motivated by difficult situation, and new challenges....

The launching of PureCash has been consuming a majority of my time, we are already 2 weeks behind the Beta launch date, but we are pluggin away. I have been working with my staff very closely on the developing of the program, but I have also been hands on in producing the content for the reality sites. ( I have even made a majority of the trailers myself).

So personally I am having a kind of porn renesance... of course, VISA, and other issues could rain on my parade.... but I will keep plugging along.
man this is gonna hurt ...

Mike, I totally agree with you :P

Last year & even early this year i was bored shitless with this biz, every day the same thing, and even though its gotten harder its still *easy* compared to doing something else. But its becoming a challenge again now and all of a sudden its fun again.

I started spending less time in front of the computer this year - not by choic - & i think that has a lot to do with enjoying the work more - no more 16 hour days or sleeping next to the computer LOL

07-02-2003, 08:44 PM
CJ...porn is what you make it! If you are bored, you can't blame the porn business, Bush, or the world. It comes from within.

Brad, don't think for one second that another person in your life is going to eliminate boredom. Give it some time, and you will be bored to death with whatshername. It's just who you are!

And Luke, I get bored with the stupid fights on the boards. They are phony. Who wants anger and violence to eliminate a personal case of being bored. :barfon:

07-02-2003, 08:48 PM
Porn just needs a good kick in the ass. You can only go so many years without any interesting innovation. It's a new biz so for the past few years it's been coming out of it's honeymoon stage. Now people aren't sure if the person they married still turns them on. It's to be expected.

Oh, and Brad... Greg is the man!

07-02-2003, 09:03 PM
pornwolf, there have been a lot of new innovations ...

hooper or slavik said it in one of these similar threads - there are so many new 'next best things' coming out that webmasters are saturated to it...

plus, most of the idiots in the industry these days wouldn't know a good innovation if it smacked them upside the head ... unless its giving away a piece of technology or sex with prostitutes ....

07-02-2003, 10:59 PM
Originally posted by deepundercover@Jul 2 2003, 05:14 PM
It's much more boring. People are more careful in what they say. Fewer fights and controversies.
Yeah I guess you can go home now and leave us all alone ;-)

07-02-2003, 11:23 PM
SinSin, I have finally found a woman who never bores me. She is a kepper on each and every level. When biz bores me, I do other things, like fish. Today we went to Six Flags and had a fucking blast. If you get bored with biz, head to an amusement park. My first time in 10+ years. Even won a big ass stuffed animal!

Mike AI
07-02-2003, 11:33 PM
Brad you are getting old...

When I am in Tampa I hit Busch Gardens all the time....


07-02-2003, 11:41 PM
I am still a pussy with the big roller coasters though! I would love to go to Busch Gardens and check out the famous hippo that Billy and you fucked. I believe it was there?

Marc De
07-02-2003, 11:53 PM
I can't say that I'm bored with this business per se. (not an egomaniac comment, sorry if its perceived that way) I get the sense that I've become VERY successful and that sometimes takes the winds out of the sail.

However, I have many other ventures I spend my time on and I have a renewed excitement in this industry with our new dialer project (we are now a Tier 1 dialer provider).

I love going to E3 (we've exhibited at the last 2) being a nobody. It makes me hungry to succeed. Not for the money, but just to prove to myself that I can do it, and I will!

I'm heavily invested in Real Estate and Casual Dining Restaurants as well. So I keep myself busying staying on top of my ops people (we employ almost 1000 people in the food service business alone).

I always said that reaching success is like climbing the rungs of a ladder. You make an achievable goal that is inline with your final goal (top of the ladder) and keep moving up. I'm at a point now where I'm just finding new ladders :)

BTW Brad - I'm betting you are close on that boat with the ARS points :) I love fishing too, in fact I built a 5 acre lake in my backyard for watersports and bass fishing!

07-03-2003, 12:00 AM
Originally posted by BradShaw@Jul 2 2003, 10:49 PM
I am still a pussy with the big roller coasters though! I would love to go to Busch Gardens and check out the famous hippo that Billy and you fucked. I believe it was there?
Brad that was when Porn was fun !

No more hippos till it becomes fun again !

Well maybe one in Florida at the show for old times sake : )

07-03-2003, 12:18 AM
I aspire to be Marc, when it comes to things away from adult. I am well diversified within the biz, but outside, zilch. Every time I look into franchise restaurants, I find a reason not to do it. I chicken out.

Was talking today with someone about finances and discussed the following.

Would you rather invest aggressively in other business, with the risk of losing alot of $. Only takes a few bad business decisions to reduce ones lifestylr. Upside making alot, and taking things to the next level, big balla status (multiple homes, business, newest cars, Harvard for the kids, and beyond).

Or live on what you have made well for the rest of your life and fish?

I guess that is where I am.

07-03-2003, 12:21 AM
Well I do own some real estate, and I hate property taxes. In Texas we have no state income tax, but they kill ya with property taxes. I dread getting those tax bills in Jan.

Mike AI
07-03-2003, 12:58 AM
I always said that reaching success is like climbing the rungs of a ladder

I was raised to beleive that success in a journey, not a destination...

The differences between Marc are Brad are not uncommon, they are both successes... and they both continue the journey.

Marc towards main stream buisiness goals, agressive business ideas, and Brad is ready for retirement.

I have a feeling Brad will eventually get to where Marc is.... I have been burned out and bored as I said before. But the fire always comes back. The motivation. There are always new mountains to climb.

Brad does raise a good point about risk and reward. This is something we must all balance to fit our situation and comfort level.

I used to be more agressive a few years ago, investing money in new ideas, and new ventures. While I am always looking for new opportunities, I also have been putting away for a rainy day.

I think it is important to hope for the best, but plan for the worst. It is much easier to take risks when one is younger, and does not have a family.

The biggest pressure I feel with my business ventures is not for myself, but rather those people who work for me, my family, friends, and their familys. I have a lot of people who depend on me making the right decisions, and handling business.

I also take pride in the fact that I have helped create a vast amount fo wealth for my top employees.... I think what I admire about people like Bill Gates more then anything is not that he is worth 54 Billion ( or whatever it is now), but the fact that he personally created more millionaires then anyone else ( the people who worked and sacrificed with him). This is what inspires me..... That and eventually owning a professional sports franchise.


Brad I bet you will retire 20 times in your lifetime.... and come back every time. You will be worse then MJ! hahaha

07-03-2003, 01:24 AM
I have no plans to retire from the adult business. As long as the $ is there, and risk is acceptable.

But I am looking for other things to go into. Later this summer, I am going to start my training to become a professional bass fisherman. Someone just needs to tell the fish that 6am is too early.

I figure I may not catch fish, but I will have the best looking boat!

Also considered cooking school, and becoming a male stripper. :gbounce:

07-03-2003, 02:04 AM
Originally posted by Marc De@Jul 3 2003, 02:01 PM
BTW Brad - I'm betting you are close on that boat with the ARS points I love fishing too, in fact I built a 5 acre lake in my backyard for watersports and bass fishing!

isn't perspective a wonderful thing. ;-)

Marc De
07-03-2003, 09:12 AM
Brad - I'll tell you what it takes to diversify and its all about finding the right horse to ride. Get an executive from Dardin or Outback or some other huge franchise. These guys can be found, they're tired of what they've been doing and aspire for a new challenge (hint, ya know like we're discussing in this thread). Offer them sweat equity ownership in a franchise casual dining restaurant group and pay them well. From there, you just manage that person and as long as you made the right choice, its home free :)

The President of my food group sat on the board for Little Ceasars and was an executive at Paragon. He loves his job more than anything now, takes ownership in what he does, and has brought some the most talented people from his other organisations to build what we have today (and continue to build multiple restaurant locations every year).

I also agree with Mike - you'll get agressive again. It happens. I have a good idea when that might happen too. Assuming you are dumping a lot of cash into your 'nest egg' month to month, once you hit that 'magical' mark and you are truly ready to risk capital again, you'll go bananas :)

Success is PURELY a state of mind and once you've achieved it once that means you were cut from that fabric and it can happen again!

07-03-2003, 09:25 AM
Originally posted by Marc De@Jul 3 2003, 09:20 AM
Success is PURELY a state of mind and once you've achieved it once that means you were cut from that fabric and it can happen again!
Absolute PEARL! ;-)))

:wnw: :okthumb:

07-03-2003, 09:53 AM
Boring? :bjump: :cdance:

Not on our side of the fence...every day a new and fun adventure :)

Dianna Vesta
07-03-2003, 10:48 AM
I started working in the adult industry 5 years before the web. I was starting to get burnt out and then the web came and saved me. For me the biggest thing was always dodging new obstacles, changes in laws, markets, etc. The web was exciting and filled with possibility.

Then it started getting old. Like CJ said, it’s the same old shit everyday. It’s also a time of uncertainty. No one really knows which way this ball will bounce now. I’ve always diversified, even back in the late 80’s never putting all my eggs in the adult biz basket. Today I diversify more. I enjoy working in adult but I also know from past experiences that anything could happen. I enjoy having my hands in different things and know I would get bored doing the same thing all the time.

07-03-2003, 12:56 PM
Marc De wrote ...
in fact I built a 5 acre lake in my backyard for watersports

Kinky!!! I like it : :agrin:

DV wrote...
It’s also a time of uncertainty. No one really knows which way this ball will bounce now.

There will always be a market for sex.And someone will always pay for internet traffic :)

BTW timing your burn outs I think is the trick. :)

07-04-2003, 09:17 AM
Originally posted by Mike AI@Jul 2 2003, 07:00 PM
Of course 5-6 years agp we were all building a business that did not exist. Exciting new technology, cutting edge stuff, ....
So it was YOU guys who invented the internet? :wnw: :P