View Full Version : Should the U.S. go into Liberia......

07-01-2003, 07:00 PM
http://www.azcentral.com/news/articles/070...frica01-ON.html (http://www.azcentral.com/news/articles/0701bush-africa01-ON.html)

WASHINGTON - Ten years after a disastrous U.S. military intervention in Somalia, President Bush is thinking about sending troops to another African trouble spot: Liberia.

Faced with growing calls for an American peacekeeping force, Bush met with his top foreign policy advisers last weekend and again Tuesday to discuss his options for dealing with a bloody civil war in the West African nation. Britain, France, U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan and both sides in the conflict have asked for U.S. help in enforcing a cease-fire agreement

07-01-2003, 09:49 PM
Sarettah, thatis an excellent question...

IMHO, yes, we should go in and try to help keep peace in Liberia. I mean, at least on this one we are being asked to help. It's not like we are going after some "supposed" weapons of mass destruction in ordert to grab the country's oil or anything.....

We have historical ties to Liberia. Freed slaves from North America founded the country, modeled it after the U.S. and for the most part have been successful in establishing a democratic government in an area that is largely made up of nothing but feuding tribes.....

They are asking for our help, I say we go in and give it the old college try....

07-01-2003, 09:53 PM
Sarettah, unlike your liberal commie friend who replied above, I think the Liberians can go fuck themselves royally.

Don't you guys remember the Somalia fiasco that your fat fuck of a commie president perpetuated on us in the name of "peace keeping".

I think that when the African countries want democracy we should deliver it to them on the end of a bomb, just like we would for anyone else.

Other than that, we should stay out of areas that do not have any Oil, uranium or other products that we can exploit in the name of freedom.

You fucking commies should all move to France, assfucks.


07-02-2003, 10:11 AM

Bush Ponders Whether to Commit U.S. Troops to War-ravaged Liberia
By Ed Wiley III, BET.com Staff Writer

Posted July 2, 2003 -- Hundreds of Liberians danced and cheered in the streets of the capital city of Monrovia today following news that the United States was considering sending troops to quell the violence that has rocked the West African nation for the past decade and a half.

Almighty Colin
07-02-2003, 01:31 PM
Sarettah, unlike your liberal commie friend who replied above, I think the Liberians can go fuck themselves royally.

Don't you guys remember the Somalia fiasco that your fat fuck of a commie president perpetuated on us in the name of "peace keeping".

I think that when the African countries want democracy we should deliver it to them on the end of a bomb, just like we would for anyone else.

Other than that, we should stay out of areas that do not have any Oil, uranium or other products that we can exploit in the name of freedom.

You fucking commies should all move to France, assfucks.

07-02-2003, 02:55 PM
