View Full Version : Has Paypal called anyone here about a personal rep

06-25-2003, 10:50 PM
I get a call from Paypal today, telling me that due to my account volume they want to give me a personal rep for my account.

They've asked for some information so they can better 'service' my account.

And quite frankly I don't like the information they are requesting. It's between me, my bank and the IRS.

Now I wonder if I don't send in the information (they say it is so they can reduce our rate with them) what do you think they will do?

06-25-2003, 10:57 PM
Originally posted by *KK*@Jun 25 2003, 10:58 PM
I get a call from Paypal today, telling me that due to my account volume they want to give me a personal rep for my account.
I know Paypal's been the scene of a massive email scam, so I'd be VERY careful. IIRC, you don't have to give PP a phone number (I know I never did...and if there was a request on the form, they got a fake one).

Initiate the call yourself to PP and make sure they're really the ones making the offer. If it really IS PP, and they want that kind of info, I'd tell them to stuff it. Then again, remember I didn't even give them my phone number. B)

Internet shoe sites must be taking PP now, if you're doing enough volume to warrant a personal rep, KK! :)

06-25-2003, 11:16 PM
Ive got one for my non adult business here is his number 1888 215 5506 give him a call and see if this rep that contacted you is legit

06-25-2003, 11:30 PM
I've gotten about 20 different emails in the last few days, with paypal letterhead, spoofed to look like its from support@paypal.com

Good scam, i actually read it, and thought 'fuck, why did i get randomly chosen for a fraud check' before i looked further ...

I bet that scam gets a lot of people ...

Someone making a phonecall for a scam like that is pretty huge risk for the scammer though ... i'd ask them direct for sure

>>Internet shoe sites must be taking PP now, if you're doing enough volume to warrant a personal rep, KK!


06-26-2003, 02:26 AM
Paypal has my number, we've had dealings in the past, so I don't question that part, I even was at their conference in San Francisco. Coupled with the fact that they want the documents faxed to a number I know to be in their building in Omaha, that's not a concern.

What bothers me is that they are asking for information as if I wanted a merchant account of my own instead of using their service. If I wanted a merchant account, it's not like I couldn't go get those from most anyplace, I think I have connections there ;)

What I am trying to discern is why they now want this information, what they will do to us if I don't give them this information, and how long it will take them to do it to us.

I understand their need to legitimize their dealings on some levels, I don't really see that we are all that high volume of an account, tho maybe I'm using apples instead of oranges, but it's still bothering me.

I'm also more than a little ticked off that they market this as some sort of personalized service they are going to give us in exchange, no more calling into cs, direct line to this guy (never mind that I already have two direct lines in and one is way up on the food chain) when in reality they are just trying to collect information.

I realize too that alot of our money comes from overseas so if this is their way of satisfying the Patriot Act they should just come out and say so. I just want to understand what it is they are looking for or at out of this.

06-26-2003, 03:57 AM
I think it's a scam.. why would they call you and ask for that info?

They would tell you to enter it into their website..

Ask them for an extension and call them back at the paypal # on their website.

06-26-2003, 04:40 AM
Originally posted by KC@Jun 26 2003, 12:05 AM
I think it's a scam.. why would they call you and ask for that info?

They would tell you to enter it into their website..

Ask them for an extension and call them back at the paypal # on their website.
It's not a scam, that's not the question here. It is indeed Paypal that wants this information.

They've periodically been popping screens on login, asking for this same information a bit here and there. I never give it to them, I always choose Do Later as my response.

Paypal wants this information. The question is why. There's also a credit report authorization I didn't notice to start with...

I think I know what they are about but we shall see when my guy answers my questions.

06-26-2003, 09:02 AM
I've gotten emails from "support@paypal.com" to 3 addresses (only two of which I actually USE with paypal) with subject "Security Measures," and something looked funny... Not to mention, the link the email asked me to use goes 404.

http://www.paypal.com@ (http://www.paypal.com@

What the hell?