View Full Version : telemarketers call me no more ;-(

06-19-2003, 01:25 PM
the last time they called,
I was offering to buy their newspaper in exchange them refinancing their mortgage with me...

I also agreed to refinance my mortgage if they subscribe for my "for dummies" monthly book club and offered them to start with:
"Gay sex for dummies" to be followed by
"Necrophilia for dummies"

now my days are empty and I feel lonely

06-19-2003, 02:59 PM
Don't worry Serge, I still know a couple of the telemarketing players here in Vegas....I'll give them all your number...should be good for a couple hours entertainment for you ;-))))

06-19-2003, 03:19 PM
Originally posted by SykkBoy@Jun 19 2003, 02:07 PM
Don't worry Serge, I still know a couple of the telemarketing players here in Vegas....I'll give them all your number...should be good for a couple hours entertainment for you ;-))))
thank you!!!!

you saved my day/week/month/life!

06-19-2003, 04:26 PM
I found an even better way to deal with them!
I don't answer the phone....... ;-)

06-19-2003, 04:32 PM
At least you got a human telemarketer you could piss off. Lately all I've gotten are these automated recordings- "The following is an urgent message. Please stay on the line for.......".

Nobody to play with. :angry:

06-19-2003, 06:59 PM
I just stop them and tell them, "If you're not giving away free pussy, I'm not interested.", then hang up. I am hardly ever bothered by telemarketers.

06-19-2003, 08:27 PM
I actually like to waste their time by getting them to go through their pitch, standard rebuttals, etc. and then do a "not interested" after all of the tussling...I remember from my telemarketing days the frustration of being strung along...of course if someone did that to me, I was sure to duplicate their contact info and pass it on to all the other rooms and duplicate the duplicates so they were getting 5-6 calls per day per company :)

can't really do that now wih no-call lists, etc. and I'd imagine the margins in the phone sales game aren't what they used to be...especially cold calls...

Dianna Vesta
06-19-2003, 08:40 PM
Serge since your advice I'm not longer frustrated or get pissed off. It changes the tempo in my whole day. I'm getting better and better at it.

I know I told you that I'd forward my phones to you but I'm just having too much fun with this.

I especially love the surveys. :rolleyes:

06-19-2003, 09:44 PM
Originally posted by Dianna Vesta@Jun 19 2003, 07:48 PM
Serge since your advice I'm not longer frustrated or get pissed off. It changes the tempo in my whole day. I'm getting better and better at it.

I know I told you that I'd forward my phones to you but I'm just having too much fun with this.

I especially love the surveys. :rolleyes:
surveys are my favorite, because I immediatelly start surveying them!

so far the best responded question is:
do you find taste of cum sweet ot bitter?

06-19-2003, 09:51 PM
don't forget the cut/uncut survey :okthumb:

06-19-2003, 09:57 PM
Originally posted by cj@Jun 19 2003, 05:59 PM
don't forget the cut/uncut survey :okthumb:
Theres only 3 questions needed in a survey for a potential slam date down south....

1. Is it shaved?

2. Do you swallow?

3. Do you take it up the ass?

If they score the trifecta...then you find the best BBQ joint..
dress em in s short skirt with no drawers and sit em on your lap and feed em ribs and beer so cold it will make their nipples hard.

I offer to take KK out for BBQ but I dont think she likes cold beer...

06-19-2003, 10:04 PM
I tell telemarketers I took viagra 2 hours ago and now have midgets swinging off me so I can't talk right now

06-19-2003, 10:36 PM
Whenever i get a telemarketer on the phone i tell them. Does this sound like me hanging up on you then i hang up. :hic:

06-20-2003, 08:26 AM
Go through a Jehova's Witness training course and try to convert any telemarketeer who dares call you, that will make them think twice about calling again ;-))