View Full Version : Dubb Rubb stold my car! Woooo Wooooo

Mike AI
06-13-2003, 11:08 PM

06-15-2003, 10:57 PM
its fo tha decorations

06-15-2003, 11:16 PM
OMG! This is funny!


Ok, so perhaps I am easily amused ;)

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Mike AI
06-15-2003, 11:39 PM
Cutie.... My guys and I have been going over all the Dubb Rubb stuff... We love the guy!!

I burned the songs to CD and have been making everyone listen.

It is hard to explain to people, have to show them the original news story for them to get the full effect....

Wooooo Wooooooo

Oh.... and Congradulations! :D

06-16-2003, 02:12 AM
Originally posted by Mike AI@Jun 15 2003, 10:47 PM
It is hard to explain to people, have to show them the original news story for them to get the full effect....

That must be what's missing cuz I don't get it ;-(

Last edited by Timon at Jun 16 2003, 01:21 AM

06-16-2003, 03:16 AM
Timon you need to learn ebonics :D


06-16-2003, 04:57 AM

06-16-2003, 05:01 AM

he even has hate mail.

This is the corniest shit that i've seen on the screen since the jenny jones makeover. You really should go seek therapy brother. I'll pray for you. -ADALBERTO TROCHE

Black Jesus reply:
This ain't your TV and I ain't trying to give yous a make-over. I is trying to make-over your souls. Jenny Jones only message to you is "watch my bullsheee-it TV show." My message is "I'll show you the way to eternal salvations for the price of a 40oz of Budwiser." Choose your path to enlightenment fool. Either way, get your drank on!

There was a link to your site from a Christian web site that I was at. I think that it would be wise for you to research Christianity before you claim to be the "Black Jesus." Nearly everything stated on your web site contradicts the Bible. But if that's how you want to live your life, so be it. God Bless. - Jacinda Doll

Black Jesus reply:
Jacinda, fear not, I is the REAL and ONLY Jesus. A Jesus who is black. I know this do contradicks all that you has been told by white people. But it be time that you embrace your black brother, son of the Lords. Yessir. And yes, my doctrines does come from the devine and inspired manaifestations of Malt Liquor. For those who know the malt gots the healing power to saves the world. Twist a cap and save your soul!

I hope you take this message seriously and respond. I am deeply troubled by your use of the black jesus action figure. I have thre major criticisms. The first of which is the most obvious - racism. The connect of African-Americans to malt liquor is a very tired stereotype. It is also a dangerous one. Your webstie also worked the violent black man stereotype. Also very tired and dangerous. My second point is the disrespect. I have never claimed religious disrespect or something being sacreligious before. The reason I do here is because it is in very poor taste. Approriate religious humor, like the movie Dogma, can be funny and enlightening, but what you did with the action figure was not funny. It was simply disresectful. Yes, your site is very racist. There is really no way around it. If you want to claim freedom of speech or just being funny go for it, but it's still freedom of speech and funny at the expense of others. To me that's not funny. Thank you very much for your time. -Mr. Stout

Black Jesus reply:
Racist?! You racist for calling me racist, muthafukka! I be giving ALL PEOPLEs a JESUS they can believe in! A JESUS that admittly do have a beer problem, but he don't be perfect! And he say it ain't perfect, but he do the best he can do! That white jesus infallibles, he don't never make no mistakes. Peoples can't relate to that kind of Jesus. They need a JESUS they can share a drink out a brown paper bag with. A JESUS who street is they church, not no million dollar church. A JESUS who don't care if you smells like piss and beers, who axcept you all the same. A JESUS more like THEY IS. And the action figgure is for the converted, gives them a 'lil bit of the Black Jesus. It be like a 'lil black angel on they shoulder, like I be with 'em. Praise be!

REPENT. That means to turn from ones sinful nature. Repent turn from the things that leads to ones certain destruction. The trouble with most of the Afro- American or Black American males including me we think everything, specially 40 o zzzes can solve all or personal problems. Man I know you have heard all this before and who knows you could be just a front. But I tell you the truth God the Father God the Son , God the Holy Ghost is real and He can and will deliver is people. The devil is a decieiver and lier, mocking God and making false accusations about the only begotten of the Father. I rebuke you satan in the name of Jesus Christ the Son of the living God. REPENT REPENT REPENT FOR THE KINGDOM GOD IS AT HAND. -godcareslv@XXX.com

Black Jesus reply:
I rebuke dumbass muthafukkas who don't know what they talking 'bout! The worst a forty ounce done did to me was give me the beer shits, so i'd done doo-dooed my sacred shroud! In return the 40oz gave me the holy enlightenments to start my evangelical ministries on the streets. One nights after my sixth 20oz can of King Cobra behind the BP station I had my most miraclous of visions. Take my most sacred word to the crom-puter! And with a 'lil bit of help I done started my virtual temple. Nows I be spending my WORD to millions! All thanks to the drink!

God bless you black jesus. Hey jesus ever thought about getting some duckets for advertising those 40 oz of Colt 45 over your web sight. I mean since you are promoting it you should be getting some reward (money) coming your way . See jesus, how drugs and alcohol make us so blank. We make money for other people while we exploit our black women, family, friends, ourselves even the LORD JESUS CHRIST. Bj get a chance, read John 3:37-38. Get to know the Lord man, seem like you have some people that might listen to you. May the God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and mine the only true and living God keep you, deliver you, save you and fill you with the HOLY GHOST say it bj, HOLY GHOST. "LATER." -godcareslv@XXX.com
Black Jesus reply:
Alcohol be making us blank? The 40oz be my most holy of scramentals. I seeing the father almighty, when I just take a few sips! Lorrd! Alcohol gives me the STRENTH to get up each morning and have a bowel movement! It the BLOOD of my BODY. Abraham, Isaac, Jacob was all fools following a false phrophet, white jesus, around. And I gots more HOLY SPIRIT than anyones. The HOLY SPIRIT of MD 20/20! Laws yes!

06-16-2003, 05:05 AM
HAHAHA Thanks Slavik, now I get it ;-))

I sure am glad he doesn't live down my street ;-))

Mike AI
06-16-2003, 11:25 AM
Timon this is the kind of thing that restores faith in me about the internet.

This is what the internet was about 5-7 years ago. Lots of talented people, working together on useless, but funny projects....

This man is a internet icon now!

Mike AI
06-17-2003, 01:31 AM
Ahhhh Timon you have the best Icon now!!!

Woooo wooooo!!

06-17-2003, 01:38 AM


06-17-2003, 02:20 AM
hahaha Timon, love your avatar :okthumb:

Mike AI
06-17-2003, 02:35 AM
Timon is getting carried away with photoshop!


Love it!! :D :lol: :yowsa:

06-17-2003, 08:01 AM
Thanks Mike ;)