View Full Version : When Will WMD Be Discovered - What Comes First?

06-11-2003, 12:35 PM
Enquiring minds want to know ...

06-11-2003, 12:43 PM
You forgot the reply .......

When someone figures out what the fuck JFK was doing with/in the Bay of Pigs? :P

or better you also forgot
Who the fuck cares

We went, we protected the whole fucking world, Set Iraq free (or something like that) gave the middle east a little stability for at least a short period not to mention gave start to a Patriotic Ice Cream Company and put the French in their stinky little socialist place

and yes the Iraq gov had and used (according to certian reports) various gases that can be call WMD

Next ...... B)

06-11-2003, 01:03 PM
I think there are a lot of people who care.

It may come as a suprise to some that you can care about this and be damned glad the Iraqi people are no longer suffering under his oppression.

The Bush Administration didn't make academic arguments about used to, could have, might have ... the Bush Administration said "He HAS WMD, and we KNOW he has WMD."

The idea that we've made the world or the region any safer is premature at best. Who the fuck knows what we've done? There were lots of people overjoyed at the fall of the Communist regime in Yogosolvia - and look what happened shortly after.

06-11-2003, 01:54 PM
PD - does it help if I tell you I love you anyway :)

Truthfully I agree with a lot of the I don't knows

But then again I can't think of an American president who hasn't mislead the American people at some point in time, whether it be purposely or not

What's done is done and can't be undone

and yes the Iraq gov had and used (according to certain reports) various gases that can be call WMD .... on their own people

and were warheads in Iraq found that were for carrying WMD?

Did the Iraq gov admit to destroying weapoons that could have been WMD?

06-11-2003, 02:21 PM
It was never about the WMDs that could be found in the present but about the WMDs that could be built in the future, you might wonder at the timing of the movie Minority Threat..in any case, I doubt they will find any Saddam WMDs they can show the world.