View Full Version : i have to ask this here as well

06-09-2003, 02:52 PM
in light of the recent drama that has carried on these 2 boards (and i am sure many others i dont frequent), how long do you think it takes for someone to bounce back from a very bad reputation? do you think in time you can forgive and forget or will you forever remember and never forgive?

this is why i always believe in being brutally honest and never pulling any punches..honest can NEVER bite you in the ass.

Mike AI
06-09-2003, 02:57 PM
I personally have a long memory, and would never work with anyone who screwed someone. Of course many times it is hard to find out the details, sometimes its bullshit.... but in this case, it stands out.

Another things is I do not do business with anyone unless I talk to all my friends and associates to get their opinion and scoop on them....

If one of them has something not good to say, I will hold back and investigate more....

Almighty Colin
06-09-2003, 02:58 PM
But Mike .. you never warned ME about JR? ;-) ;-)

06-09-2003, 03:00 PM
that is a good way to be!

i never forget and never forgive and will go out of my way to make sure the person who screwed me knows i never forgot. women can make life so miserable...lol

what i dont understand (never have) is why cant people just put aside the bullshit. i mean didnt people play enough games when they were in h.s.? shit catches up and must really suck to be stuck in it.

06-09-2003, 03:13 PM
Personally, I think everyone can make a mistake once in a while...

I screw up about a million times a day...

But if that person makes no effort to make it right, does not acknowledge that they screwed up, then they are on my shit list pretty much forever....

I also subscribe to pretty much brutal honesty, full disclosure in business dealings... I have nothing to hide and don't expect the people I do business with to...

06-09-2003, 03:20 PM
a-fucking-men to that! however you know what is worse then actually making a "mistake" or screwing people (better word i think) is when someone tries to point fingers to others and not take the blame themselves. i'm not talking petty mistakes or something that you are arguing over with a partner (i mean partner in any type realtionship); that, to me, is the worst integraty mistake a person can make.

06-09-2003, 03:45 PM
I operate in a different level of the pond than most of the players here, but procede with business much as Mike described.

Someone I've worked with in the past made the mistake of making a small content purchase from a vendor recently discussed on this and another board. The quantity and quality of the content was far less than advertised. The explanation given was a typo; the typo, as far as he knows, is still uncorrected. I am, or at least was, about 6 of the 20,000 - or is it 40,000? - on his mailing list, although gawdamity only knows how the hell I got there.

I wouldn't give him the sweat off my balls if he were dying of thirst.

06-09-2003, 03:54 PM
i know what you mean. that particular deal cut the throat of so many people. then again, it happens in this biz and mainstream alike so not much can be said. you just weather the storm and go on from there.

however, when black & white docs are in question and lies are blatently told and finger pointing is faster and more non stop then a programmer on coke, then it's time to really evaluate the situation. i feel for those who are caught in those types of traps for it really sucks for the honest person!

06-09-2003, 04:06 PM
Business is business. I've got content that is now practically useless for TGP or free-site use because shortly after I bought it the vendor made a deal with an affiliate program and everybody and their mother now has access to it. I didn't make an exclusive purchase - I have no right whatsoever to bitch about it, and I don't/haven't.

Hell, I wouldn't even bitch too much about a typo on a website. IMHO, most businessmen would make sure the typo was corrected right after they made sure the customer happy. A scammer would not.

06-09-2003, 04:10 PM
Yes we all know whats being discussed here. The incident had a chance to be resolved but it wasnt.

06-09-2003, 04:12 PM
we will send our dogs after em joe :D oh wait, i dont want my dogs rabie shots to be put to the test...heheh

however, this also applies to every other no good scammer out there. just because the spotlight is off of you for the moment doesnt mean you are forgotten!

Last edited by Cassie at Jun 9 2003, 04:27 PM