View Full Version : SoBeGirl vs Ama

SoBeGirl Video
06-08-2003, 10:30 PM
I know you guys love a blood bath but this is going to be simple. The links you see below are copies if invoiced I paid Joe to own his content and sell as I wish. I paid thousands of dollars for his content and for this right. I always requested I get the source tape so I would have the highest quality files and he always sent them to me as long as I paid. And I paid Thousands. I think if you add it up it is over 10 thousand dollars to have his content and the right to do as I wish with it. There is no mention anywhere of a floor-selling price. I have all model release forms and Photo Ids as well. You can see on some of the invoices that I was very diligent about Joe giving me the model release forms and photo IDs. Some are missing from the tapes he sent me and I noted those sets on the invoice and returned those sets to Joe. I do not know if Joe is selling that content or not on his own site but I would not sell them on SoBeGirl. Joe sold a lot of content to me because at that time he needed the money. We were not competing directly at that time so there was no issue of what I could sell it for. This point only came up after I had captured, processed, edited, made Jpg screen caps, made trailer videos, rendered the content and then updated SoBeGirl with the new sets. All these Processes cost me about another 10 thousand dollars. Only after all this work was done and I invested over 20 thousand dollars, did I hear comments from him on what I could do with content that I paid for and was delivered to me time and time again. And I want to make a point, which I keep saying over and over again. I am not singling Joe out here. I am selling SoBeGirl content for 5 dollars a set too. My content, content I shot and created my self. I am selling content from other producers on SoBeGirl for 5 dollars a set as well. This is a free market and if I want I can drop prices to 1 dollar a set if I feel like it. I have the right to do so and nobody can tell me otherwise. Now that this whole matter is taken to the boards I think that the best thing to do is let the board be the Judge. I will let you – the Webmasters settle this issue for Joe and I. I don’t want to hurt anyone. I just want to stay in business and compete. Joe needs to understand that. Joe needs to see where the market is going and fall in. So, esteemed board members, how should this be settled? Should Joe pay me back for my costs incurred buying and processing the content and then I will relinquish the rights I have to sell it back to him? Should Joe shut up and leave me alone so that I can continue giving webmasters great deals. Should Joe just dig in and start competing on price like J$tyles is doing and like I am doing? You be the judge and jury. I am willing to go with whatever the majority has to say. Because the majority are my customers and I must do as they wish or I have no business.


06-08-2003, 10:36 PM
Hey sobitemyassbot....

I already had you conered over in the original thread, so this thread isn't needed....

You can count on me to watch out for you man....


06-08-2003, 10:38 PM
Hmmm.. In all your invoices and all that, I don't see one freaking place that says you have resale rights on the content you purchased....

You bought it, yes... I buy content too...

I would think a resale agreement would be spelled out somewhere...

Do you have one ?

SoBeGirl Video
06-08-2003, 10:48 PM
I would love to reply to you but I am busy dealing with GFY right now. If you want to jump in, and I sure hope you dont here is the link...

http://www.gofuckyourself.com/showthread.p...636#post1853636 (http://www.gofuckyourself.com/showthread.php?s=&postid=1853636#post1853636)

I am still smiling after all this.....


06-08-2003, 10:56 PM
Originally posted by SoBeGirl Video@Jun 8 2003, 09:56 PM
I would love to reply to you but I am busy dealing with GFY right now. If you want to jump in, and I sure hope you dont here is the link...

http://www.gofuckyourself.com/showthread.p...636#post1853636 (http://www.gofuckyourself.com/showthread.php?s=&postid=1853636#post1853636)

I am still smiling after all this.....

Oh, I am in it on GFY too... believe me... Farleyhiggins is my name there...

and I posted the same question there and you haven't answered it... and now someone else over there has asked it also...

But, it's quieter here, so I will ask it here yet again...

All of those invoices say for use on websites, promotions, etc.... None of them, from my point of view, give you rights to resell..

If that is all you have, you are fucked... sorry about that...

Hope you can smile when his lawyer shoves the law up your ass...

06-09-2003, 12:11 PM
Oh for fucks sake I see he doesn't realize the enter key causes a line break on this board either.

06-09-2003, 12:48 PM
YEs Sobe is a scumbag and lies and cheats people for a living. I find out now that cocksucker is giving my shit away FREE to some people. He wont be smiling in a few months when his fucking MOTHER wont even speak to him


06-09-2003, 12:50 PM
Originally posted by amacontent@Jun 9 2003, 11:56 AM
YEs Sobe is a scumbag and lies and cheats people for a living. I find out now that cocksucker is giving my shit away FREE to some people. He wont be smiling in a few months when his fucking MOTHER wont even speak to him

ama, we knew it all along,
if you asked Oprano before you made so called "dea;" with him, you wouldn't be in this predicament

06-09-2003, 12:53 PM
IM still waiting for his documentation giving him permission to resell my content. You say you have it erik.


All i see is reciepts for scenes for use on websites. I dont care what buis you are in. SHow me PROOF of Agreement on paper you scumbag thief.


Mike AI
06-09-2003, 01:01 PM
Joe, hire an attorney, get a TRO and go after him hard.

Posting on a message board and doing nothing else makes you look like a chump!

You have to come out strong and agressive!

06-09-2003, 01:01 PM
Originally posted by amacontent@Jun 9 2003, 12:01 PM
IM still waiting for his documentation giving him permission to resell my content. You say you have it erik.


All i see is reciepts for scenes for use on websites. I dont care what buis you are in. SHow me PROOF of Agreement on paper you scumbag thief.

e-mail/fax sent via Certified Mail demand,
will help you in the court of law

06-09-2003, 01:12 PM
Thanx Serge and Mike. I will begin to go after him. He could have avoided this with a simple settlement. Which I thought we had, then he fucked me on that too.
I learned valuable lesson with this one tho.

06-09-2003, 01:13 PM
BTW Serge, glad to be part of your board.

06-09-2003, 01:14 PM
Originally posted by amacontent@Jun 9 2003, 12:21 PM
BTW Serge, glad to be part of your board.
you don't have to....but we just happened to know your adversary and his buisness practices.

Diamond Jim
06-09-2003, 01:38 PM
Sucks because I have a use for his content right now, but the guy is clearly a scammer....

And now he's asking people to look up cases where it's okay to have copyrighted music in your porn videos? :barfon:

06-09-2003, 04:17 PM
Originally posted by Diamond Jim@Jun 9 2003, 09:46 AM
Sucks because I have a use for his content right now, but the guy is clearly a scammer....

And now he's asking people to look up cases where it's okay to have copyrighted music in your porn videos? :barfon:
Thank God for Jim Notes, I can't believe he would be so silly as to mess with copywritten music on the internet.

Mike AI
06-09-2003, 06:51 PM
I have been doing a lot of video work lately, and I spent a fortune in royalties for music....

Cannot just toss up top 40 music.... a quick way to lose everything you have!!!

I hope Erik likes to walk...

SoBeGirl Video
06-09-2003, 09:37 PM
SoBeGirl has the rights to sell all content on SoBeGirl and I showed you the docs to prove it but all you keep saying is where is the contract. The invoices you see are proof enough in any court of law. He sold them to SoBeGirl and SoBeGirl sells content.

Joe has even admitted to allowing me to sell in several threads on GFY, If you like I can post the threads here. The only thing that is an issue is how much he claims I can sell it for. I bought it, paid for it, it was delivered to SoBeGirl and I can sell it for whatever I want.

I have no copywriter music in my vids and there are levels of ambient noise, which are allowable. You all talk like lawyers but you do not know shit. Read up on the case and you will see that the Judge's ruling was based on the amount of volume the music was at. Is the music there to intentionally enhance the video or is it just an artifact of shooting "amateur style" porn. That was the issue, not the issue of "there is music so you will be sued".

I know you guys will hate to hear this and it surprised the hell out of me too but my ICQ has been blowing up today with new orders from people who appreciate me fighting to keep content prices down and standing up for what is right. The orders I took today show that most of the people here are on my side and only a few big mouths that follow me all over the place from board to board (which by the way is quite flattering) have any problem with this.

Welcome to the opano crew Jow - Wow what an honor.

06-09-2003, 09:46 PM
I thought you were taking your $40 (Wal-Mart wiffle ball) bat and going home?

06-09-2003, 09:52 PM
BTW ... you can make fun of the "legal minds" on Oprano all you want, but your arguement sounds like an untested legal theory.

If a music company goes after your happy ass, EVEN IF YOUR THEORY IS RIGHT it will cost you your $20,000/15,000 car and one hell of a lot of other shit too. I realize your wealth is legendary in your own mind, but run up against BMI and see what happens.

06-09-2003, 09:57 PM
Originally posted by SoBeGirl Video@Jun 9 2003, 09:45 PM
You all talk like lawyers but you do not know shit. Read up on the case and you will see that the Judge's ruling was based on the amount of volume the music was at. Is the music there to intentionally enhance the video or is it just an artifact of shooting "amateur style" porn. That was the issue, not the issue of "there is music so you will be sued". .
There might be a reason why some posters here talk like lawyers....hint, hint.... :awinky:

I know you guys will hate to hear this and it surprised the hell out of me too but my ICQ has been blowing up today with new orders from people who appreciate me fighting to keep content prices down and standing up for what is right. The orders I took today show that most of the people here are on my side and only a few big mouths that follow me all over the place from board to board (which by the way is quite flattering) have any problem with this.

Welcome to the opano crew Jow - Wow what an honor

Let's just hope they don't find out they've paid money for worthless content. Buying a pile of dog poop for $.25 STILL isn't a good deal. :blink:

I thought you were leaving? :o

SoBeGirl Video
06-09-2003, 10:01 PM
wothless is your opinion and you dont have any of my content so you don't know. I know for a fact that webmasters make money off SoBeGirl sales every day. I know it for a fact and the fact that I am here selling content for more than 3 years proves it. Sorry but you are wrong again. Next.

06-09-2003, 10:21 PM
My opinion is worthless because I haven't bought content from you? Listen, you little snot - here on Oprano the very least you could do is call me a moron for being to the left of Hermann Goering. :D What possible bearing my not being stupid enough to buy something from you has anything to do with the value of my opinons is beyond me ... but then, I don't know what the fuck your car, your girlfriend, or your sex life has to do with you as a businessperson, either.

First of all, little boy, I was warned off you by a disgruntled customer. You don't seem to realize that people do talk. That was before some of your earlier appearances on Oprano - which would have sealed it, because I don't conduct business with immature people - and you prove your membership in that category every friggin time your fingers touch a keyboard.

Second of all, while I am not a lawyer - although there are a couple around here - I've worked for a couple. You are just the sort of pathetic little piece of flotsom that they eat for lunch. Actually, in your case they would probably turn you over to a 2nd year associate and let THEM eat you for lunch just for the experience. Just drawing the attention of the music industry could cost you a lot of bucks even if a motion is never filed. The defense you are hiding behind - " Is the music there to intentionally enhance the video or is it just an artifact of shooting "amateur style" porn?" - is something that any quasi-competent drunken attorney could convice a judge (not related to you by blood) was an issue for a jury to decide. That would be a couple years and thousands of billable hours after the process starts.

There is an old saying - "It's better to be silent and thought a fool than to open your mouth and prove it."

I'm sure your beautiful girlfriend can explain it to you.

SoBeGirl Video
06-09-2003, 11:45 PM
I was warned off you by a disgruntled customer

I have one of those, she is a female and hates men. There is nothing I can do about it...

06-09-2003, 11:50 PM
Not that I'm following this thread or anything, but the little assfuck is now over at gfy offering the content in question fro $2.50 ....
Hot Sale: All SoBeGirl sets now $2.50 cents...

210 to choose from.

FTP access is free.

No webmasters are going to court. You won't sue me because you will loose. I have rights to sell. I have invoices, I have posts you have made here that say I can sell. I own the content. I can sell it for whatever I want. And today that price is $2.50 cents.

I don't need a piece of paper that says I have re-sale rights. I have sale rights. I bought the content. I own it. I sell it. I don't resell it.

06-09-2003, 11:50 PM
Originally posted by SoBeGirl Video@Jun 9 2003, 09:09 PM
I am here selling content for more than 3 years proves it.

You WAS here selling content for 3 years...

It's all over now you thieving cheating content pirating copyright violater.