View Full Version : Rent-A-Negro

06-05-2003, 03:59 AM
someone sent me this link and my jaw dropped to the floor. probably came from GFY. sort of funny. definately tasteless.

is this wrong?


Mike AI
06-05-2003, 11:34 AM
That is funny!

I was watching previews to movies, and their was a quote from a black girl to a white girtl ( I think Meg Ryan) something like...

"Oh you brought me here as Black-up"

They were obviously in a bad neighborhood.

Almighty Colin
06-05-2003, 12:24 PM
The views/posts ratio on this thread is insane ;-)

Very clever site.

A Salon.com article (http://www.rent-a-negro.com/damali%20ayo%20dot%20com/pages/saloninterview.htm) states:

"Launched on April 20, ayo's satirical site rent-a-negro.com, invites companies, nonprofits and individuals to hire her, "a creative, articulate, friendly, attractive and pleasing African American person" to attend their picnics, focus groups, or nights out on the town."

The Washington post says: (http://www.rent-a-negro.com/damali%20ayo%20dot%20com/pages/washpost.htm)

"When a reporter finally tells him the Web site is a satirical piece of performance art by damali ayo, 31, a Portland, Ore.-based artist and personal growth consultant, he is relieved -- but, of course, still conflicted.
Ayo says she got the idea for the piece after years of being in all-white settings, fielding questions from people wanting to touch her hair, and playing the role of cultural ambassador."

Last edited by Colin at Jun 5 2003, 11:32 AM

Mike AI
06-05-2003, 12:29 PM
I have sent the link to my black friends, told them they should be making money for hanging out with crackers....

They all laughed their asses off!!

:yowsa: :lol:

06-05-2003, 12:51 PM
They all laughed their asses off!!

What??? Both of them?


06-05-2003, 01:11 PM
That is fucking hilarious. This is why the internet is so great.

Mike AI
06-05-2003, 01:16 PM
HAHA Nick I am in New Orleans.... we have a black population of almost 60%....

I have 3!!