View Full Version : Is Eric from SoberGirl a thief?

Mike AI
06-05-2003, 12:44 AM
Apparently Eric, the idiot who keeps annoying everyone as SobeGirl, is a thief. He supposedly jack content from another producer named Joe.

Apparently could resell the content for Joe, but had to charge at least $40 per - well Eric starts selling it to everyone for $5 per... So now Joe's content has no value.

I even hear there will be a lawsuit.... it will possibly be extended to everyone who has bought content from SobeGirl...


06-05-2003, 12:49 AM
Mike, you should have made this one a poll.....


Mike AI
06-05-2003, 12:50 AM
Well sarettah, I made the post so people do not get burned.

I hate seeing people ripped off.... not only content producers, but also webmasters.

06-05-2003, 12:52 AM

I went ahead and took care of the poll option though :)

SoBeGirl Video
06-05-2003, 12:57 AM
Actually it is not true. I do have permission in writing to sell the content and everything else. Nobody has to worry about anything. Joe is pissed about me selilng the content cheap but he has no legal basis to be anything other than that, just pissed. Joe sold me the content with resale rights but never specified a floor price. Only after I started selilng it did he start making rules for me to follow. Joe did post on several boards that he would sue me if I did not stop but we worked it out. I have a lot of respect for Joe and his work, after all I would not even sell his stuff if I did not.

Mike AI
06-05-2003, 01:00 AM
So Eric, you claim you did have the right to resell.... Do you think you screwed him over by lowering the price like you did? Maybe take advantage of him?

Was there anykind of implied price?

SoBeGirl Video
06-05-2003, 01:09 AM
Not really. I do not believe that any one content provider has the power to do that. And I don't know if you noticed but there is a price war on content these days. You can get gigs and gigs of content now for one tenth of the cost it was one year ago. I looked around and saw that the biz was changing and webmasters want bulk deals at rock bottom prices. Those who have been in biz and survived this hard last year are scoopin it up and they know that when things turn around, and priced come back up, they will be sitting pretty. And we have all sorts of competition from very good producers overseas who can get every thing done much cheaper and this is also beating prices down too. I don't like selling content cheap either. Please note too, that most of the sobegirl site are shots done by me. I did not buy all the content you see on sobegirl from someone else. I made it myself. I am selling my sets for low prices as well. Am I fucking myself? Good question. Only time will tell.

http://www.oprano.com/msgboard/index.php?a...1f7b2a5f658762a (http://www.oprano.com/msgboard/index.php?act=ST&f=1&t=3967&s=5c9a626030c84be841f7b2a5f658762a)

06-05-2003, 01:25 AM
Originally posted by SoBeGirl Video@Jun 5 2003, 12:17 AM
Not really. I do not believe that any one content provider has the power to do that.
Hmm..well that is not a no and it is not a yes...

As far as not believing that any one content provider has the power, etc... Huh ??? Of course a content provider has the power to set a minimum price with a broker.... What is not to believe ??

So, was there a minimum stated or implied, whether in writing or not ??

06-05-2003, 01:34 AM
Originally posted by SoBeGirl Video@Jun 5 2003, 12:17 AM
Those who have been in biz and survived this hard last year are scoopin it up and they know that when things turn around, and priced come back up, they will be sitting pretty.
The people who survived did so because their content is not up on every TGP on the web because the TGP webmasters can't afford their content.

Prices for your kind of bulk rubbish reseller content won't come up ever again. Like with everything else, if there is a lot of it out there it has no value.

Have you considered a new career in burger flipping?

SoBeGirl Video
06-05-2003, 01:40 AM
Finally we have some intellectual conversation in here instead of OHH MY GOSH< ERIK IS A CROOK>> mamma mia....

First of all when I took ownership of the content that I paid for by check and have a copy of that check, I also got the model release forms and photo IDs so I could legally sell it. There was no talk of price I could sell it for at that time. Only after the price war hit like a storm did it come up. So you be the judge. Can I do what I want or not? I say legally yes, personally - do I feel bad if for say, someone goes out of biz becuase of this? NOt really. Remember and this is a very important point. I am selling my content shoots for the same low prices. My shots, the ones that I did and there are more than 200 of those. I am not doing this to get any one. I am doing this becuase I operate in a free market. And the market is much bigger than I am. I cannot control it, I have to work with it.

06-05-2003, 01:50 AM
And you still have conveniently NOT answered my question....

You say you "took ownership" and paid by check.

Do you own the content with reseller rights, or are you brokering the content ?

Was there a minimum price level either explicity spelled out or implied in some manner ?

Did you do up a contract or license agreement detailing the resale or broker agreement ?

06-05-2003, 01:52 AM
And btw... I don't think anyone here could care less if you are fucking yourself over in some manner, that is your right.

Most of us will care if you are fucking someone else over...

You have a chance here to tell your side of the story... You are not using that chance very well at this point...imho...

SoBeGirl Video
06-05-2003, 01:54 AM
And you still have conveniently NOT answered my question....

You say you "took ownership" and paid by check.

Do you own the content with reseller rights, or are you brokering the content ?

I am not a broker. The original producer does not get royalties from my sales. I have reeseller rights - Yes.

Was there a minimum price level either explicity spelled out or implied in some manner ? Not at the purchase date. Only after content was processed by me and put up for sale.

Did you do up a contract or license agreement detailing the resale or broker agreement ?
Yes, any other questions? All very good ones too. And Like I said I have model rel forms and Photo IDs as well.

SoBeGirl is as legit as always. 3 years in this biz and no complaints and I plan on keeping it that way.

06-05-2003, 01:57 AM
Originally posted by SoBeGirl Video@Jun 5 2003, 01:02 AM
SoBeGirl is as legit as always. 3 years in this biz and no complaints and I plan on keeping it that way.
Well, thats not quite true....

Apparently the guy you bought the content from is complaining...

and there were complaints about your business acumen or practices on the flat board...

But, thank you for answering....

I am out of here for the night now...


06-05-2003, 04:56 AM
guys, I don't know about what you think,
but the guy did grow since his last debacle here...

he is much more argumentative and definatelly has logic.

06-05-2003, 05:38 AM
Originally posted by Serge_Oprano@Jun 5 2003, 07:04 PM
guys, I don't know about what you think,
but the guy did grow since his last debacle here...

he is much more argumentative and definatelly has logic.

I just was sitting here wondering if this is REALLY the same sobegirlEric.. I'm impressed he managed to keep up the brain dead persona so long!

I believed :( Got me hook line and sinker... :( :(

Next thing you know that space cadet chick from sobegirl that used to pop in for chats with Cj a while back will turn out to be a rhodes scholar!!

06-05-2003, 07:45 AM
I hate to say it, but from all I've read on this, it seems to me that this Joe guy was not a good businessman, that he did not specifiy a minimum resale value and other clauses in his contract, and he then bitched later when it was too late.

Sounds like someone who sold a piece of swamp land in Jersey for a buck an acre. Then purchaser then turns around and sells it to a casino for a billion and the first guy scream "theif". Oh well, life's just a bitch aint it?

So with the provisio that all of this is true, then this Joe person, not Erik, is the idiot. In which case I'm surprised to see all the capitalists here suddenly running to the bad businessman's side.

Last edited by Dravyk at Jun 5 2003, 06:54 AM

06-05-2003, 10:01 AM
Originally posted by Dravyk@Jun 5 2003, 06:53 AM
Sounds like someone who sold a piece of swamp land in Jersey for a buck an acre. Then purchaser then turns around and sells it to a casino for a billion and the first guy scream "theif". Oh well, life's just a bitch aint it?

So with the provisio that all of this is true, then this Joe person, not Erik, is the idiot. In which case I'm surprised to see all the capitalists here suddenly running to the bad businessman's side.
Yeah, sounds like the swamp land deal to me too.

But, I don't think so many would have been as hot to yell thief if:

1. Eric did not have a previous somewhat blackmarked history

2. He had explained it straight up rather than having to have it wrung out of him.

Just imho

06-05-2003, 10:17 AM
where can i buy this set?
how many sets did Stacy and Jennifer shoot with you?
does anyone know if anyone besides SoBeGirl has these two models?


06-05-2003, 10:24 AM
Mike AI where is some similar content to SOBEGIRL in pricing but the same quality?

I kind of like the stuff I saw on his site.
In 7 years in this business the only content I've ever personally umm
'watched' for enjoyment MYSELF is like Bignaturals and bangbus and what not.
Also BOOTY TALK. I like that. lol iDEEPTHROAT is nice, milf hunter

I started in the business when I was 16 though!!!!!!

This is the kind of stuff I'm looking for to buy for my paysites, also
like busty-amateurs.

I like all that shit. Sobegirls seems exactly the same to me except with some
ghetto bitches..:)

All those cumshots he has on sobegirls you could start a nice cumshot site for nothing.

Don't forget all the new Internet users who have never seen ANY content whether
it's oversold or not.

I essentially retired when I turned 19 because I thought I was some hotshot.
Well that and I got a girl pregnant. Now I'm back.

So I'm like an O.G. NEWBIE.
I'm into the REALITY shit where can I get it!!!

Yes I know there are websites that list all this stuff but somebody with experience
wanna send me right to the proper place since you think sobe is such crap?

06-05-2003, 10:27 AM
wtf ? who buys content anyway man whats usenet there for

Mike AI
06-05-2003, 10:57 AM
joshuawk I like SobeGirl content as well, some of it is pretty decent. I am just paranoid of buying it, and getting involved in a lawsuit.

At the prices he is selling it, the content is everywhere - and thus is not good for much but free sites, or filler....

CUSTOM CONTENT is where it is at.... That is why Mutt is doing well, and other content guys are suffering....

06-05-2003, 11:21 AM
joshuawk, If your looking/needing some reality stuff email me dannyh at simplecom.net I've got a good lead for ya. It's not cheap though:)

06-05-2003, 11:22 AM
custom content biz is good but prices ain't great, lots
of competition in that end of it too.

the licensed content biz seems really soft, and that is sad. i can go from TGP to TGP site, tens of thousands of galleries out there, where does the content come from? Majority is still stolen.

since i'm considering opening a licensed content shop i've been researching, asking questions. If the info i've been given is halfway reliable it's really not a great business to be getting into.

Eric/Sobe whether Joe ever explicitly told you that you couldn't discount his content under $40 per video, you KNOW what you did was wrong and very unethical at best.

Brokers can't be trusted, they worry about ONE person, the broker.
Guess I can't paint them all as sleazy cuz Marco one of the guys I work with says Ouinique has always been a class act.

SoBeGirl Video
06-05-2003, 12:16 PM
I did nothing wrong or unethical. You still don't mention that I am selling my own shoots, more than 150 of them for the same prices. I would not want to fuck myself. You are not correct. I am simply following the market here.

And exclusive content market is for shit, I can tell you that. I can barely get a buyer for 1500 exclusive shoots. This is why a lot of content production is just going overseas like what I will be doing now. Over there I have hotter more willing girls doing things for cheaper.

Here in America I need 2500 dollars for an exclusive shoot and I can tell you that for a fact there are very few buyers willing to spend that kind of money. I am not shooting exclusives to make little dough and have no residual income for it int thr future. Believe me the exclusive market bottom has dropped out also and anyone who tells you otherwise is trying to bolster prices.

I am now selling exclusive shoos for 300 dollars each. People don't like when I post that becuase it pisses them off but I don't care anymore.

I am not saying that the resale-able sobegirl content is the most valuable content in the world and for $1500 you can get 200 of the greatest shoots in the world. But look at the facts. Buy it in bulk at around 5 dollars a set and you have an incredible deal that no one with a pay site should pass up. You can even download all of it right off my FTP server. Just buy it.

06-05-2003, 12:35 PM
Originally posted by JR@Jun 5 2003, 06:25 AM
where can i buy this set?
how many sets did Stacy and Jennifer shoot with you?
does anyone know if anyone besides SoBeGirl has these two models?

JR -

That was just creepy - a la "The Hot Chick" creepy. Ick!

Let's pray they didn't do any other sets....m'kay? :blink:

06-05-2003, 01:24 PM
I bought the content and I'm going to build a site or two with it. I'm not going to complain about companies giving bulk discounts on nice content. I bought the Clutch Content deal too.

06-05-2003, 02:03 PM
Originally posted by JR@Jun 5 2003, 06:25 AM
where can i buy this set?
how many sets did Stacy and Jennifer shoot with you?
does anyone know if anyone besides SoBeGirl has these two models?

Look its the Minger Brothers!

Mike AI
06-05-2003, 02:46 PM
Rictor, I agree with you - getting any deals on anything is awesome!!

Just be careful.... IT is always easier when you know where you are buying content, knowing they have legal rights to sell, or shot it themselves.

I have had people I busted with my content who bought CDs from people online, and it was nothing but my girls. So they ended up paying the guy $500 for the CD,and then had to take it down or else I would have sued....

06-05-2003, 03:20 PM
Thanks Danny. And mutt you have content too?

I wanna buy some!~

I know this dude who has exclusive girls from the ukraine.
They're either REALLY ugly or really fine.

So is this SOBE guy like seventeen? He seems kind of defensive and immature lol.

I'll still buy his content though.

It's all about amateur bitches getting fucked and suckin dick!

Believe me I have like 30 friends in college and they all join
the reality porn sites all the time.

I don't know much about the 50 year old freaks who do BDSM and what not but I'll have to learn.

I purposely missed my flight to Montreal today because it seemed like nobody
going to CYBERNEt, hope im not missing out.


SoBeGirl Video
06-05-2003, 05:18 PM
Hi Probably Confusy,

I agree, the amateur porn is the best. People love it. You can get this special deal I am offering. You can get a lot of content for just $1500.00. It will probably take you a year to go through all of it but that is what adult webmasters do all day and night anyway.

I know what you mean about those russian girls. But even the ones that are pretty look like they need to eat. I prefer the full figured latin beauties.

Don't let the SoBeHaters get to you. They are just jelous or something, I am not really sure what there problem is. I think it is just that they have nothing better to do. All I have to do is comein here and say Hi and I will get negative replies. It does not even bother me anymore. I mean look at that Moron Tim. He does not even know me, never met me, never talked to one of my customers, nothing. The problem with him is that his replies are not even funny like Serge's are.

So what do you do Confushy? Do you have some pay sites? Hit me up on ICQ if you want to put together a deal on some SoBeGirl content... 97934302

And for the record I am not 17, I wish I were. Gosh if I knew what I know now when I was 17,, I would be lethal..

06-05-2003, 05:29 PM
Originally posted by SoBeGirl Video@Jun 5 2003, 05:26 PM
Hi Probably Confusy,

So what do you do Confushy?

It may take me a while to stop laughing over this one... :yowsa:

SoBeGirl Video
06-05-2003, 06:30 PM
Does confushi eat suchi?

06-05-2003, 07:10 PM
Originally posted by Mike AI@Jun 5 2003, 10:54 AM
Rictor, I agree with you - getting any deals on anything is awesome!!

Just be careful.... IT is always easier when you know where you are buying content, knowing they have legal rights to sell, or shot it themselves.

I have had people I busted with my content who bought CDs from people online, and it was nothing but my girls. So they ended up paying the guy $500 for the CD,and then had to take it down or else I would have sued....
I have had problems with content providers in the past. I now do a lot of research before I buy content and I do not buy content from a company I have never heard of or some one without a legitimate site.

SoBeGirl Video
06-05-2003, 07:16 PM
You need not worry. I have permissions to sell any content I have from other providers in writing. Nobody is getting sued and nobody is in trouble. Mike, it would have been nice if you brought this to my attention instead of smearing it all over Oprano but I can take it.

The deal for the 200 Video / Picture shoots still stands. I have made a lot of webmasters happy with this deal and I feel good about that. SoBeGirl is not a thief, Erik is not a liar. It does sound like MIke has a problem though.

Seems that on GFY he is being roasted for ripping people off. You should not throw stones MIkey...

06-06-2003, 06:10 AM
Originally posted by SoBeGirl Video@Jun 5 2003, 04:26 PM
Don't let the SoBeHaters get to you. They are just jelous or something, I am not really sure what there problem is. I think it is just that they have nothing better to do. All I have to do is comein here and say Hi and I will get negative replies. It does not even bother me anymore. I mean look at that Moron Tim. He does not even know me, never met me, never talked to one of my customers, nothing. The problem with him is that his replies are not even funny like Serge's are.

My replies aren't meant to be funny, they are meant to be insulting and offensive.

Look at this thread about you on GFY:

http://www.gofuckyourself.com/showthread.p...threadid=140216 (http://www.gofuckyourself.com/showthread.php?s=bfafa6575c5192c9e65a7a9b5678bd96&threadid=140216)

You are hated and despised on every webmaster board you post. Do you think the problem is with you or with everybody else?

SoBeGirl Video
06-06-2003, 12:12 PM

For every hater there is out there for SoBeGirl there are 1000 more lovers. For your info, all the guys on that thread are now considered my friends. If you like I will post the threads from GFY that say how much my customers love me and how respected I am... There are tons of them.

You however are peculiar. I wonder what you have done in your life or in this biz to be calling other people names? What are your credentials besides a little latchkey peon worker for Serge? Were you unemployed before serge gave you this job that makes you think you are sooo powerful...Ohhh, A board moderator, how loftly, how impressive. You are nothing but a peeon hater. You don't bother me one bit looser.

06-06-2003, 12:19 PM
Originally posted by SoBeGirl Video@Jun 6 2003, 12:20 PM
What are your credentials besides a little latchkey peon worker for Serge? Were you unemployed before serge gave you this job that makes you think you are sooo powerful...Ohhh, A board moderator, how loftly, how impressive.
Did I miss the memo where Timon started working for Serge and/or got a promotion to "board moderator"? :agrin:

06-06-2003, 12:23 PM
I used to give blowjobs behind central station in exchange for rocks of crack. Serge was my most regular customer, he was so impressed with my cock sucking skills that he hired me as his full time cock boy. Then I climbed through the ranks of cockboy to piss boy and Serge ended up becoming my cockboy. Serge now gives me blowjobs in exchange for moderation services.

See if you have a career going from cockboy to having your own cockboy that gives you all the credentials you need to piss with whomever you want.

If you are so popular on GFY then why don't you go post there? It would be interesting to read.

06-06-2003, 12:24 PM
Originally posted by SoBeGirl Video@Jun 6 2003, 11:20 AM
You don't bother me one bit looser.
Yep I can be quite loose at times, but thank god I'm not a LOSER like you! ;-))

SoBeGirl Video
06-06-2003, 02:28 PM
And I yield the floor to Mr. Timon....

Finally I am laughing. I really needed my therapy. Thank you Mr. Timon

Can we be friends now?

06-07-2003, 09:53 AM
Originally posted by SoBeGirl Video@Jun 6 2003, 01:36 PM
Can we be friends now?

Timon, kick him again, he's still breathing!!!

06-07-2003, 09:58 AM
Originally posted by cj@Jun 7 2003, 09:01 AM
Timon, kick him again, he's still breathing!!!
Remember that scene from Goodfellas where Joe Pesci and Ray Liotta have that guy in the trunk who just won't die? ;-)

06-07-2003, 10:16 AM


06-07-2003, 10:23 AM
Thump thump thump...

Hm that must be Erik in the trunk, give me that kitchen knife again! ;-)

SoBeGirl Video
06-07-2003, 10:32 AM
Jealous Jealous Jealous All of you.. But Timon you did make me laugh so that does get you off the hook although you never did answer my question. What have you done in this biz or in your life to earn the right to start throwing shit at SoBeGirl? Or is it true that you are just Serge's Pit Bull and nothing more? I have helped hundreds of people make money in this biz and I can help your poor little soul too. But you have to believe in the Force young Timon Skywalker. Feel the force, don't think (not thinking should not be a problem for you). Now buy some 210 SoBeGirl video / picture content sets for just $1200.00 and I will show you how. They you can quite your job mopping the floors at Oprano and get a real life.

06-07-2003, 10:44 AM
Jealous Jealous Jealous All of you..

hmmmm.....if I don't give a fuck about you,
does it make me jelous?

06-07-2003, 10:54 AM
Originally posted by SoBeGirl Video@Jun 7 2003, 09:40 AM
What have you done in this biz or in your life to earn the right to start throwing shit at SoBeGirl? Or is it true that you are just Serge's Pit Bull and nothing more?
Didn't I just tell you my life story? I used to suck cock but now I piss for a living.

Serge's pitbull? No way, Serge would never let his 3 inch-er close to all those sharp teeth ;-)

06-07-2003, 11:03 AM
Originally posted by SoBeGirl Video@Jun 7 2003, 10:40 AM
Jealous Jealous Jealous All of you..
Could you please explain to us why we're jealous of you? I'm betting most of us are pretty stumped as to why we would be. Your brilliant explanation would surely help up to understand better! :)

06-07-2003, 11:11 AM
Originally posted by Peaches@Jun 7 2003, 10:11 AM

Could you please explain to us why we're jealous of you? I'm betting most of us are pretty stumped as to why we would be. Your brilliant explanation would surely help up to understand better! :)
Because he get's to drink beer for breakfast and whiskey for lunch and we don't ;-(

SoBeGirl Video
06-07-2003, 11:55 AM
No not beer. How about this? You are jealous of me because I made 150 thousand dollars selling content last month, I just bought a new condo which will be done in about 4 months in the heart of one of the hottest cities in the united States. I have a girlfriend who loves me and is absolutely gorgeous. I am in my mid thirties and I look like I am 25. I have a pay site coming out that will kick ass on all my competition. I have an adult Webmaster list with over 40 thousand opt-in emails. Oh, did I mention my new car that I just got and how fun it is to drive. I don't know about you other jerk offs but I yield when Serge speaks. That guy has done it and I respect him even if he throws shit at me all day. But I don't know squat about Timon and it is probably because there is nothing to know. I have had idiots like him trying to put me down since I started SoBeGirl 3 years ago and I brush them all off like lint. So keep at it Timon if it makes your LOSER ass feel any better. Lot's of people are jealous of me. They attack me with insults, lawyers, they try to hack my servers, it is relentless. But the thing is, I don't think about that much. I am too busy trying to help people and help myself. The reason I have a Webmaster list so big is that webmasters know that SoBeGirl means profits and help and assistance and customer service. The reason so many people buy SoBeGirl content is that it works for them and they get a good deal. The reason you like to Jump all over me is that you don't have shit. I am getting pretty bored playing with Timon and his 2 inch little penis. I have made enough sales already from this board since I posted and that point is what will REALLY piss you off the most. Every time you curse me and talk shit about me I MAKE MORE MONEY ! !! I am sure that fact really kills you haters and that fact makes me all that much happier. So piss of Timon and sit behind your computer with your fat ass and belly you old shit. I am going to the spa with my girl, she is going to get her nails done and I am going to get a massage. Maybe later if the weather permits I will get some windsurfing in there too. I have to do something with all the money Timon is making me..... AHAHAHA Have a nice day shit head.

06-07-2003, 12:08 PM
Originally posted by SoBeGirl Video@Jun 7 2003, 12:03 PM
You are jealous of me because I made 150 thousand dollars selling content last month, I just bought a new condo which will be done in about 4 months in the heart of one of the hottest cities in the united States. I have a girlfriend who loves me and is absolutely gorgeous. I am in my mid thirties and I look like I am 25. I have a pay site coming out that will kick ass on all my competition. I have an adult Webmaster list with over 40 thousand opt-in emails. Oh, did I mention my new car that I just got and how fun it is to drive.
Hmmmm - so far, nothing you listed that you "have" makes me jealous. :blink:

In fact, I go out of my way to avoid just about every single thing that you've listed. :(

My 20 year old migh be jealous of some of your "things", but most adults over the age of 30 I know wouldn't be. Sorry!

Added - BTW, that's NOT an opt in webmaster email list because I've gotten 2 of your spams in the last 24 hours to two different email addresses. :ph34r:

Last edited by Peaches at Jun 7 2003, 12:28 PM

Mike AI
06-07-2003, 12:27 PM
QUOTE (SoBeGirl Video @ Jun 7 2003, 12:03 PM)
You are jealous of me because I made 150 thousand dollars selling content last month, I just bought a new condo which will be done in about 4 months in the heart of one of the hottest cities in the united States. I have a girlfriend who loves me and is absolutely gorgeous. I am in my mid thirties and I look like I am 25. I have a pay site coming out that will kick ass on all my competition. I have an adult Webmaster list with over 40 thousand opt-in emails. Oh, did I mention my new car that I just got and how fun it is to drive.

HAHAHA This is classic.....

He must think he is still on GFY where being mid 30s and buying a new car is some kind of achievement..... ( we also saw photos of it, my little sis drives a cooler car... haha)

You are at the wrong place to brag about wealth.... Oprano has regulars who were multi-millionaires in their 20s... and some before that.

Oh and your 40,000 opt in list is BULLSHIT - it was harvested, because I have gotten you spams on multible accounts, some I do not even use any longer....

06-07-2003, 12:28 PM
1. If you make $150k a month then why do you brag about a $15k car?

2. A few days ago you posted your opt-in list had 20k opt-ins, today it's 40k? Makes the $150k questionable.

3. If I don't bother you then why do you bother writing such long posts?

4. The reason you don't know squat about me is because my K-Mart employee records are confidential.

5. For the record: my penis is 2.8 inches and you aint handsome enough to play with it big boy ;-)

06-07-2003, 12:31 PM
Some "opt-in" list you run:

http://www.gofuckyourself.com/showthread.p...threadid=140216 (http://www.gofuckyourself.com/showthread.php?s=bfafa6575c5192c9e65a7a9b5678bd96&threadid=140216)

SoBeGirl Video
06-07-2003, 12:37 PM
First of all I don't brag about buying a 15 thousand dollar car and it was 20 for the record. What I said was that I was happy I could get all this performance for so cheap. I could buy a Porsche or Frerrari but why should I when I can go american and for 20 grand get what I like. I know it is not expesive but I like it..

And there are only a handfull of 20 year old millionaires, very few and you are not one of them so keep dreaming.

And about the email, that dork that started that thread contacted me so many times about buying his shitty content. I kept saying no becuase his asian chicks looked like street workers. I added him to my email list becuase he was interested in what SoBeGirl had to offer. I love these people that contact me and then get angry when they get info from me about updates and specials. If it pisses you off then send email to remove@sobegirl.com. It is very easy. But the jelous haters would rather piss and rant on boards.

I am going to the spa... bye...

06-07-2003, 12:37 PM
Originally posted by SoBeGirl Video@Jun 7 2003, 11:03 AM
You are jealous of me because I made 150 thousand dollars selling content last month.
You probably misread your credit card statements...

The credit card merchant statement, where it says "Account balance $153.72", that is what you made last month.

The credit card statement, where it says "outstanding balance $153,729.75", that is the money you spent on alcohol and your "girlfriend" last month.

I know it's confusing but if you just wait until dinner next time you feel like a beer it will all be a lot clearer.

06-07-2003, 12:39 PM
Originally posted by SoBeGirl Video@Jun 7 2003, 11:45 AM
First of all I don't brag about buying a 15 thousand dollar car and it was 20 for the record.

Mike AI
06-07-2003, 12:39 PM
Timon, I understand webmaster programs spam out.... as long as it is not the samething over and over, I deal with it. What irks me is the guy bragging about a 40k opt in list.... too funny!

Hey 15k car probably uses a lot of gas.... He will probably put 50k into mods for it so he can street race it!!

06-07-2003, 12:41 PM
Originally posted by SoBeGirl Video@Jun 7 2003, 11:45 AM
First of all I don't brag about buying a 15 thousand dollar car and it was 20 for the record.
Man I don't even need to piss with you, you fuck yourself up!! :-))))


06-07-2003, 12:42 PM
Originally posted by Mike AI@Jun 7 2003, 11:47 AM

Hey 15k car probably uses a lot of gas.... He will probably put 50k into mods for it so he can street race it!!
Yeah maybe he'll be just as cool as those punks from the Fast and the Furious :-)))

06-07-2003, 12:44 PM
Originally posted by SoBeGirl Video@Jun 7 2003, 11:45 AM
I am going to the spa... bye...
I'm going to my shift at Kmart and fantasize about $20,000 cars, buying condos and getting a massage on a Saturday afternoon instead of filling shelves with boxes of Coco Puffs....

SoBeGirl Video
06-07-2003, 12:45 PM
Chaching Thanks TimDork.

I don't care how much money I have, 20 thousand dollars will always be a lot of money to me...

Come on back at me Timmy two inch... I need some more dough...

06-07-2003, 12:47 PM
Originally posted by SoBeGirl Video@Jun 7 2003, 11:53 AM
Come on back at me Timmy two inch... I need some more dough...
It's Timmy2.8 inch....

That's Mr. Timmy2.8 inch to you!

Mike AI
06-07-2003, 12:49 PM
And there are only a handfull of 20 year old millionaires, very few and you are not one of them so keep dreaming.

HAHAHA Well technically this is true, since I am 32 now.... but I started in the biz when I was 25....

06-07-2003, 12:50 PM
Originally posted by SoBeGirl Video@Jun 6 2003, 01:36 PM
I really needed my therapy.
It would be safe to say that many people on this board would agree with that statement.

Will you be starting again soon?

06-07-2003, 12:51 PM
Originally posted by SoBeGirl Video@Jun 7 2003, 11:45 AM
Yes it is Erik from SoBeGirl. I came back for a little bashing. And Timmy, It is not Mega MOron, It is Mega_Mailer....

the sobeigrl newsletter that goes out to about 20 thousand webmasters every once in a while... are you on my list?

http://www.oprano.com/msgboard/index.php?a...5acffd7bc961198 (http://www.oprano.com/msgboard/index.php?act=ST&f=1&t=3946&s=79b5f96a9d67ad0d95acffd7bc961198)
Mike, this guy is a fucking clown, check out the post above he made in another thread about his "opt-in" list.

SoBeGirl Video
06-07-2003, 01:10 PM
Well I don't send out all of the list every month. Sometimes I don't even mail at all. IT all depends on how busy I am. The list is split up into categories. Those that bought and those that did not buy. Then split into sub categories of those that bought everything (ie a bulk buyer) or those that just bought a few sets. I send different promotions to each group. And remember this is a pure Adult Webmaster list. Funny at how Mike A1 laughed at 40k number thinking it is not a lot. IT is not a lot for spamming adult sites to the general public with adult email lists where about 40 percent don't even want it. But that is another story, which I am sure you know a lot about. . I would venture to say that any adult program has either done it or is doing it and then you go and point fingers at me. You might be a little younger than I am and in this biz a little longer but you are not fooling me. YOu guys do it worse than anyone and deny that you spam all the time. Fact is that SoBeGirl does not spam. We contact only adult webmasters who have requested an email from us or from one of our affiliates. SoBeGirl has never bought a list. Never mailed from Russia or China or drive around in a truck fitted to break into wireless networks and send mail. I run a legit biz probably more so than the ones that always point fingers. And now I am really out of here. To the spa for my massage....

06-07-2003, 01:30 PM
Originally posted by SoBeGirl Video@Jun 7 2003, 01:18 PM
And now I am really out of here. To the spa for my massage....
Ah, now see - the webmasters that YOU'RE jealous of don't have to go to the spa to get a massage - they have a masseuse that comes to THEM. :biglaugh:

Don't get me wrong - like I said, I'm sure my 20 year old would be greatly impressed with all your "things"....but you'd have a hard time finding anyone in this industry that's over 30 that's impressed and none would be "jealous", lol! :awinky:

And unless I slept through it, I've never done business with you - who are your "affiliates"?

Gee Timon - how did you land a cushy job at the Kmart! The best I can do is the Super Walmart. I'm driving my Yugo there in a little bit to work the 2nd shift. :headwall:

06-07-2003, 01:43 PM
This thread is really depressing me. First of all, I'm a day younger than Torone, drive a $900 1988 pickup truck (it'll be $1100 by tomorrow, when I get the new stereo in it), can't get my old job as a 2nd assistant crew chief back since the most recent flood of liberal arts students graduated from the local University, and don't even have a spa to get a massage at.

Now, if I was a tacky person I would speculate on the "girlfriend" working at the "spa", but I wouldn't do that to someone who has advanced so far in the industry as to have an annual industry award (http://gofuckyourself.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=140690) named after him.

And Peaches ... that Walmart job sounds pretty cushy on a soon-to-be rainy day like today, when Crazy Jim has probably already beat me to the intersection of 136 and Jackson, the local recycling vendor dropped the price on aluminium, AND I have to redo my sign.

Last edited by PornoDoggy at Jun 7 2003, 12:51 PM

06-07-2003, 01:48 PM
Originally posted by PornoDoggy@Jun 7 2003, 01:51 PM
And Peaches ... that Walmart job sounds pretty cushy on a soon-to-be rainy day like today, when Crazy Jim has probably already beat me to the intersection of 136 and Jackson, the local recycling vendor dropped the price on aluminium, AND I have to redo my sign.
Just think - if only you could afford Saran Wrap to cover your sign with, you might have a profitable day. :cryin:

It's been pouring rain here all night and day. Which really sucks because the sunroof I personally cut into the roof of the Yugo is letting all the water in. Though on the plus side, I guess I can use it for a POOL! Hey, Sobe - do YOU have a pool in YOUR driveway? Huh??!! :nyanya:

Mike AI
06-07-2003, 02:34 PM
SoBe, I was not laughing at the size a 40k webmaster list is a good size, I was laughing that it was "opt-in"....

You would probably do better by not insulting the intelligence of webmasters....

SoBeGirl Video
06-07-2003, 08:33 PM
Mike, How can I insult your intelligence when you have none.

06-07-2003, 08:57 PM
Good one Sobeagoil....

What are you gonna come back with next... "Your Mama" or "Fuck You" ?


Last edited by sarettah at Jun 7 2003, 08:05 PM

SoBeGirl Video
06-07-2003, 09:07 PM
How about I come back with this since I am not here to spar with dorks...

You can get all these DVDs with over 20 gigs of hardcore amatrue video for just $1200.00. The stuff is ready to ship FedEx for free right to your door. You will be busy for a year with all this content. Don't pass this deal up. It won't last forever. ICQ me 97934302


06-07-2003, 09:13 PM
Dropped the price to $1200.00 eh ?

Cool, lets see, you started at 2k, posted for 2 or 3 days and you're down to 1.2k...

So, if you keep posting for a week or so, we should be able to get a bunch of dvds for free.. Let you post for a month and you'll be paying us 2k to take em..... :okthumb:

btw, just to make sure you have one thing perfectly clear... I don't think anyone on this board is at all impressed by a picture of a bunch of discs laid out on your $2000 antique desk that you got for $40.00 at wallyworld...

SoBeGirl Video
06-07-2003, 10:25 PM
No not really down to 0. I change the price any time I want and you know why? BECAUSE I CAN. I am the boss and I own the rights to sell my content. I can do as I wish. When I want to sell them for 2500 I will. I will sell less complete sests that way but that is a decision I might make in the future. Who knows< maybe I will sell them for $500 one day. Only the market knows for sure. I would have never thought I would be selling 20 gigs of hard core, amateur videos with pics, some of the best selling converting content for over 3 years now, for only 5 to 10 dollars a set but then again, I never would have predicted that the bottom would fall out of the market so quickly. I have quite a few webmasters taking advantage of this becuase when business picks up again, and we have more newbies jumping into the game than jumping out, prices will go up. But for the time being I will just produce more and better content and get my paysite ready for launch.

06-07-2003, 11:24 PM
"I change the price any time I want and you know why? BECAUSE I CAN. I am the boss and I own the rights to sell my content. I can do as I wish. When I want to sell them for 2500 I will."

When I shop... If I buy something... And then a couple of days later see that the company I bought from is selling what I bought for a much lower price... I generally feel like I've been ripped off.

When I feel ripped off, I generally ten to:

1. Never do business with that company again.
2. Tend to badmouth that company at every chance I get.
3. Seek revenge in some edge of the line legal fashion.

But then again, thats just me....

06-08-2003, 04:52 AM

06-08-2003, 04:54 AM


SoBeGirl Video
06-08-2003, 07:26 AM
When I shop... If I buy something... And then a couple of days later see that the company I bought from is selling what I bought for a much lower price... I generally feel like I've been ripped off.

When I feel ripped off, I generally ten to:

1. Never do business with that company again.
2. Tend to badmouth that company at every chance I get.
3. Seek revenge in some edge of the line legal fashion.

But then again, thats just me....

Very good question and I cannot blame you for feeling that way but this is what I do. I have customers who bought content when it was more expesive, To make those customers happy I offer them new and unreleased SoBeGirl content ( I have 200 new shoots not yet on SoBeGirl) at the same sale price or close to it. This new and unreleased contnet is better than the stuff that you can see on the SoBeGirl site. Bigger dicks, more milk, hotter girls, better lighting. But in appreciation for those customers support when prices were high I still give them the same or similar deals on new and unreleased stuff not yet available to the general public. And because this new unreleased content is so fresh I could charge more for it but I extend the special offers to that content for my return customers.

To reply to your questions directly.. Number one - You are doing business with me right now and you just don't know it.

Number Two - One man’s trash is another man’s treasure and,

Number Three - You do that every time you post.

But really, thanks for giving me the opportunity to explain that because it is a good point. As I said before, I am not selling 200 fresh hardcore amateur shoots because I am going out of business. In fact it is just the opposite. I have so much more new content to release that I am trying to make room for it.

In fact, my customers know that I will always take care of them. As they buy SoBeGirl content they can be assured that as their income grows so will the content selection offered by SoBeGirl. And not just in sheer volume but in selection and variety as well. Right now I have content for sale from over 10 different producers from all over the world. Check out this selection from Hungaria. You can get 31 of these shoots for just $75 dollars.


06-08-2003, 08:04 AM
Originally posted by JR@Jun 8 2003, 01:00 AM
the KING of satire does it once again

06-08-2003, 09:37 AM
Originally posted by SoBeGirl Video@Jun 8 2003, 07:34 AM
To reply to your questions directly.. Number one - You are doing business with me right now and you just don't know it.

Apparently there are 40K of us that are doing business with you and don't even know and that's the reason everyone's turning you in for spamming them. :awinky: It's a good thing you'll be able to prove we've all opted in to your list! B)

06-08-2003, 09:58 AM
Erik, you are so full of shit....

You have been exposed lying about your income.

You post that you have a 40k mailing list and immediately a reference to an earlier post of you claiming a 20k mailing list is posted.

And now you turn around and backstab your customers by cutting the price of your content by 40% overnight?? I'd sure be pissed if I had bought anything from you, but on the other hand people who are stupid enough to buy your tgp rubbish deserve to be fucked.

06-08-2003, 10:05 AM
Originally posted by SoBeGirl Video@Jun 8 2003, 06:34 AM
1. Never do business with that company again.
2. Tend to badmouth that company at every chance I get.
3. Seek revenge in some edge of the line legal fashion.

Very good question

Number one - You are doing business with me right now and you just don't know it.

Number Two - One man’s trash is another man’s treasure and,

Number Three - You do that every time you post.

In fact, my customers know that I will always take care of them.
Ah sobitemegirl you arrogant little bottomboy.

First of all, I didn't ask a question, I stated fact.... I couldn't care less how much you offered after the fact to fix the situation, it would not work... To offer to sell me more and therefore take more of my cash does not absolve you of having done the ripoff in the first place.... If you would rip me off once you would rip me off again....

Old saying.... "Screw me once, shame on you...screw me twice, shame on me"

Number 1: As far as you doing business with me right now... You may think this is business, as in networking etc... But you are not doing business with me... I personally have not put anything new up on any of my adult domains in over 3 months... I am currently just sitting and collecting traffic, passing some to sponsors, some to friends, I have a catalog of well over 100,000 images that I have not used at all yet and I do not run paysites... I am a little free site builder who is in this to learn how it all works... I am a programmer by trade and if I make a fortune in this biz, it will be through programming (or powerball, whichever comes first) So, you will not get any content sales directly from me.... If there are idiots who will do business with you after reading your posts, well, there are idiots everywhere.... For every person that buys from you because of reading your posts here, there are at least 10 that won't because of the well earned respect they have for Mike and the other regulars on the board.... So, you gain 1 customer and lose 10 potentials.. FOREVER. If you knew what you were doing, by now, across the past few days you could have earned their respect and for each 11 you could have had 11 potentials..... What you are doing may be business, but it sure aint good business.

Number two, yes, badmouthing can bring you business.... The old saying that "There is no such thing as bad publicity" can work at times.... But, in this business, with the competition getting hotter all the time and the market on a marked downslide, it is definitely better to get the good publicity then the bad...... There are a small number of folks on the net that would not do business with you on my say so alone... There are a larger number that would definitely shy away from you and have to think it through carefully on my say so... There are an even greater number that will stay away from you because of the other folks on this board telling them to stay away.... So, yes, once again, you might gain a customer or two, the GFYers who look and say "wow, you told so and so off, you must be cool" and then do business with you... There are many more who are saying"what an asshole...I think I will stay away"

Number three you are totally off base on. I have not sought revenge in any way at all. I have nothing to seek revenge for. You started posting again, I decided to have a little fun. You have provided me with a small entertainment source, nothing more and nothing less. If you did something to me that I thought warranted revenge, you would know it pretty quick...

I never settle for getting even...I always get way the fuck ahead....

Yes, your customers know that you "will always take care of them". They know they will always be getting screwed instead of laid.... They know that they will always be in the grey area of legality when dealing with you... They know that a 3rd party might be coming to sue them every time they buy from you... They know that they will have to keep track of how much you are charging this hour versus last hour in order to make sure they get a decent deal from you... They know that you would fuck them over in a heartbeat if it meant you could make you one more dollar at their expense.... They know you are a lying, thieving child and will expect no more from you then they would expect from a lying thieving child.....

So sleep well at night sobitemegirl, go, spend your time at the beach with your blowup doll (er, I mean "Fantastic looking girlfriend"), go drive your $15,000 car that you paid $20,000 for..Go sell your $100.00 worth of content for $1200 this hour and $2000 next hour and $500 in the hour after that..... Go in perfect peace and tranquility....

But some advice... I would be changing my passwords about once an hour if I were you and I would be putting some time into locking down security on my server just a little tighter before I went out for the day.... You're gonna be needing it......

Come on back when you are ready to walk the rice paper without tearing it.....


Last edited by sarettah at Jun 8 2003, 09:17 AM

SoBeGirl Video
06-08-2003, 10:08 AM
Peaches, first of all nobody is turning me in for spamming becuase I don't spam. And let's look at those idiots that complained shall we...

One goes by the name of Prostock and he contacted me several times to buy his ugly asian girls. He contacted me first and asked for information.

Brad from SinEmpire- another complainer, was one of my first customers. He has been on my list for about 3 years and just now decided to complain.

Another one I know of goes by the name Jimmy3way. Same story, bought some exclusive vids from me, then when he got my email telling him of new stuff he complained.

I get hundreds of emails a day and a lot of those people are surprised to find out that I send them a mail in the future about something I might think they are interested in.

I have more than 50 other website affiliates I own; people opt in to those lists and then get mails too. I have several other corporations in my name not just SoBeGirl. I am providing services and products to webmasters in many different capacities from hosting, building computers, providing content, consulting and pleasure tours to excotic locations.

But really, if you get a mail, from me, or anyone else for that matter, you can delete it, or unsubscribe. I know for a fact that the ones that go on boards and say moronic things have never bothered to unsubscribe. They get more mileage by crying like little babies.

This Jimmy3way joker is a prime example. I went out of my way to contact him to make sure he was unsubscribe by contacting him personally. Keep in mind that this guy is an exclusive buyer of SoBeGirl. He would not respond to myICQ messages because he knows he is full of shit just like you.

06-08-2003, 10:13 AM
Originally posted by SoBeGirl Video@Jun 8 2003, 10:16 AM
But really, if you get a mail, from me, or anyone else for that matter, you can delete it, or unsubscribe. I know for a fact that the ones that go on boards and say moronic things have never bothered to unsubscribe. They get more mileage by crying like little babies.

Your claim is that you have a 40K webmaster opt in email list. I've received 2 emails from you to 2 different addresses so far. I don't care if you have an unsubscribe - you claimed it was an opt in list - it's not. Period. Ergo you've spammed me. :ph34r: If I've opted in to your list, then it will be easy to prove to whomever I've turned you in to - right? :awinky:

It's easy to see why people think you're in your 20's when you're really in your 30's - it's how you ACT, now how you LOOK! :headwall:

06-08-2003, 10:13 AM
One more thing Sobiteme....

Just because someone asks a question or purchases something does not mean they "opted in" on your list.....

If they checked a box that said "I want to receive your fucking spam all the fucking time" and gave you their email address, then that is an OPTIN....

If you send it to them without that, then it is SPAM, the fact that you give an OPTOUT option does not make it an OPTIN list....

Learn the terminology, then go bragging about what you got...


06-08-2003, 10:15 AM
Originally posted by Peaches@Jun 8 2003, 09:21 AM

It's easy to see why people think you're in your 20's when you're really in your 30's - it's how you ACT, now how you LOOK! :headwall:
He IS 35 year old
He looks like a 25 year old
He behaves like a 15 year old

06-08-2003, 10:24 AM
Originally posted by SoBeGirl Video@Jun 8 2003, 09:16 AM
1. One goes by the name of Prostock and he contacted me several times to buy his ugly asian girls. He contacted me first and asked for information.

2. Brad from SinEmpire- another complainer, was one of my first customers. He has been on my list for about 3 years and just now decided to complain.

3. Another one I know of goes by the name Jimmy3way. Same story, bought some exclusive vids from me, then when he got my email telling him of new stuff he complained.

4. I get hundreds of emails a day and a lot of those people are surprised to find out that I send them a mail in the future about something I might think they are interested in.

5. I have more than 50 other website affiliates I own; people opt in to those lists and then get mails too. I have several other corporations in my name not just SoBeGirl. I am providing services and products to webmasters in many different capacities from hosting, building computers, providing content, consulting and pleasure tours to excotic locations.

6. But really, if you get a mail, from me, or anyone else for that matter, you can delete it, or unsubscribe. I know for a fact that the ones that go on boards and say moronic things have never bothered to unsubscribe. They get more mileage by crying like little babies.

7. This Jimmy3way joker is a prime example. I went out of my way to contact him to make sure he was unsubscribe by contacting him personally. Keep in mind that this guy is an exclusive buyer of SoBeGirl. He would not respond to myICQ messages because he knows he is full of shit just like you.
1. asking for information is not SUBSCRIBING.

2. Being a customer is not SUBSCRIBING

3. Buying exclusive videos is not SUBSCRIBING

4. Those are called COMPLAINTS.

5. So you spam for 50 website affiliates..... and what are these other corporations and affiliate programs.... We need to know so we can avoid...er..I mean send you lots of customers...

6. allowing an OPTOUT is not an OPTIN asshole...

7. So, why didn't you just remove him from the list instead of making him go to the trouble of going through the OPTOUT process... ?? Could it be because if he doesn't OPTOUT you wont be able to mark him as OPTED IN on your 50 other lists ??

We got your number sobitemegirl... Like the song says... Don't call us, we'll call you...

06-08-2003, 10:36 AM
The problem with Erik is he shoots his mouth off before he thinks and gets all defensive as soon as someone says anything negative. Erik, check your icq, and yes I AM going to scream at you again.

All these content sales might seem like a great thing at first.. but they are doing a few negative things that are making this industry that much more difficult to be competative in for the webmaster.

They drive the prices down for content, but the content producer, the guy who has to pay the models, cover his overhead, etc is going to make less of a profit, which is a problem... With the shit going on a lot of producers i know are barely covering overhead.. and if they don't have the money to shoot new content... well... I'm sure you can follow my logic there, it's a vicious circle.

Second, all those people that got a great deal are ending up paying for shit. The content may be wonderful, but consider the NUMBER of people who bought those images. My best estimate puts the sales on those content bundles at around 300-400 sales. That means there's not just 20 or 30 people running around with the content..there are HUNDREDS. It's going to so saturate the market it's going to be less than worthless, because so many people are going to be using it. I really feel sorry for those people who bought the content beforehand, full price, because now what they paid full price for is worthless, esentially. Most good content providers will pull a set a limit on sales or reduce it's price after so many sales, to reflect the possibility of oversaturation. I know this is a policy we strictly enforce. Why? Because doing anything less is going to make the content absolutely useless to all the customers who bought it beforehand, and honestly, I wouldn't stab my customers in the back like that. I'm supposed to be giving them a useful product that they can continue to use (and recycling content is a fantastic way to continue to gain value from it). However, once it gets TOO saturated, it's only good for places like RockBottom, which, although they hold an important place and are a great resource for newbies, let's be honest. That shit is THINNER than water.

Those sales are great, The guys at Clutch and Cloud9 are nice guys, but the current trends they seem to be leading in the content world are less than desirable. And the REALLY shitty thing is once people use all that content and realize JUST how saturated it is, they're going to have to come back and buy fresh stuff. Don't get me wrong, I've seen the content, it's nice as hell, and it WILL do ok until all the people that bought it start putting it up en-masse (give it a week or so more once designers start spitting stuff out for people) and realize surfers will already have seen it all.

It's a good ploy for the content provider in a way, but in the end it's the webmaster who gets stuck for it. I don't think a lot of people realized how broad the implications were in the first place, but nobody thinks about it when they're out to make some quick coin. I'll give props where due, Cloud9 shot from obscurity to "fame", and have more capital now, but still. My #1 interest is the customer, that is and always will be my focus, and well, I just don't feel in my opinion the customers in this instance come out the winners. They get good content yes, cheap price, for sure, but at what cost to the market?

I'm sure lots of people will be saying "Oh, she's just saying that because they're hurting her business". No, not really. People want stuff that's unsaturated at a good price, they still know where to come. And we did have a big site sale like Cloud9 and Clutch, however we limited the sale to _5_ customers and that was all. I can justify selling those sets to everyone else at their normal price because well, I didn't kill their value for myself and my customers. As for Erik, well he's just trying to make a buck, but man I am SO going to kick your ass. You have a lot to learn about dealing with PEOPLE. He and Joe resolved their differences as far as I know, and aside from the occassional embellishment and whatnot I've never known Erik to be totally dishonest. He has some nice stuff on his site. Use your own judgement, but Erik you dumb shit you lost a lot of business because of your big fat mouth. I am so gonna kick your ass.

SoBeGirl Video
06-08-2003, 10:44 AM
I tried to remove Jimmy3way but I had to look him up first in my database and all I had was his ICQ number. I don't want to send mail to people that don't want it. That does me no good. Look out of all the people that get and enjoy the SoBeGirl MegaMailer there are always going to be a few for one reason or another that don't want it. I have to deal with that in the best way possible. I have a good mailing system and I don't have to justify anything to you. All your shit about gain one customer and loose 10 you don't know shit. I get the same people all the time trashing me. It is only a hand full. I really try to focus on the many more that enjoy working with me and making money of my products. In the past when I was starting out I would be rather bothered by all the negative comments here but not anymore. I don't spam for affiliates, I own the affiliates. They are my companies but affiliates of SoBeGirl and vice-versa. You say you get my mail and you probably opted in with one of those not specifically with soBeGirl. Again, all you have to do is unsubscribe. And yes, I do think that if a customer buys from me I am entitled to let him now about updates. If he does not want to know about them he can tell me so and I will delete that email from my database.

And I take your threat of attacking my server seriously. You will be hearing from my lawyer. Thanks for letting me know you are the one that will either be doing it or instigating the ones that do it. You are even stupider than I thought

06-08-2003, 10:46 AM
Originally posted by SoBeGirl Video@Jun 8 2003, 09:16 AM
Ah, here we go again. I think I should be commended for driving a $15,000 dollar car. And it is a 20 thousand dollar Dodge SRT-4 for the record. I love and and see no reason to spend any more. It is fast, very fast and handles great and is tight as a ship. And most of all it is American. Just the motor is assembled in Mexico but all other parts are from North America. Some of you so called "millionaires" might laugh but I got a car that does 0-60 in 5.6 seconds, bone stock for less than 20 grand and bought American too. I think that is cool. If I am moron for that then great. If I am a moron for giving such great content deals then SoBeIt. If I win awards for being a dope, that is just fine. YOu guys are like Hamas. A few big mouths and the same ones every time making a lot of noise.

http://www.gofuckyourself.com/showthread.p...threadid=140983 (http://www.gofuckyourself.com/showthread.php?s=0687c527a6e98f93e66d8ab940e968d2&threadid=140983)

I just had to repost this one here....

To anyone who LOVES cars this is about as hilarious as it gets :-)))

06-08-2003, 10:47 AM
Question: What do you call a toilet that goes from 0-60 in 5.6 seconds?

Answer: A really fast toilet!

Last edited by Timon at Jun 8 2003, 10:01 AM

06-08-2003, 10:48 AM
Originally posted by SoBeGirl Video@Jun 8 2003, 09:52 AM
And I take your threat of attacking my server seriously. You will be hearing from my lawyer. Thanks for letting me know you are the one that will either be doing it or instigating the ones that do it. You are even stupider than I thought
OMG you are in SO MUCH trouble now!! :-((

06-08-2003, 10:52 AM
Originally posted by SoBeGirl Video@Jun 8 2003, 09:52 AM
I get the same people all the time trashing me. It is only a hand full. I really try to focus on the many more that enjoy working with me and making money of my products.
Only a handful? I have yet to see someone post who is NOT trashing you! :-))

People who "enjoy working with Sobergirl": Erik needs your help, come and post your support for him!!

06-08-2003, 10:53 AM
Originally posted by SoBeGirl Video@Jun 8 2003, 09:52 AM
You will be hearing from my lawyer.
I heard that from Likewhoa...and now they owe money to their lawyer and suck dick

06-08-2003, 10:53 AM
Originally posted by SoBeGirl Video@Jun 8 2003, 09:52 AM
1. I don't spam for affiliates, I own the affiliates.

2. You say you get my mail and you probably opted in with one of those not specifically with soBeGirl. Again, all you have to do is unsubscribe.

3. And yes, I do think that if a customer buys from me I am entitled to let him now about updates. If he does not want to know about them he can tell me so and I will delete that email from my database.

4. And I take your threat of attacking my server seriously. You will be hearing from my lawyer. Thanks for letting me know you are the one that will either be doing it or instigating the ones that do it. You are even stupider than I thought
1. Just because you own the program does not mean it is not SPAM

2. I never said I got anything from you (except a little entertainment)...Learn to read sobitemyassgirl

3. Just because yout THINK you have a right to contact them does not make it an OPTIN

4. LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL.... First of all if I even had a notion of attcking your server, I wouldn't threaten it here or anywhere else... Secondly, there was no threat from me in any way shape or form... It was a bit of friendly advice.... and Thirdly, bring your lawyer on man... He can contact my lawyer at "Gotti, Gambino, Lacasio and Schwarz Inc."


btw.... Your losing it like that was such a beautiful thing to see.... Thanx :nyanya:

06-08-2003, 11:05 AM
Originally posted by Timon+Jun 8 2003, 09:56 AM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Timon @ Jun 8 2003, 09:56 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteBegin--SoBeGirl Video@Jun 8 2003, 09:52 AM
And I take your threat of attacking my server seriously. You will be hearing from my lawyer. Thanks for letting me know you are the one that will either be doing it or instigating the ones that do it. You are even stupider than I thought
OMG you are in SO MUCH trouble now!! :-(([/b][/quote]
Yep, I'm just quaking in my boots here....

ohmygawdohmygawdohmygawd... whatever am I going to do....


06-08-2003, 11:10 AM
Yeah man you're screwed, it's all over now. Erik's lawyers are going to gang bang you and sell the whole set for $2000!!

06-08-2003, 11:12 AM
Special discount: because we sold $150k worth of sarettah content since the last post it is now $1200...

The discount is because it is selling so well.... honestly....

06-08-2003, 11:13 AM
Did I tell you guys I have a 20k mailing list?

06-08-2003, 11:14 AM
Yeah you're all jelous because I just told you about my 40k mailing list...

and also because I have a girlfriend who has sex with me sometimes...

and I have a hot little $15k red car...

06-08-2003, 11:17 AM
:lol: :lol: :lol:

thanx for the laugh Timon....

Do I get royalties...... ? :yowsa:

btw...sobitemegirl..... this is a cut and slightly edited paste of the acceptable use policy from your isp.....

xiii) Utilize the Services in any manner that might subject XXXXX to unfavorable regulatory action, subject XXXXXXX to any liability for any reason, or adversely affect XXXXXX’s public image, reputation or goodwill, including, without limitation, sending or distributing sexually explicit, hateful, vulgar, racially, ethnically or otherwise objectionable materials as determined by XXXXXX in its sole discretion; or

You might want to consult your lawyers about that one....

running an adult site from an isp that does not explicitly state that it is ok is not usually a great move and can subject you to unexpected outages etc if someone were to complain about it...

Last edited by sarettah at Jun 8 2003, 10:28 AM

06-08-2003, 11:25 AM
Well, lets see... it took Eric 4 days this time to lose it totally.... So, in all fairness, he is getting better....

Eric, my kudos to you... but come on back when you can last a week or two.... Practice makes perfect you know.. Go on back to your kiddie boards and play with your friends, have them play devil's advocate... Have one pretend to be serge, have one pretend to be mike, have one pretend to be Timon... When you can do 500 solid posts responding to them without threatening legal action, mentioning your car, how much money you make or how often you get laid, then come on back and we will give you a reevaluation... gratis.....

btw... It is always ok to mention how big your dick is.....


06-08-2003, 11:29 AM
Originally posted by sarettah@Jun 8 2003, 07:33 AM
Well, lets see... it took Eric 4 days this time to lose it totally.... So, in all fairness, he is getting better....

Eric, my kudos to you... but come on back when you can last a week or two.... Practice makes perfect you know.. Go on back to your kiddie boards and play with your friends, have them play devil's advocate... Have one pretend to be serge, have one pretend to be mike, have one pretend to be Timon... When you can do 500 solid posts responding to them without threatening legal action, mentioning your car, how much money you make or how often you get laid, then come on back and we will give you a reevaluation... gratis.....

btw... It is always ok to mention how big your dick is.....

Hahhahahah Ohhhhh my pancreas.. It should be illegal to laugh this hard in the morning.

06-08-2003, 11:40 AM
Originally posted by LadyMischief+Jun 8 2003, 10:37 AM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (LadyMischief @ Jun 8 2003, 10:37 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteBegin--sarettah@Jun 8 2003, 07:33 AM
Well, lets see... it took Eric 4 days this time to lose it totally.... So, in all fairness, he is getting better....

Eric, my kudos to you... but come on back when you can last a week or two.... Practice makes perfect you know.. Go on back to your kiddie boards and play with your friends, have them play devil's advocate... Have one pretend to be serge, have one pretend to be mike, have one pretend to be Timon... When you can do 500 solid posts responding to them without threatening legal action, mentioning your car, how much money you make or how often you get laid, then come on back and we will give you a reevaluation... gratis.....

btw... It is always ok to mention how big your dick is.....

Hahhahahah Ohhhhh my pancreas.. It should be illegal to laugh this hard in the morning.[/b][/quote]

SoBeGirl Video
06-08-2003, 12:46 PM

Cock Fight (http://www.sobegirl.com/party_pics/chicken2.MPG)

06-08-2003, 01:52 PM

06-08-2003, 04:25 PM
Hey Sosuckmegirl.....

what did you do now ? Or is this just another whiner, complainer who's jealous of your car, girlfriend, money and life ?

http://www.gofuckyourself.com/showthread.p...threadid=141047 (http://www.gofuckyourself.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=141047)

06-08-2003, 07:51 PM

06-08-2003 08:05 PM


Registered: Feb 2003
Location: Los Angeles
Posts: 389
Well boys and girls.. SOBE has NOTHING in writing giving him permission to sell my content. If he does, well ask him yo prove it. All scenes he has are with MY company name, ALL of it. If he produces a document it is a forgery. Check for signatures.
I dont know what he is telling you Farley Higgins, but he sent me a Bogus signed contract to try and settle this out of court:
He said he would pay me the money in settlement I asked for if I sent him a copy FEd Ex of a scene he lost that i did for him. Well I Fed Exed the scene to him, then he calls me next day and says deal is off.

Why would he settle if he knew he had rights to resell.

And Dyna Spain, do as you please. Im offerring to re issue same license to you that he did at no extra charge. I will not fuck with people the way SOBE fucked me.

BTW, thanx Mutt.

Joe ICQ- 214137742
AMA Content
username- member
password- ama536

www.amamodels.com - models for Exclusive content

06-08-2003, 08:22 PM

:yowsa: :yowsa: :yowsa:

I love it :)

06-08-2003, 10:03 PM
Originally posted by Timon+Jun 8 2003, 09:54 AM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Timon @ Jun 8 2003, 09:54 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteBegin--SoBeGirl Video@Jun 8 2003, 09:16 AM
Ah, here we go again. I think I should be commended for driving a $15,000 dollar car. And it is a 20 thousand dollar Dodge SRT-4 for the record. I love and and see no reason to spend any more. It is fast, very fast and handles great and is tight as a ship. And most of all it is American. Just the motor is assembled in Mexico but all other parts are from North America. Some of you so called "millionaires" might laugh but I got a car that does 0-60 in 5.6 seconds, bone stock for less than 20 grand and bought American too. I think that is cool. If I am moron for that then great. If I am a moron for giving such great content deals then SoBeIt. If I win awards for being a dope, that is just fine. YOu guys are like Hamas. A few big mouths and the same ones every time making a lot of noise.

http://www.gofuckyourself.com/showthread.p...threadid=140983 (http://www.gofuckyourself.com/showthread.php?s=0687c527a6e98f93e66d8ab940e968d2&threadid=140983)

I just had to repost this one here....

To anyone who LOVES cars this is about as hilarious as it gets :-)))[/b][/quote]
and to those of us who could care less about cars ... its still hilarious

06-08-2003, 10:29 PM
http://www.gofuckyourself.com/showthread.p...threadid=141183 (http://www.gofuckyourself.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=141183)

Originally posted by SoBeGirl Video
I know you guys love a blood bath but this is going to be simple. The links you see below are copies if invoiced I paid Joe to own his content and sell as I wish. I paid thousands of dollars for his content and for this right. I always requested I get the source tape so I would have the highest quality files and he always sent them to me as long as I paid. And I paid Thousands. I think if you add it up it is over 10 thousand dollars to have his content and the right to do as I wish with it. There is no mention anywhere of a floor-selling price. I have all model release forms and Photo Ids as well. You can see on some of the invoices that I was very diligent about Joe giving me the model release forms and photo IDs. Some are missing from the tapes he sent me and I noted those sets on the invoice and returned those sets to Joe. I do not know if Joe is selling that content or not on his own site but I would not sell them on SoBeGirl. Joe sold a lot of content to me because at that time he needed the money. We were not competing directly at that time so there was no issue of what I could sell it for. This point only came up after I had captured, processed, edited, made Jpg screen caps, made trailer videos, rendered the content and then updated SoBeGirl with the new sets. All these Processes cost me about another 10 thousand dollars. Only after all this work was done and I invested over 20 thousand dollars, did I hear comments from him on what I could do with content that I paid for and was delivered to me time and time again. And I want to make a point, which I keep saying over and over again. I am not singling Joe out here. I am selling SoBeGirl content for 5 dollars a set too. My content, content I shot and created my self. I am selling content from other producers on SoBeGirl for 5 dollars a set as well. This is a free market and if I want I can drop prices to 1 dollar a set if I feel like it. I have the right to do so and nobody can tell me otherwise. Now that this whole matter is taken to the boards I think that the best thing to do is let the board be the Judge. I will let you – the Webmasters settle this issue for Joe and I. I don’t want to hurt anyone. I just want to stay in business and compete. Joe needs to understand that. Joe needs to see where the market is going and fall in. So, esteemed board members, how should this be settled? Should Joe pay me back for my costs incurred buying and processing the content and then I will relinquish the rights I have to sell it back to him? Should Joe shut up and leave me alone so that I can continue giving webmasters great deals. Should Joe just dig in and start competing on price like J$tyles is doing and like I am doing? You be the judge and jury. I am willing to go with whatever the majority has to say. Because the majority are my customers and I must do as they wish or I have no business.


06-09-2003, 01:01 AM
Originally posted by cj@Jun 8 2003, 09:11 PM
and to those of us who could care less about cars ...
I know what you drive cj, you don't fool me for a second, you LOVE your car and rightfully so ;-)

Mike AI
06-09-2003, 01:06 AM
Spill it CJ, what do you drive??

0-60 in 5.6 seconds? That is considered fast now-a-days??

Diamond Jim
06-09-2003, 01:11 AM
13 more payments and this little baby is all mine...


Mike AI
06-09-2003, 01:16 AM
DJ I think even your car does 0-60 better then 5.6 seconds!!

:lol: :yowsa: :P

Diamond Jim
06-09-2003, 01:20 AM
Maybe if I drive it over a cliff.... :ph34r:

Everybody has cooler cars than me... :o

06-09-2003, 02:27 AM
Originally posted by Mike AI@Jun 9 2003, 12:14 AM
0-60 in 5.6 seconds? That is considered fast now-a-days??
It is if you drive a limo type car, it's not impressive for a sports type car.

06-09-2003, 06:33 AM
Originally posted by Diamond Jim@Jun 8 2003, 09:28 PM
Maybe if I drive it over a cliff.... :ph34r:

Everybody has cooler cars than me... :o
i have a 95 grand marquis

pretty dull