View Full Version : Eric Rudolph and Terrorism

06-04-2003, 12:02 AM
Glad they caught this son-of-a-bitch, but I been thinkin ...

They say the FBI is looking into finding out who (if anyone) may have put him up to his actions, helped him pull off his attacks, and helped him elude capture for so long.

If they find them, should they be treated any different than alQaida?

06-04-2003, 12:31 AM

Is dey good merican citizens just practicing their version of how they see their rights against the godless sodomite jewish negro establishment that wants to instill a new world order and take away all our rights ?

Or they some of dem dirty muslim unamerican terrorist immigrants ?


06-04-2003, 04:51 AM
do you think he will he be labeled as a "Christian Terrorist"?

06-04-2003, 01:58 PM
I don't know that the media will ever label them as such, but some folks like him consider themselves "warriors for God." There are a number of so-called/self-described "Christian" denominations all tied up with the extreme right/white supremacist/anti-choice movement(s).

Hell Puppy
06-04-2003, 11:13 PM
Fundamental Christian Terrorist is exactly what he is by any definition. The acts performed were designed for terror, not profit or any other motivation. Even if Rudolph was hired to do it, the motivation for the act itself by whoever hired him is to inspire terror in those with different beliefs from themselves.

I do also believe he had help while on the run from the locals. But I would NOT classify them as terrorists or even necessarily being as fanatical as Rudolph. In that section of the country, many many people do not trust or like the government, especially the Feds. Rudolph likely had a folk hero type status with them, so they'd help him just to continue to see it drive the Feds crazy.

06-04-2003, 11:23 PM
Yeah, but if they helped him then they are "supporters of terrorism" and should be hunted down and killed and trampled upon, then put on triial, convicted and hanged until they are dead!!! DEAD DEAD DEAD !!!, just like any other supporters of terrorism......

Specially those Pot smoking fiends.... You know, all the money that gets spent on POT goes straight to Al Queda !!! I know it's true cause I saw it on the TV set.... And that "Eric the terrorist bomber" guy, HE GREW POT !!!! He is the connection to Al Queda !!!!

I think they better start lining up the troops there in the Asheville area.... Don't let them terrorists get into Tennessee by gum... They might go after DollyWood !!!!

Cant let that happen, no way !!


06-05-2003, 08:17 AM
IMO, he is a terrorist. He also claims to be a Christian. Ergo, he is a Christian Fundamentalist Terrorist. From what I've seen, he acted alone; but may have rec'd help while he was on the lam.

One reason why I espouse NO religion...