View Full Version : Trial Access

Dianna Vesta
05-29-2003, 06:55 PM
Recently I began several promotions using various pricing structures. We brought back the 3 day trial at 2.95 and signups did increase. I’m noticing the same thing that happened before when we offered the trial. We get a collection of guys who join, download a bunch of stuff, cancel and then come back in a few months for another trial.

I wondered if anyone has tried this and I’d love to know your thoughts on it.

I’d like to create a directory that is simple domain.com/trial/ but with it’s own sign-up. It gives them a chance to sample the area, adult files and video, etc. and somehow they would still automatically bill after the fourth day or anytime in the trail area they can join at full price. I’m not 100% clear on how I’ll do this but I’m sure I’ll figure it out.

I guess I could limit bandwidth too for users per day?

Any ideas on this?

BTW: I am retaining which is good. For every 10 trials at least 8 stay on.

05-29-2003, 07:02 PM

We've worked on a system in the past where members have ratings ... gold silver & bronze ... bronze is trial and only a few features work when they are in the members area, after the trial recurs they get a silver membership, and on the 2nd month they get gold membership with all content ...you can break this content up into 'blocks' in your members area so its obvious.

Obviously you need a programmer to set it up so that your members each have a different level of access ... its not really a quick job.

If you have 8 people staying from every 10, and only the occasional person who downloads everything and cancels, i'd be happy with what you have and just accept a couple of downloaders. you will never eliminate them no matter what you do and its not worth stressing over.

Dianna Vesta
05-30-2003, 06:45 AM
Originally posted by cj@May 29 2003, 06:10 PM

We've worked on a system in the past where members have ratings ... gold silver & bronze ... bronze is trial and only a few features work when they are in the members area, after the trial recurs they get a silver membership, and on the 2nd month they get gold membership with all content ...you can break this content up into 'blocks' in your members area so its obvious.

Obviously you need a programmer to set it up so that your members each have a different level of access ... its not really a quick job.

If you have 8 people staying from every 10, and only the occasional person who downloads everything and cancels, i'd be happy with what you have and just accept a couple of downloaders. you will never eliminate them no matter what you do and its not worth stressing over.
That sounds like an excellent script for a new site I just built. Who's doing it for you?


05-30-2003, 07:20 AM
Why not limit their access much the same way software people do with their demos? In other words, give them access to a certain area (which could even be protected from d/l'ing); and the longer they stay members, the more privileges they have. I think the idea of membership levels (mentioned above) is excellent. The freeloaders can't STEAL what they can't access...