View Full Version : Content Idea

05-29-2003, 09:58 AM
Hey folks,
I shot 11 hot ass contents ended up with 11 hours o usable footage and 900+ pictures.
Obviously is sold well.

I now have an opertunity to shoot the same type of content for the Gay sector, but I can go real dirty with it. best blowjob biggest dildo in the butt contests, 150 - 200 guys, crowd sex....

Would this stuff sell?

05-29-2003, 11:25 AM
Do you have some type of samples you can post?
Hard to say what might or might not sell without seeing it

05-29-2003, 11:54 AM
Anything can sell....

All a matter of getting it in front of the right audience....


05-29-2003, 12:27 PM
sarettah - how about you and I get together and start photographing us mooning 18 wheelers?
We'll call it American Ass Gothic
You can hold a pitchfork and I'll get a pair of granny glasses for my ass he he he

Fuck Andy Worhol and his Campbell's Tomato Soup can picture

05-29-2003, 12:29 PM
It would sell, it's a great idea! :D

05-29-2003, 01:21 PM
Originally posted by Vick@May 29 2003, 11:35 AM
sarettah - how about you and I get together and start photographing us mooning 18 wheelers?
We'll call it American Ass Gothic
You can hold a pitchfork and I'll get a pair of granny glasses for my ass he he he

damn...cant get the phonetics right for the green acres theme song..:)

But it appears we already have our audience in Laurel there...

Do you want to do just regular old prints, limited editions, what ???


We will have to get on it while it's hot !!!


05-29-2003, 01:26 PM
A Niche is Born! :rolleyes:

05-29-2003, 01:35 PM
But seriously... (and all of this is in my very humble opinion...of course)

There is a market out there for anything.... Pet Rocks more than proved that...

It is a more complicated matter of finding the right audience... If you find the right audience, the sell is pretty easy, because the audience is predisposed to purchase the product.....

Out in the brick and mortar world it is a matter of location location location...

You get the right place and your audience will often come right to you...

Here on the net, it is a matter of bringing the right audience into your site... Traffic generation works but can very hit and miss... We have been doing an experiment with our jewelry site for the past few months... We have a bunch of my friends adult free sites sending their exit traffic from their warning page into the site... Lots of traffic being generated but zilch on buyers... They are obviously not the right audience...

Most of our buyers find us through the SEs. Even other Jewelry and apparel related sites that we trade traffic with have not converted for the most part....

A lot of our sales are also from word of mouth which is a wonderful way to get folks in.... works both brick and mortar and on the net.

I do not yet know the perfect formula for getting our audience in.. If I could, I could retire a very wealthy man, but I do know that there is an audience for every product out there and if you can find them and place your product in front of them, you will be successful :)