View Full Version : Cajun Spammer speaks out!

Mike AI
05-22-2003, 07:17 PM
http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/artic...-2003May21.html (http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A23386-2003May21.html)

I have to say this guy has some vaild points....

05-22-2003, 07:23 PM
This prompted the committee chairman, Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), to turn to Ted Leonsis, vice president of AOL.

"Mr. Leonsis, are you a spammer?" McCain asked.

Leonsis, who had testified minutes earlier about how AOL was blocking 2.4 billion pieces of spam per day, did not answer directly.


gotta love McCain

fucking aol is the biggest spammer in the world

not only e-mail but those fucking discs i get NON stop in my mail box

05-22-2003, 09:22 PM
Now, y'see, you all forget something:

AOL has a members agreement that people agree to when they become a member, that includes allowing "offers from AOL and affiliated partners", and you can opt out. THAT ISN'T SPAM! They have the members agreement upon signup to be part of this - it is the ultimate mail list, backed up by a user agreement and such.

What this cajun dropout is doing is spam - 150 million mails per 12 hours? 300 million a day? Anyone know how many actual internet users there are? Stats I found via google show Canada & USA 182.67 million - so if he is only spamming the US, he is sending everyone 2 emails a day. 700 emails a year from this moron, that you don't want, you can't stop, and you can't avoid.

Realistically, half those addresses aren't functional, so I suspect it is more like 1400 emails a year from this guy alone.

Nothing he says can justify that.


05-22-2003, 09:57 PM

2 emails a day.

If they are marketing different products,I think its reasonable.

Hell,if its the same product but one has a snappier subject and it gets opened.Cool too :)

150 million mails per 12 hours? 300 million a day?

Droool :)

Personally I reckon this anti-spam shit has gotten carried away.

I think some restraint of trade actions against spamhaus are coming and due.

Name one other business where company A (rokso/spamhaus) says to company B (an isp) "Do business with Company C (someone rokso/spamhaus dislike) and we will block any ip on your network that we believe is Company C".

I think some bulk emailers may win some cases soon.

05-22-2003, 10:44 PM
Nickatilynx - I think you are right about "rokso/spamhaus"... that should be the job for the goverment, not some anyone else :okthumb:

05-22-2003, 10:48 PM
Nickatilynx - I think you are right about "rokso/spamhaus"... that should be the job for the goverment, not some anyone else

I couldn't agree more.

Not a bunch of self appointed web nazis :)

Problem is...which government ;)

05-23-2003, 12:15 AM
I guess voting about "spam" in the UN is out of the question :) So I would think that all countries with some kind of serious e-biz will have anti spam laws within 2 years.

Spam will move to other countries (ex. Russia), and at that time some ISPs will start to think that blocking whole countries to fight spam, virus and hacker attacks will be good. However most personal computers will have good anti spam/hacker/virus software installed at that time...

05-23-2003, 10:07 AM
Originally posted by RawAlex@May 22 2003, 08:30 PM
AOL has a members agreement that people agree to when they become a member, that includes allowing "offers from AOL and affiliated partners", and you can opt out. THAT ISN'T SPAM! They have the members agreement upon signup to be part of this - it is the ultimate mail list, backed up by a user agreement and such.

If the AOL members agreement is like most of them, all the "send me" boxes are prechecked. If the user misses that fact (and sometimes it is hard to figure out what those frigging check boxes are doing) or thinks that the boxes must be checked in order to continue (and many agreements also seem that way), then the user ends up opting in unknowingly....

This is deception pretty much the same as any other SPAMMER practice.

Does AOL spam ? Yes, undoubtedly a certain perdentage of their users end up opted in unknowingly.

Do Most large ISP's SPAM ? Yes

Do many large Portal sites SPAM (Yahoo, Iwon etc.) ? Definitely....
Both of the portals I mention here (I have personal experience with these) periodically have sent out new agreements that you have to got to their site and agree to in order to continue service. What they don't tell you except hidden way way down in the fine print is that they have reconfigured your optiona and signed you up for everything unhless you go to a totally different page, that is not linked btw, and reopt out of everything.

Deception is the norm on marketing on the net, whether it be mainstream or adult. If they get your email address by deception, whether you knowingly opted in or not, and then sell it to their "marketing partners", then they are just as guilty of SPAMMING as the guy who rips the emails off during a hack and then sells them....

just imho of course......