View Full Version : WTO takes on Big Tobacco

05-21-2003, 09:44 AM


05-21-2003, 09:50 AM
The treaty takes effect after 40 countries have ratified it. Most delegates — including those from the European Union, China and Japan — told Wednesday's assembly that their governments would move to speedy signature and ratification.

The one notable exception was the United States. U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary Tommy Thompson (search) said Washington was "reviewing the text of the convention."

"The United States is not making commitment to sign or ratify," said Judith Wilkinson of the Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids (search). "They recognized that the rest of world wanted to go forward but didn't say they would join the rest of the world in ratification. It's an incredible missed opportunity."

Hmmmmmmmmm wonder why the White house would drag its feet on something like this

How much money do you think Republicans get from Tobacco?

05-21-2003, 10:14 AM
From the article:
The World Health Organization (search) adopted a sweeping anti-tobacco treaty Wednesday in an unprecedented global push to regulate a product it says kills half of its regular users.

cigarettes kill half of its regular users?

100% of people who breathe oxygen on a regular basis end up dead ;)

05-21-2003, 10:48 AM
Originally posted by Forest@May 21 2003, 08:58 AM
Hmmmmmmmmm wonder why the White house would drag its feet on something like this

How much money do you think Republicans get from Tobacco?
About the same amount that Democrats do :lol:

----It says that health warnings — including pictures such as diseased gums and lungs — should ideally cover at least half the package and encourages governments to clamp down on terms like "low-tar" and "mild" on cigarette packs-------

This is possibly the dumbest thing I have ever seen

If you smoke - you know you are taking risk - STOP blaming others for your choices

More attemts at total socilistic control - you are too stupid to think for yourselves so government will protect you.

FUCK THE WORLD - close the borders - only buy what we need - stop ALL forigen funding - recall ALL of the military personel - become total isolationist - Pull out of all world organizations.

Then the world has no one to blame for their own fuckedupedness except themselves.

I am so fucking tired of other countries trying to have a say in what happens in the US

05-21-2003, 05:22 PM

tobacco won 1 today

Last edited by Forest at May 21 2003, 01:31 PM

05-22-2003, 09:37 AM
Just so y'all know I'm still here...
Er, uh, Forest, that's the World Health Organisation (WHO), not the World Trade Organisation (WTO).

Dead on about personal responsibility. People don't hesitate to tell you that it's your own fault if you complain about being down on your luck moneywise; yet anything involving deep pockets (i.e. smoking, drinking, guns, tires, autos, etc.) evokes cries of 'sue, sue".

BTW, I've been smoking for 50+ years, now (I started very young); and I'm still kickin' around...

Also, the second biggest killer in America, and the world, is auto accidents, preceded by...


:agrin: :agrin: :agrin: :agrin: