View Full Version : Industry Shifts and Shakes

Dianna Vesta
05-17-2003, 09:05 AM
How to survive the next generation of adult internet

I’m not writing this as an expert but as an observer and someone who has been in all this for the long haul. I plan on staying here too. 2002 brought some serious shake downs not only in new policies, regulations and laws, but our country suffered emotionally and financially. Here now we sit within uncertainty and doubt… what will the next phase really be? We can all speculate about this.

Those of you with past porn experience, prior to Adult Internet are less affected by the changes and shifts in laws and economics. After all, you’ve seen this happen before. Chances are you’re wading it out, survive and just waiting for things to settle before you decided what new marketing plan you’ll put into action. You’ve been around long enough to know that 100 new concepts will follow… new programs, new billing options, new faces- but you hang out waiting, knowing that the feeding frenzy will soon claim and the water will soon become much clearer.

There are those of you who jumped on in 1995 having never been in the adult industry or ran a business for that matter. “Wow, what a great idea! I can sit in my bathrobe in front of my PC and make tons of money!” You tapped a fresh market and it exploded. Some paid attention to the trends and changes ahead while others spent the cash, fucked the girls and partied. Others carefully watched their new business knowing it was all too god to be true. The last sector is the “Get Rich Quick” webmasters who heard that Adult Internet could make them rich fast. In 1998 to 2000, we saw a shit load of new adult sites & hordes of novice webmasters flooding the AVS’s, TPGS and Usenet. It was ALL about traffic.

It didn’t matter if you knew anything about computers. If you had a little cash and time, you were now I the porn business. Programs, interfaces, new marketing concepts… feeder businesses coming in to meet the demand. Now at the ebb of it all, what will become of them all? Is there enough business to go around?

Last year I heard many of you say, “Nawwww, it’s not going anywhere. Porn is here to stay.” Now I hear a different tune from those same people. I heard, “It’s about getting what you can…. Only the strong and ruthless survive!” There was an attitude of “I’ll fuck you before you fuck me and I don’t care what any fucking body thinks about it!” <laughing> Today I’m hearing “It’s about good business practices….basic business skills… must have good updated content… good customer service!” Hmmmmm the tune has most certainly changed. Call me optimistic but I am also seeing more camaraderie. A little freaky bond you’ve always had that nostalgically returns during stressful times. Sure you still piss… you’ll always piss and yet under it all I see a more tolerant attitude.

These days I don’t have as much time to post as I did back in the fall. I spent a lot of time on the boards then waiting for things to settle and to free up enough time to launch new projects & revive old ones. I’ve learned a lot here. Probably not what you think. :) I’ve met some amazing men & women. I wish I had invested the time earlier. HOWEVER, I watch, as you all do, waiting to see what the remainder of 2003 will bring. I see programs beginning to build really incredible sites & not these cookie cutter; same content a dozen front ends. I see those of you with true business savvy preparing yourself for the very long haul. I think it’s great and even though times are tougher, I see a new foundation that will be more secure and stable for the future.

Having said all that, what are you doing differently today?
Is it business as usual or do you find yourself changing or adapting to new business? Are you sick and tired of Adult Internet and considering a new career?
Have you begun to dabble in other business opportunities as a safety net?
Or are you sticking to your guns and wading it out?


05-17-2003, 02:49 PM
Originally posted by Dianna Vesta@May 17 2003, 08:13 AM
Having said all that, what are you doing differently today?
Is it business as usual or do you find yourself changing or adapting to new business? Are you sick and tired of Adult Internet and considering a new career?
Have you begun to dabble in other business opportunities as a safety net?
Or are you sticking to your guns and wading it out?

Dianna, personally, I've moved from adult sites, but am sticking with adult related products. I just don't have the drive for the big dick contests of the "players". I've just come to the point where I'm just not as excited about it as I used to be.

So, I'm moving onto adult related products...or products that are adult related but there are no viable affiliate programs that allow adult sites to aprticipate.

(spam to follow shortly) ;))))

05-17-2003, 03:33 PM
Having said all that, what are you doing differently today?
Is it business as usual or do you find yourself changing or adapting to new business? Are you sick and tired of Adult Internet and considering a new career?
Have you begun to dabble in other business opportunities as a safety net?
Or are you sticking to your guns and wading it out?

I'm starting to dabble in non-adult things, though at least for now, they'll be promoted on the internet. I'm also going back to school in the fall, but I haven't decided if I'm going to take classes for fun or actually get a degree. :P

As far as adult, I see so much being given away for free these days, that every time I get a signup, I think "Wow, what moron actually PAID for a membership??!". Content providers, hosting companies, domain companies, processing companies and those that sell actual products I think will always be around, but for those of us with free sites and even small paysites, it's hard to sell the cow when they're getting the milk AND the cow for free! :blink:

As far as opportunities completely away from the internet, I'm looking at real estate and possibly even medical coding. I got into the porn biz strictly for the $$$, so when that slowed down, I merely started looking elsewhere. And I'll probably always have my sites up as long as the income is more than the hosting bills, lol! I'll be one of those that's just doing it for beer (wine!) money, hehehe. B)

Last edited by Peaches at May 17 2003, 03:42 PM

05-18-2003, 07:18 AM
Great post!

05-18-2003, 11:46 AM
I was planning on retiring in Jan, but I decided to hang in for one more year. Whatever extra I can sock away, will help my retirement. I have had so much fun, I wasn't sure I would ever retire. But just like the real estate business, the restaurant business, the computer store business, the distribution business, and the other businesses I have loved - the fun ride is over.

Even though all the businesses I have owned, have been fun - they have also been stressful. I have lived a very stressful life and am paying for it with my health. I wish I knew then, what I know about stress today. I realize now - that most of it was unecessary... Regular exercise, yoga, meditation, getting rid of anger, there are just so many things out there to help you be more healthy, and successful - without the stress.

and with all that said.............. if the right opportunities come along, I may be working another 10 years. I love to work..............

05-18-2003, 02:51 PM
Very well said Diana - I too have been watching the "ebbs and tides" of this industry over the years and you DO see the rise and fall of the camaraderie wash through like waves. I think about it like siblings...my kids are the best of friends when they NEED each other or when everything is going their way. It's an extreme relationship. But when they are bored, not getting what they want, or going after the same objective - it's an all out WAR. I see that on the boards. The waves of piss crashing in when things need a little "shaking up" from time to time.

I guess I like the clingy "let's be friends and work together" times best because I think that deep down inside, that's how we all really want to be. Business makes people become dog-eat-dog types whether it's how we really feel or not.

Okay...this is sounding a little "can you feel the love?" right now, but it's true. When it comes right down to it - webmasters are good people. They are hard working folks who enjoy the other webmasters in their community and want to see everyone succeed. I would say 90% of them are true class acts - it just takes times like these to see them shine. On the other hand - it's also times like these that we see the true faces of the other 10% and we learn who our friends REALLY are. lol


05-18-2003, 03:07 PM
Originally posted by kath@May 18 2003, 01:59 PM
I would say 90% of them are true class acts - it just takes times like these to see them shine. On the other hand - it's also times like these that we see the true faces of the other 10% and we learn who our friends REALLY are. lol

Kath, are you saying that right now is one of the "feel the love" times, or one of the times when it's an all-out war between the siblings?

05-18-2003, 03:12 PM
Originally posted by Carrie+May 18 2003, 11:15 AM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Carrie @ May 18 2003, 11:15 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteBegin--kath@May 18 2003, 01:59 PM
I would say 90% of them are true class acts - it just takes times like these to see them shine. On the other hand - it's also times like these that we see the true faces of the other 10% and we learn who our friends REALLY are. lol

Kath, are you saying that right now is one of the "feel the love" times, or one of the times when it's an all-out war between the siblings?[/b][/quote]
I would say it's more "feel the love" right now - everyone pitching in, fighting the good fight together, blah blah blah...

Sure there's always the undercurrent of war - "mom! he touched me!" - lol But for the most part right now, I think everyone is busy with heads down working hard at staying afloat to keep making the $$$.

Dianna Vesta
05-19-2003, 08:58 AM
Thank you everyone for your reply.

Kath I agree with you for the most part, however being a porn baby in the sex industry since I was 26 (now 45) I think there are different levels of players. I honestly believe I’ve seen them all. I can spot them a mile away.

I think that there is camaraderie depending on what circles you’re in and how you play the game. I also think there are a lot of bull shit facades out there and to be honest with you the old porn dogs were shady but nothing like I’ve seen the past 5 years in Adult Internet. I view the old porn dogs as riding locomotives and then along come the new jet planes. They either rush to meet the demand or they wait for people to learn that it’s doesn’t matter how you get there as long as you do.

I’ve always had other things going on. The Fetish Network (The sites, phone lines, products, etc.) has been part of my life for so many years that’s literally become part of me. I thought about selling it a few years ago but decided that I really didn’t want to let go. Ideally I would have liked to team up with a larger company that focused on marketing and traffic while I focused on producing my sites and niche venues. In fact I mentioned this last year but everyone and then have been under the assumption that they shouldn’t have to share profits with anyone when they have all these in-house salary people working. Anyhow, I decided to ride the tide and put a new plan in action. My sites will always make money. They won’t make me rich unless I do find that traffic/promoter source because I can’t do both.

But I’m always involved in something. I bought this land here, sold part to a good friend of mine. We’re building a pool, stables; cabins- horse riding, renting, etc. I view that as part of my retirement package. I’m also working on a few non-adult products. I have a strong background as a project manager and business consultant. I’ll use this for myself instead of working for clients.

Since I was a young girl I dreamed of being a writer. I’ve been published in many magazines but I want to write books. I have a few ideas. I just need the time. I plan on retiring when I’m 50.

>>>>>I would say 90% of them are true class acts>>>>

I don’t agree with this. I think there are 40% that are class acts. 30% that want to be like them and the remaining 20% all wannabe's and idiots.

05-19-2003, 08:11 PM
Have to agree with Kath,
Seems like the all out wars with actual fights, legal battles, etc. is slowing down to a trend of partnerships, trades and co-operation. Much smarter biz sense for the long term $$.

Makes this much more fun, less stressful and more profitable for those that band together in various business relationships.

Dianna Vesta
05-20-2003, 07:34 AM
Originally posted by photogregg@May 19 2003, 07:19 PM
Have to agree with Kath,
Seems like the all out wars with actual fights, legal battles, etc. is slowing down to a trend of partnerships, trades and co-operation. Much smarter biz sense for the long term $$.

Makes this much more fun, less stressful and more profitable for those that band together in various business relationships.
Yea maybe so but don't you ever want to say, "Duh? It's about fucking time."

Everyone wants a slice of the pie but some are worried they won't get their peice.