View Full Version : Enough IS enough

05-14-2003, 02:32 AM
Wow! That's all I have to say!

This past 7 days have been some of the most exciting, exhausting, dramatic weeks of my online career. No joke. Burn a bridge another is built, burn a bridge the other one is rebuilt.. back and forth so on and so forth.

I started out with a cute little email from XXX company demanding something that was not any of their business. Lets just all agree to disagree. thanks.
Without merit I was TOLD todo something, they had no right to. fair enough, issue is being delt with in on a different playing field. That is really nobodies business, but it seems like the entire gossiping adult industry is fully aware of this rumor, and these 'facts' make it hard to sift through all the BS. You have these part time internet lawyers thinking they know what's right, but they cant get a Hun listing at the same time? it isn't rocket science.. anyways, its quite frustrating to see the reactions of the miss informed.

Anyways.. That issue is moot at this point in my post until a bit later on :)
So as the week progresses, alot of good things have happened, things get accomplished ( on a business level ) and one could safely assume that a good mood would be derived from such experiences. When you get in a good mood, some people do careless things, some people don't. I happened to get careless and ignore all the rules at just about every forum that I know of except gfy ( for obvious reason ).

Some may recall my recent post about the $50 a signup for the 100th poster in that thread... for the most part it went smooth, except one place.. this one place got way out of hand. GG&J...

The weirdest part about this, is that I honestly didn't think anything was wrong, until I got up the next day to find 2 cute emails in my inbox from guess who? greenguy and Jim. double whammy.

Now Green Guy handled it very cool.. basically told me to not ever do it again.. then ended his sentence with a ';-)' im thinking ok.. kind of harsh, but rules are rules... Now the next email... a fucking 3 paragraph email from Jim, whom I don't even know his function on the internet is, but anyways.. a 3 paragraph email telling me how wrong it was to spam his forum, and disrespectful blah blah.. and at the end of the email he tried to sell me advertising... That pissed me off because of the way it was approached. why? Because I already been receiving at least 10 GG&J spams every week and option out is difficult, but they seem to be fewer and fewer as time goes on...

So.. Next thing I know, the thread was moved to the spam forum.. cool I can understand that.. then Jim starts some BS thread about how this board is not gfy and its a serious board yadda yadda, and singles me out and makes an example of me.. cool... that's all good too.. but I reply with basically what I replied here with and pointed out the numerous spams I get and compared them to my 'spam' thread.. and then compared him spamming me by selling me advertising that I didn't want... well I guess he got a little offended by that.

Don't let me forget I posted in another thread about ars and epassporte accusing gg&J about being on the 'take' and playing favorites... that was the last I saw of anything for a few hours.. next thing I know, I get some ICQ's about green guy and this cute little thread that he started about how epiccash's name was mud to him ( even though he promoted me for the last 4 months and made some of the easiest money he has ever made in his life ) and all of a sudden my program was banned from all of his sites, and he was suggestion that anyone 'think twice' about using me..

now im thinking to myself 'WTF?'

Oh, I left out the part where green guy mentioned in the thread that 'I should have taken you down, when ARS told me about the legal trouble with epiccash' or something to that effect... ( see above about the legal issues)...

So here I am, I just got banned for questioning the authority .
My program is being slandered.
My program just got banned from a previous affiliate for several months that never had a complaint about anything, and seemed to me to be VERY pleased with his results.
And then these slanderous remarks about how most likely my last check that he deposited is going to bounce, and that I will probably never even pay him for this period and last period etc . And at this point, it is WAY THE FUCK OUT OF CONTROL.

I will be the 1st to admit that I pushed his buttons, I called him names, and insulted him and pretty much did anything I could do to get under his skin and piss him the fuck off.. which I think I was successful...
Imp probably rambling on now.. but I have cooled down quite a bit, so I am thinking clearly.

My Point? Imp not asking for forgiveness. I am not asking to be unbanned from GG&J forum. I am not asking for Green Guy to unban me from his Network Of links lists etc.. I am not asking for anything, except the chance to have this read and possible get a clearer picture of my point of view at the situation and the chain of events.

Green Guys comments to me were extremely harsh and un necessary as were mine. Green guy is closely affiliated with ars, so naturally I felt VERY alienated, and became very defensive. My ongoing issues with ars will remain ongoing. I am contesting the claim they have made. But On this open forum, and personally to Green guy and Jim, and to anyone who gives a shit. I do apologize for the events of the last 48hrs. was not needed, and I think we all got a little carried away.

Take it for whats it worth. I am sober, and thinking clearly... and again I am NOT kissing anyone's ass asking to be reinstated anywhere or get back on any ones traffic list. I simply wanted this off my chest and to set things right.

Jim and Green Guy. I am sorry.

05-14-2003, 02:35 AM
Very well said PimpDoG!


Aswell i dont think i fuled the fire to much at GG&J's but i aswell am sorry!

Now for some dancing bananas to make everyone happy again!

:bwave: :bdance: :bjump: :bwave: :bdance: :bjump: :bdance:

Last edited by mailman at May 13 2003, 10:45 PM

05-14-2003, 02:49 AM

well I don't really know you at all, I have only read about you on the boards.

Of course the first step in mending bridges and relationships that have gotten hurt or burned is to apoligize. Kudos on being a man and saying sorry, we have all had to do this before.

You run your biz how you want to of course, but I would recommend trying to be a little more professional at times. I mean you can talk shit and all, as we all do from time to time, but also try and come off good when doing promo for your company / programs, etc.

Now as far as Ars goes, I have known marc for years, and he is always a very stand up person, his company has been good for our industry. Mabey try and get that resolved.

Mend some bridges and try some positive PR, ppl tend to forget and forgive ppl / companies that ask for a chance, and show they want to network and have good relationships with others..

just my 2cents


05-14-2003, 02:56 AM
Originally posted by sextoyking@May 13 2003, 10:57 PM

well I don't really know you at all, I have only read about you on the boards.

Of course the first step in mending bridges and relationships that have gotten hurt or burned is to apoligize. Kudos on being a man and saying sorry, we have all had to do this before.

You run your biz how you want to of course, but I would recommend trying to be a little more professional at times. I mean you can talk shit and all, as we all do from time to time, but also try and come off good when doing promo for your company / programs, etc.

Now as far as Ars goes, I have known marc for years, and he is always a very stand up person, his company has been good for our industry. Mabey try and get that resolved.

Mend some bridges and try some positive PR, ppl tend to forget and forgive ppl / companies that ask for a chance, and show they want to network and have good relationships with others..

just my 2cents

points well taken.. all except one. and im sure you know which i am refering too.

and that issue is really a nonissue at this point.. there is no dispute to be made, it simply doesnt exist.

thank you for the input though. I know i get pretty emotional at times.. but that isnt necessarly a bad thing, it just needs to be directed ina different manner... im stilla young buck. Im learning.


05-14-2003, 05:22 AM
Today seems like a good day to burn a bridge or two
The one with old wood creaking that would burn away right on cue
try to be not like that but some people really suck


05-14-2003, 08:58 AM
I will say one thing - I ask that Serge explain who this "Jim" guy is & "what his function on the internet is"


05-14-2003, 09:01 AM
hey greenguy

how many times have you guys sold the address that i reg at your board with?

seems one of your customers have been sending me viruses on a reg basis intentionally

maybe ill just start redirecting them to you


05-14-2003, 09:11 AM
Originally posted by greenguy@May 14 2003, 08:06 AM
I will say one thing - I ask that Serge explain who this "Jim" guy is & "what his function on the internet is"

his firsty site
http://jamesandvictoria.com is dated 1996

should I say more?

05-14-2003, 09:14 AM
here are 3 rules I built my entire business upon,
my 3 whales


1) When you run with big dogs,
get ready to piss on the big trees.

2) The best warrior is the one who doesn't have to fight

3) when you piss against the wind,
forget ab out smelling roses.

if you can reconcile all 3-
u got it made

05-14-2003, 09:15 AM
Forest - we don't sell or loan out our lists - actually, I don't think we even used the board member list until recently (last week?) as we have the newsletter on a seperate email database.

I can of course remove your email if you like - we're not here to piss anyone off :)

Last edited by greenguy at May 14 2003, 09:25 AM

05-14-2003, 09:15 AM
:rolleyes: :gbounce: :rolleyes:
:headwall: :headwall: :headwall: :headwall: :headwall: :headwall:

Just fucking clueless…

05-14-2003, 09:17 AM
Originally posted by Cleo@May 14 2003, 08:23 AM
:rolleyes: :gbounce: :rolleyes:
:headwall: :headwall: :headwall: :headwall: :headwall: :headwall:

Just fucking clueless…
Cleo, you alive?????

05-14-2003, 09:34 AM
You don't know my place on the internet. Well, I will give you a brief history to my history. It started with a little site called JamesandVictoria.com where Serge and I shared a server back when Serge, late 95 early 96? We actually used to steal pictures from each-other back then :) And we have been friends since we met in Montreal in 96. I do consider Serge one of my best friends as well as my lovely wife. His family has been to my house a few times and he knows, he is always welcome here.

I became a founding member in YNOT when it was still good. I actually wrote the YNOT code of ethics that many sites still use today. I then became a partner in the now defunct Ultracash. Ultracash was big in the day and anyone around then remembers that. That was until I was screwed out of my parnership when all of my friends did what they could to put them out of business. As I said, they are now defunct.

I then became the Vice President of Marketing of Cybererotica for a few years. And until recently, the Director of Marketing of Flashcash until I opened GandJ. And...who do you think the Jim is in Serge and Jim's GBU?

That brings us to where you decided to spam our forum where it was clearly marked that this was for business discussion only, no spam. Since all 7 of your posts you made before this spam was to sell your program, I thought I would be a nice guy and offer you advertising when we really don't have much more room for advertisers. Obviously GandJ works for you or you would not have spammed it so often.

Then it got out of hand...You badmouthed us, GandJ and one of our best sponsors. You can say anything you want about me. You can say anything you want about Greenguy. But do not say disparaging remarks about GandJ or any sponsor we promote.

You were then banned by your user name. You then created a new one and came back slamming again. You are now banned by ip address, epic cash has been erased from GanJ, link-o-rama and anyone promoting your site will not get listed on major link lists or TGPs ever again.

You do very well at burning bridges...the apology is worthless since at 10:30 PM last night you posted on STFU that we were assholes and at 2:30 AM, you say you are sorry here.

So, as for my history in this business, I was doing very well in this business while you were still flipping burgers at your local Burger King.

Serge I am sorry that I am helping stink up your board but people need to know what pimpdog is like in case nobody knows by now. But, I think everyone already does. He does a very good job at burning bridges.

And...he had to piss Greenguy off really bad. Except for Ultracash, he has never banned a sponsor until epic cash. And when Greenguy bans a sponsor, a lot of people follow him. I have now received over 20 emails from link lists and TGPS that say they will follow suite.

What you did does not seem to be bad enough to ban you for life. But for christ's sake, make up your mind. Either you are sorry or we are assholes. Which is it??? You have me confused.

From now on, keep this out of public eyes..write to me at javes@concentric.net and we can discuss this like gentlemen.

05-14-2003, 09:39 AM
I control the list and unless someone figured out how to steal it, you should get nothing but mail from us. Please, send me a copy of any email that you get that you know came from our list virus and all if you would like. Just make sure to include the headers.

Our list is worth too much to us to ever consider selling it at any price.

05-14-2003, 09:41 AM
Originally posted by Cleo@May 14 2003, 05:23 AM
:rolleyes: :gbounce: :rolleyes:
:headwall: :headwall: :headwall: :headwall: :headwall: :headwall:

Just fucking clueless…
Holy Shit


05-14-2003, 09:43 AM
Originally posted by JimB@May 14 2003, 05:47 AM
I control the list and unless someone figured out how to steal it, you should get nothing but mail from us. Please, send me a copy of any email that you get that you know came from our list virus and all if you would like. Just make sure to include the headers.

Our list is worth too much to us to ever consider selling it at any price.
I have deleted them

they got caught by the virus protection on my servers so its good

weird I thought they were from an addy i listed with you guys but ill check it

thanks for responding

:salute: :okthumb:

05-14-2003, 09:43 AM
Speaking of coming to our house Serge, Vickie is throwing together a little get together sometime this summer. More her than me but it would be great to see you again :)

I am unable to go to any shows for a while because I am on grandfather watch until middle of august, I hope. We have to be ready to drive to Rochester at a moments notice.

05-14-2003, 09:45 AM
Originally posted by Serge_Oprano+May 14 2003, 08:25 AM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Serge_Oprano @ May 14 2003, 08:25 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteBegin--Cleo@May 14 2003, 08:23 AM
:rolleyes: :gbounce: :rolleyes:
:headwall: :headwall: :headwall: :headwall: :headwall: :headwall:

Just fucking clueless…
Cleo, you alive?????
Serge now you know I'm alive and even thriving,

If you hadn't blocked my ICQ you would even see me online each day. :huh:

05-14-2003, 09:52 AM
Originally posted by JimB@May 14 2003, 08:51 AM
Speaking of coming to our house Serge, Vickie is throwing together a little get together sometime this summer. More her than me but it would be great to see you again :)

I am unable to go to any shows for a while because I am on grandfather watch until middle of august, I hope. We have to be ready to drive to Rochester at a moments notice.
we'll be in NY during summer and YES!!! let's get together,
it's been way too long...

you missed one more thing on your resume:
you were the one who put Ultimate Cash into the stratosphere

05-14-2003, 09:54 AM
Originally posted by Cleo+May 14 2003, 08:53 AM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Cleo @ May 14 2003, 08:53 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>Originally posted by -Serge_Oprano@May 14 2003, 08:25 AM
<!--QuoteBegin--Cleo@May 14 2003, 08:23 AM
:rolleyes: :gbounce: :rolleyes:
:headwall: :headwall: :headwall: :headwall: :headwall: :headwall:

Just fucking clueless…
Cleo, you alive?????
Serge now you know I'm alive and even thriving,

If you hadn't blocked my ICQ you would even see me online each day. :huh:[/b][/quote]
I didn't block your ICQ,
you are still on my list and I have no clue what you are talking about...

05-14-2003, 10:01 AM
Originally posted by Serge_Oprano@May 14 2003, 09:02 AM
[QUOTE=Cleo,May 14 2003, 08:53 AM][QUOTE=Serge_Oprano,May 14 2003, 08:25 AM][QUOTE=Cleo,May 14 2003, 08:23 AM]:rolleyes: I didn't block your ICQ,
you are still on my list and I have no clue what you are talking about...
I deleted you out of mine some time ago when I tried to ICQ you and it said that you had blocked me. Maybe it was one of your many other personalities???

05-14-2003, 10:11 AM
I thought MY memory was bad...

yours is even worse!

Not much. I've been sick with the flu or something. Went to the concert in Hollywood yesterday with Valentina. Just been working a lot, lots of work.

remeber this one?
quite recent

05-14-2003, 10:21 AM
Thanks Serge...
I didn't want to blow my own horn too much :)
Anyway...Vickie is putting together this party and I just told her you would be here. You made her very happy, my friend.

05-14-2003, 10:23 AM
Originally posted by Serge_Oprano@May 14 2003, 09:19 AM
I thought MY memory was bad...

yours is even worse!

Not much. I've been sick with the flu or something. Went to the concert in Hollywood yesterday with Valentina. Just been working a lot, lots of work.

remeber this one?
quite recent
The ICQ thing was some time ago, but it really doesn't matter.

Oddly enough I'm talking with Valentina on the phone as I'm reading this and she says that "I would never do anything with that jerk and have not talked to him since your party." For you both being from Russia it's strange that you two seem to hate each other so much. I just remember you two saying a few words in Russian to each other and sparks flying. What is really odd is why you would say that you are doing things with her. Do you have some kind of crush on her or something?

05-14-2003, 10:26 AM
Originally posted by JimB@May 14 2003, 09:29 AM
Thanks Serge...
I didn't want to blow my own horn too much :)
Anyway...Vickie is putting together this party and I just told her you would be here. You made her very happy, my friend.
Vickie and me had "love affair" for all those years and always saw eye to eye even during the turbulent times,
she is one heck of a girl and most likely I'll bring Lana again

you ARE my Upstate NY Family

05-14-2003, 10:27 AM
Originally posted by Cleo@May 14 2003, 09:31 AM

The ICQ thing was some time ago, but it really doesn't matter.

Oddly enough I'm talking with Valentina on the phone as I'm reading this and she says that "I would never do anything with that jerk and have not talked to him since your party." For you both being from Russia it's strange that you two seem to hate each other so much. I just remember you two saying a few words in Russian to each other and sparks flying. What is really odd is why you would say that you are doing things with her. Do you have some kind of crush on her or something?
it does matter...
it shows you forgot your vitamin E this morning and MUST take a pill

as for Valentian,
you don't expect me to start 3rd party piss on Oprano, don't ya?

05-14-2003, 10:29 AM
Well...thank You again Serge...You did make her happy.
That was the one thing she said about not going to the Florida show was that she would miss seeing you.

05-14-2003, 10:33 AM
Originally posted by JimB@May 14 2003, 09:37 AM
Well...thank You again Serge...You did make her happy.
That was the one thing she said about not going to the Florida show was that she would miss seeing you.
hahhaha, she woin't miuss me,
I won't be there,
I'll be in Norway and NY during the show!

"If mountain doesn't come to Mohammed-
Mohammed goes to mountain"

see you in NY!

05-14-2003, 12:37 PM
Its hard for a strong personality to walk away with his tail between his legs, something i have clearly done here. Jim you have mail.

serge Im stilla young buck, and I am still learning. shit happens and we learn and move on. I dont screw people. I pay on time, and the ppl that know me personally know that I am an honest, sencere hard working guy. Which clearly isnt represented by me in the last coupld days. Trying to make things right requires alot of self control and level headed thought... be patient.


05-14-2003, 12:41 PM
Originally posted by pimpdog@May 14 2003, 11:45 AM
Its hard for a strong personality to walk away with his tail between his legs, something i have clearly done here. Jim you have mail.

serge Im stilla young buck, and I am still learning. shit happens and we learn and move on. I dont screw people. I pay on time, and the ppl that know me personally know that I am an honest, sencere hard working guy. Which clearly isnt represented by me in the last coupld days. Trying to make things right requires alot of self control and level headed thought... be patient.

I dont screw people.


nothing wrong with it, as long as you are not caught

Publically lots of people disagree with that,
but in private they won't

05-14-2003, 01:32 PM
Originally posted by Serge_Oprano+May 14 2003, 04:49 PM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Serge_Oprano @ May 14 2003, 04:49 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteBegin--pimpdog@May 14 2003, 11:45 AM
Its hard for a strong personality to walk away with his tail between his legs, something i have clearly done here. Jim you have mail.

serge Im stilla young buck, and I am still learning. shit happens and we learn and move on. I dont screw people. I pay on time, and the ppl that know me personally know that I am an honest, sencere hard working guy. Which clearly isnt represented by me in the last coupld days. Trying to make things right requires alot of self control and level headed thought... be patient.

I dont screw people.


nothing wrong with it, as long as you are not caught

Publically lots of people disagree with that,
but in private they won't
Or be like my hero Serge

Tell them your fucking them and make them thank you when your done


:rokk: :rokk:

05-15-2003, 12:28 PM
Originally posted by greenguy@May 14 2003, 05:06 AM
I will say one thing - I ask that Serge explain who this "Jim" guy is & "what his function on the internet is"

That comment cost me the mouthful of Dr Pepper I had just now...

05-15-2003, 12:54 PM
Originally posted by Trev+May 14 2003, 12:40 PM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Trev @ May 14 2003, 12:40 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>Originally posted by -Serge_Oprano@May 14 2003, 04:49 PM
<!--QuoteBegin--pimpdog@May 14 2003, 11:45 AM
Its hard for a strong personality to walk away with his tail between his legs, something i have clearly done here. Jim you have mail.

serge Im stilla young buck, and I am still learning. shit happens and we learn and move on. I dont screw people. I pay on time, and the ppl that know me personally know that I am an honest, sencere hard working guy. Which clearly isnt represented by me in the last coupld days. Trying to make things right requires alot of self control and level headed thought... be patient.

I dont screw people.


nothing wrong with it, as long as you are not caught

Publically lots of people disagree with that,
but in private they won't
Or be like my hero Serge

Tell them your fucking them and make them thank you when your done


:rokk: :rokk:[/b][/quote]
and do you know WHY????

I always make 'em CUM!