View Full Version : Now I know...

05-10-2003, 09:14 AM

Look up 'H1B Visa'...signed by the previous President in 1988, it accounts for the sudden end to my career as a computer/printer/network tech and programmer.

If you could get technologists from other countries for about 10% of what you would pay for Americans, what would you do?

I firmly resolve to hate Liberals (and especially Clinton and his ilk) as much as they hate Bush and Conservatives. In fact, since my reason is proveably true, I shall endeavor to hate them even more.

To all Our politicians:

Last edited by Torone at May 10 2003, 08:31 AM

05-10-2003, 10:37 AM
I firmly resolve to hate

and I firmly resolve to LOVE everybody
let's see who can last longer

05-10-2003, 11:15 AM
Look up 'H1B Visa'...signed by the previous President in 1988 ... "

Ummmm .... wouldn't that be the noted liberal President Reagan?

05-10-2003, 12:05 PM
Originally posted by PornoDoggy@May 10 2003, 10:23 AM
Look up 'H1B Visa'...signed by the previous President in 1988 ... "

Ummmm .... wouldn't that be the noted liberal President Reagan?
I mistyped the date...It was 1998, NOT 1988!

[mumble, mumble...pickin' on old guys...mumble, mumble]


Where's that damned finger smiley?:finger:

Last edited by Torone at May 10 2003, 11:14 AM

05-10-2003, 12:10 PM
Originally posted by Serge_Oprano@May 10 2003, 09:45 AM
I firmly resolve to hate

and I firmly resolve to LOVE everybody
let's see who can last longer
Hey, old buddy, when we getting a 'finger' smiley so I can properly salute them libs (like that damn' nit-pickin' Pornodoggy). :D

05-10-2003, 12:18 PM
You aren't that much older than me, bucko ...

BTW ... H1B is/was not a "liberal" initiative. It was sold as necessary to ensure the competitiveness of American industry in the 21st century, and was backed by radical extemist groups like the United States Chamber of Commerce and by much of Silicon Valley. And I think - using a memory only slightly more ate up than yours :) - that H1B replaced something very much like it that has been used to recruit nurses and other professionals for 40 years or so.

Was the "damn feriner" that replaced you under 30, by any chance? :ph34r:

05-10-2003, 12:40 PM
Originally posted by PornoDoggy@May 10 2003, 11:26 AM
You aren't that much older than me, bucko ...

BTW ... H1B is/was not a "liberal" initiative. It was sold as necessary to ensure the competitiveness of American industry in the 21st century, and was backed by radical extemist groups like the United States Chamber of Commerce and by much of Silicon Valley. And I think - using a memory only slightly more ate up than yours :) - that H1B replaced something very much like it that has been used to recruit nurses and other professionals for 40 years or so.

Was the "damn feriner" that replaced you under 30, by any chance? :ph34r:
First, what makes you think I ain't that much older than you? It has been said that I'm two weeks older than dirt. When I started in computers, CP/M was the main OS available...DOS didn't exist.

Second, do your research...they raised the limit and abuse is rampant.

Third, I was replaced by a Vietnamese; but the REAL problem is that employers won't hire American when they can hire foreign for so much less...good business; but lousy citizenship. BTW, when it was raised was 2000...

05-10-2003, 01:23 PM
hell, I've been programming since the beignning of time...lololol

But I can't never been replaced by anyone :)...... Key has been to be in a niche and able to provide solutions that most can't....

But Torone, (surprisingly) I agree with you in a lot of respects... Back when all that was done, there were very optimistic projections of what would be needed in the future for IT needs.... Unfortunately, those projections were way over inflated because of the dot com boom and the Y2K push.... First drop was right after we got through Y2K and the world didn't explode, then in March 2000 when the dot com bust started, was the beginning of the end...

Overall effect of H1B and the overly inflated projections was to hand off a bunch of U.S. IT jobs to imports.....

I don't necessarilly blame dems or reps for it as much as I blame the big businesses who were not looking past the end of their noses on what their actually needs were and what they would be in the future....

I also blame all the folks that went job hopping for a couple of years there and are now out of work... For me, it paid off big time not to jump on every bandwagon that came along... I hopped once in 1999 to a dot com type company... Layoffs came in July 2001 but because I hadn't burned any bridges along the way, I managed to jump right back into database programming for a different company but same folks that I had worked with prior to 1999... Loyalty and continuity can help in the long run....

05-10-2003, 02:40 PM
what does an H1B work visa have to do with you driving a truck?

Hell Puppy
05-11-2003, 02:55 AM
There's no import regulations on programming, so dumping H1B completely still wouldn't fix the problem.

A lot of small to mid-sized companies are progressively outsourcing more and more development either directly to companies offshore or via U.S. shell corps that basically broker work for offshore development groups. The majority of this is going to India, but other countries are getting a slice as well.

Tech could potentially follow the same path as manufacturing very easily. For the same reason that many products produced by U.S. companies are actually built in the Pacific rim, we could see the majority of development being done in India, Eastern Europe, etc.

My feelings go both ways where imports are concerned. On one hand, I strongly believe in a totally free market. However, I find it tough to argue that this isn't costing jobs in the U.S. and sucking money out of our economy.

05-11-2003, 08:53 AM
Originally posted by JR@May 10 2003, 01:48 PM
what does an H1B work visa have to do with you driving a truck?
For 22+ years, I was one of the top computer/printer/network techs in Texas. I was being called from 5 different states. In 1999, I started having problems finding work. It finally got so bad that I had to take the trucking job. After much digging, one of the managers at a place where I used to work explained to me that the large technology companies were getting their techs from overseas via the H1B program.

Experience doesn't count in a business where everything becomes obsolete so quickly.

As for who is to blame, I was jerking the chains of the Bush-haters. Still, why DON'T the Libs get burned for things that their guy did?

05-11-2003, 08:57 AM

no offense man but it seems you are blaming others for your problems or lack of work

Overseas Cam studios pay their girls way less than I have to pay mine here in the states but I still find a way to stay in business and compete with them even if the profit margins are much tighter and my expenses are much higher

05-11-2003, 09:22 AM
Originally posted by Forest@May 11 2003, 08:05 AM

no offense man but it seems you are blaming others for your problems or lack of work

Overseas Cam studios pay their girls way less than I have to pay mine here in the states but I still find a way to stay in business and compete with them even if the profit margins are much tighter and my expenses are much higher
As a matter of fact, that is not really true...My career in IT ended because of H1B; but my current problems are more likely related to (as I think I may have stated before) a sudden move into a field that I was ill-prepared for. I am learning (albeit rather slowly) internet marketing; but it is totally different from the brick-and-mortar world. In fact, in that world, I really didn't need to market, because the nature and level of my skills made me a big fish in a little pond.

Anyhow, that career is over; and I am attempting to move on to something slightly related to it. Back to learning marketing porn (it is a lot harder thay one would think). :biglaugh:

05-11-2003, 09:27 AM

the best lesson i have learned in 5 years in this business and ill borrow the line from a movie cant remeber which

Adapt and Overcome to survive

05-11-2003, 09:45 AM
Originally posted by Forest@May 11 2003, 08:35 AM

the best lesson i have learned in 5 years in this business and ill borrow the line from a movie cant remeber which

Adapt and Overcome to survive
There are 2 things about me that have never changed...I hate spiders and I am not a quitter (that last may have a bearing on why I'm driving a truck...I tried to hold on for so long, I went broke).