View Full Version : Iraq talks about morals?

03-29-2003, 05:07 AM
On CNN right now, an Iraqi top official is talking about "if the USA and coallition forces have any morals they will stop this attack".
Hmmm obviously its ok to shoot and rape its own people because they wont fight for Iraq or the civilians are trying to run.

Furthermore, this guy is saying that Iraq is going to sue GWBush for war crimes.

So, what happens if this plays out and GWBush is tried for war crimes by a tribunal and found guilty???

GIVE EM HELL U.S.A.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
:rokk: :rokk:

03-29-2003, 10:33 AM
"So, what happens if this plays out and GWBush is tried for war crimes by a tribunal and found guilty???"

First, we do not accept the jurisdiction of the World Court.
Second, we are right on the edge of withdrawing from the UN.

03-29-2003, 10:35 AM
Hrmmm, interesting.

Aside from the points that Voodooman made, I guess it's not amoral to:

Dress up your troops like Americans and when your own soldiers surrender to them, shoot them.

Put unarmed civlians out in front of your troops.

Tell soldiers who are trying to leave that their families will be killed unless they get into a suicide convoy and head out to be killed.

Have your soldiers carry the internationally-recognized white flag and when the Americans approach, attack, therefore ensuring the subsequent deaths of most who really want to surrender.

Keep (and probably use) chemical and biological weapons that are banned by the entire world.

Ok, yeah, we don't have any morals..ayup.

03-30-2003, 09:20 AM
In our terms, people in the Middle East have absolutely no morals. Hell, they're supposed to be anti-porn; but look at your referrer stats... :D

I'm constantly hearing how they think nothing of making a contract over there, then tossing it out and starting over the next day. BTW, I'm hearing this from Middle Easterners.

I still say we need to hit them harder...not with an A-bomb; but with a B-bomb (bacon bomb). Either that, or spray the entire country with pig's blood... :D