View Full Version : French Want Their Own 'CNN'

03-28-2003, 03:21 PM
What a pathetic bunch these miserable French are. As if anybody would watch a French all news channel. The only way anybody will watch this is if they hire French whores to read the news.

Need a good name for the channel. I can't come up with one now.

New York Daily News
Friday, March 28th, 2003

France plans news channel

Call it Chirac's revenge.

After leading the opposition to the war in Iraq, the French
government's speeding ahead with plans to launch its own version of

It would beam a French point of view to news viewers around the

With a mission to improve "French influence in the world," the yet
unnamed channel would compete with global news giants like CNN and
Britain's BBC.

"France would like to think of itself as a major player in the
world," said Stephen Hess, a senior fellow at media think tank
Brookings Institution. "I don't see a market for it."

The programing might include reports along the lines of one broadcast
last night on France's TF1 television net:

"The British and Americans say they've taken control of the port of
Um Kasr, Iraq's only outlet to the sea. But the Iraqui ministry of
information denies this, declaring that the coalition forces only
control one dock."

The new network, set to launch next year, would initially broadcast
in French, and would possibly spawn English, Arab and Spanish

The French prime minister's office has set an April 22 deadline for
proposals from media companies interested in running the Franco CNN.
The pitches will be reviewed by French President Jacques Chirac.

Leading contendors include TF1, state-owned France Television, or
TV5, a French version of PBS, French media sources said. Also likely
to be involved is the French news agency Agence France Presse and
state owned Radio France Internationale.

The idea for CNN a la Francais dates to 1989. It was revived by
Chirac last year and gained momentum with the war.

The conflict has prompted ratings to surge on all-news cable networks
as viewers have become fixated on getting up-to-the-minute

But without an all news network, France hasn't been able to
capitalize on the ratings surge.

Mike AI
03-28-2003, 03:42 PM
CNN would be perfect for the french.

Cowards News Network
Chirac News Network

CNN is so left leaning, and is anti-US they might as well be french!


03-28-2003, 04:04 PM
CNN is left leaning and anti-american now ?!

03-28-2003, 04:07 PM
Spanno - Yes it is - always has been


Communist News Network :awinky:

03-28-2003, 04:10 PM
First sign of a ratings war the network will surrender. No worries.

Last edited by Mutt at Mar 28 2003, 08:47 PM

Mike AI
03-28-2003, 04:15 PM
First sign of a ratings war the network will surrender. No worries.

HAHAHAHA :rokk: :wnw: :rokk: :wnw:

03-28-2003, 04:54 PM
I thought Al Jazerra was all the French needed. Maybe just put French subtitles on it and that should do the trick.

03-28-2003, 09:40 PM
Originally posted by FATPad@Mar 28 2003, 03:18 PM
First sign of a ratings war the network will surrender. No worries.

Great line! :bjump:

03-29-2003, 12:26 AM
is most of French media state owned ?

03-29-2003, 03:21 PM
French goverment got their hands in many major french business.... however looking at other French tech/media companies like Vivendi and French Telecom, then I wouldn´t fear to much about "FNN" (French News Network) taking to over...

French people should stick to wine :stout: (or is that "whine" they are so good at? :moon: )

03-29-2003, 04:10 PM
hehe Rolo, whine. I actually saw a french vinegar advertised on a shopping site as White Whine Vinegar. Gotta wonder if it was deliberate on the merchant's part :P