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Dianna Vesta
03-28-2003, 08:30 AM
Hello everyone!

Just a news update… I’m fine. Busy but fine.

As many of you know my mom had a stroke. That was a bad thing. I was in the middle of a major move. Rather then hire a nurse to take are of her we decided to take turns caring for her. Luckily I can always make money online. So I’ve gone back and forth from Labelle to Boynton Beach at least four days a week. When older folks have a stroke like that they become really scared and it’s essential that they feel safe.

I took the time to work on my interactive community site I’ve been talking about for a few months. It’s a huge project that requires a certain look & concept that will appeal to a large market, curious about sexual alternatives, yet go beyond the niche market. The site is called Other Sex. It’s a free site, requiring you to register, allowing access to free personals, chat, forums, articles and art galleries. It is intelligent and cerebral, appealing to men, women and couples. The site will rely on upsells, shopping, sponsors, affiliate programs & since we plan on it being a major traffic source, direct mail. Thanks to all of you, I’ve picked up some great ideas to market and promote the site. I’ll also bring in well known sex writers.

It should open in about a week. I’d love to get a group of experienced webmasters to beta the program and come play with me.

I’ve taken Niche Cartel offline while I set-up a collection of niche sites. I currently have 3 and will be creating an additional portal hosting TPG’s & a links directory. This is a site that has already been online since 1995 and has a shit load of links coming in to it already. I’m looking for someone who has TPG scripts or would even consider bringing someone onto this project who has successfully run TPG’s before. It would strictly be a niche tpg, offering a really slick newsletter, banner program and more.

Everything is cool on the farm. I never knew how much fun pigs could be. I now have hens and fresh eggs everyday. Life on the farm is pretty cool, although I have mosquitoes the size of birds, raccoons from hell and fire ants that attack, I really love the peace and quiet.

Because of the delays I’m a bit behind with the land, however around the fall I’ll be ready for visitors and hope that you all will come out and se what I’ve got.

I have a few pictures and will take more once it stops raining. To view pictures go to:

http://www.shutterfly.com/osi.jsp?i=67b0de...e21b33584b48465 (http://www.shutterfly.com/osi.jsp?i=67b0de21b33584b48465)

I’m going to be home more, at least here four days a week now so you’ll be seeing me a bit more.



03-28-2003, 09:27 AM
Glad to hear things are going well for you and your Mom, DV! Awesome pictures - it sounds like a lot of work that you're LOVING! :bjump:

Dianna Vesta
03-28-2003, 02:16 PM
Originally posted by Peaches@Mar 28 2003, 09:35 AM
Glad to hear things are going well for you and your Mom, DV! Awesome pictures - it sounds like a lot of work that you're LOVING! :bjump:
Work? lol- Oh yea! I have a plan. I need more help. In my world we call them slaves!

I just need to build more facilities.


Mike AI
03-28-2003, 03:49 PM
Diana good to hear things are going wel!!

Nice photos!!!

Don't be a stranger!