View Full Version : Will Syria attack US?

Almighty Colin
03-27-2003, 11:05 AM

Anyone know anything more about this ...

"Jerusalem (CNSNews.com) - Syrian President Bashar Assad is calling on Arab states to defend Iraq while Syria's top religious authority has called for suicide attacks against U.S. and British troops fighting to topple the regime of Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein."

Almighty Colin
03-27-2003, 11:06 AM
From the same article ...

"Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon said several months ago that Israel had intelligence information
indicating that Saddam Hussein had moved his weapons of mass destruction to Syria."

Almighty Colin
03-27-2003, 11:07 AM
Syria pushes in vain to unite Arab nations against war (http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/chronicle/archive/2003/03/26/MN161461.DTL)

Last edited by Colin at Mar 27 2003, 11:16 AM

Mike AI
03-27-2003, 12:10 PM
These countries love to talk smack.... but reality is, they are not stupid. Though once we get 4th in the region, and we clear up Iraq - an attack from Syria would be a good thing. We have the troops/aircraft in place to kick their terrorist supporting asses! ( since they know this, they will only use words, and maybe some terrorist attacks they can deny, but will not directly attack the US)

Almighty Colin
03-27-2003, 12:16 PM
Originally posted by Mike AI@Mar 27 2003, 12:18 PM
reality is, they are not stupid.
Did you really say that, Mike? :ph34r:

Almighty Colin
03-27-2003, 01:58 PM
Which of these 4 sentences is most interesting?


A,. And mounting U.S. losses will continue long after the Iraqi regime is gone until the last American soldier leaves the country, said Syrian Information Minister Adnan Omran.

B. "The day they defeat the Iraqi regime and take control is the day the disaster begins," Omran told the Star in a private briefing.

C. "In Baghdad, they will find themselves facing daggers drawn from every corner. It will be a small-scale Vietnam. Small cuts will be made day after day and week after week until the Americans are gone.

D. "It is incredible that George Bush has been deceived by his advisers into believing he is poised for victory," Omran said.

I think B. "The day they defeat the Iraqi regime and take control"

03-28-2003, 02:16 PM
That would be a dream come true...keep your fingers crossed. There's
one thing I've noticed about these so called Islamic extremist over
there. They all have those bed sheets wrapped around their head way
too tight. When you consider what we've been seeing lately it seem's
to me that would should exercise any given opportunity to exterminate
this garbage from the face of the earth.

03-28-2003, 02:44 PM
Originally posted by Colin@Mar 27 2003, 11:06 AM
Which of these 4 sentences is most interesting?


A,. And mounting U.S. losses will continue long after the Iraqi regime is gone until the last American soldier leaves the country, said Syrian Information Minister Adnan Omran.

B. "The day they defeat the Iraqi regime and take control is the day the disaster begins," Omran told the Star in a private briefing.

C. "In Baghdad, they will find themselves facing daggers drawn from every corner. It will be a small-scale Vietnam. Small cuts will be made day after day and week after week until the Americans are gone.

D. "It is incredible that George Bush has been deceived by his advisers into believing he is poised for victory," Omran said.

I think B. "The day they defeat the Iraqi regime and take control"

None of them.... this is our war and we haven't even began to show our
stuff yet. Ok maybe last night we did a little when we dropped that 5,000
lb. bunker buster bomb in Baghdad.

Think about this... for Baghdad to be our grave means these coward little
fucks have to climb out of their protective holes. Our weapons are so cool
that we can turn a tank hiding under a bridge into scrap metal without
scratching the bridge.

All their doing is talking shit, their ass is history they have no way out. If
they come out of hiding they'll die above ground if they don't they'll die in
the grave they dug.

We did some severe damage with that 5,000 lb. BB last night and I'm sure
we'll be seeing more it and other things in the days ahead.

The one thing you never do in war is tell the enemy the kinda of shit these
dumb asses are making public. Something's wrong, I think what's left of
the leadership is trying to figure a way to get the hell out. I don't think
Sadaam or his sons are a live it looks to me like the information secretary
has taken charge

03-29-2003, 02:29 AM
. I don't think
Sadaam or his sons are a live it looks to me like the information secretary
has taken charge

Alas, if wishing would only make it so..but I saw this on Reuters tonight:

Reuters Story on Sadam's Bunkers (http://www.reuters.com/newsArticle.jhtml?type=oddlyEnoughNews&storyID=2466990)

Bombs Can't Bust Saddam Bunker, Builder Says
Fri March 28, 2003 10:49 AM ET
By David Crossland
BERLIN (Reuters) - The German architect of one of Saddam Hussein's main bunkers in Baghdad said on Friday the Iraqi leader can survive anything short of a direct hit with a nuclear bomb if he stays within its four-feet-thick walls.

"It could withstand the shock wave of a nuclear bomb the size of the Hiroshima one detonating 250 meters away," said Karl Esser, a security consultant who designed the bunker underneath Saddam's main presidential palace in Baghdad.

SodamnedInane is nuts, but not stupid. I'll bet he's not budging from that bunker of his. Probably has 6 months of supplies as well. It's going to be really tough to get to him, unfortunately. :grrr:

03-29-2003, 04:11 AM
why didnt we use the 5,000 lb. BB on day one when we bombed Saddams bunker when we were certain he was in there ??

this question has been bothering me for days.

Almighty Colin
03-31-2003, 10:50 AM
The Syrian Foreign Minister Faruk al-Shara declared: "Syria's interest is to see the invaders defeated in Iraq. The resistance of the Iraqis is extremely important. It is a heroic resistance to the US-British occupation of their country."

The Iranian Foreign Minister Kamal Kharrazi said: "From the very beginning we predicted that the Iraq nation would not welcome foreign invading forces. They (the Americans) are seeking to ensure Israel's complete domination over the region."
