View Full Version : when they end up dead, will they be classified as

03-26-2003, 09:08 PM

Mike AI
03-27-2003, 02:34 AM
Serge an article on this very topic!

http://newsobserver.com/nc24hour/ncnews/st...p-2217701c.html (http://newsobserver.com/nc24hour/ncnews/story/2379455p-2217701c.html)

Wednesday, March 26, 2003 11:15PM EST

Report: Marines wounded in fighting late Wednesday in Iraq

The Associated Press

DURHAM, N.C. (AP) - At least 25 Marines from Camp Lejeune were injured during house-to-house fighting that began Wednesday night in An Nasiriyah, according to a WTVD-TV reporter traveling with the troops.
Keith Garvin, reporting live Wednesday evening - about 2 a.m. in Baghdad - said the Marines were wounded over the past few hours in combat that had picked up "quite a bit in the last 10 minutes or so." He reported late Wednesday night that none of the injuries appeared to be life-threatening.

Civilians living behind a Marine camp at An Nasiriyah were seen setting up bunkers in the afternoon, and military officials "said they had heard or felt that something bad was going to happen tonight," Garvin reported.

Intelligence reports indicated 2,000 Iraqi troops were advancing on the camp, and a two-hour fight with missiles and artillery ensued, ultimately augmented by aerial bombing, he said.

Garvin said some of the Iraqi fighters were using women as shields and had given guns to children.

"Unfortunately some of the children have been firing at our Marines and our Marines have been forced to defend themselves," he said.

The wounded appeared to be in addition to 15 Lejeune Marines who have been reported injured during the Iraqi conflict. Eleven Lejeune Marines have died, nine in combat in the An Nasiriyah area and two in accidents.

03-27-2003, 09:18 AM
In Iraq, there will be:
A. Relatively few civilian casualties
B. All civilian casualities
depending on who's talking.

Almighty Colin
03-27-2003, 09:25 AM
Fucked up. Someone might have to capture Mother Theresa to get to Saddam.

03-27-2003, 09:39 AM
I hate to break this to you...
Mother Teresa died several years ago.

03-27-2003, 11:57 AM
That image makes me cry for the children.....sigh...I couldn't imagine doing that to my child. Like those in the market....WTF are you doing bringing your kids there?

Hubby and I talked about this last night....if my city were under attack...I'd be staying at home with the kids and he would venture out for food etc... if and when we needed.....whether I felt betrayed by our 'attackers' or not...

I would try my darnedest NOT to expose my children to either visions of a ruined city, nor to potential harm.

They really do live a different life there....

03-27-2003, 12:04 PM
GiGi, it is all about showing your children what the heathens have done, so you can hate them for another thousand years. Too many of the battles fought today through out the world are a result of some suffering, humiliation, or agression suffered by one group from another sometimes hundreds of years ago.

They don't forgive and forget - they try their damndest to make sure their children are as angry as possible, to keep up the fight. Have a look in Palestine... it is considered a GOOD thing if your children spend their days outside throwing rocks and firebombs at Israeli troops. The parents aren't "not aware", they encourage the stupidity. Then a child gets killed, and there is an uproar as to how the Israeli army is slaughtering innocent children.

No such thing as a fair fight, is there?


Evil Chris
03-27-2003, 03:29 PM
Those babes are hot... :P

Hi Raw Alex. :bwave:

Almighty Colin
03-27-2003, 03:47 PM
Originally posted by Torone@Mar 27 2003, 09:47 AM
I hate to break this to you...
Mother Teresa died several years ago.
Bullshit. Here's the proof!
