View Full Version : Iraqi's dress as american soldiers?

03-25-2003, 03:51 PM
"Meanwhile, senior Defense officials told Fox News that intelligence reports indicate that Iraqi forces — either special Republican Guard forces or Fedayeen Saddam terrorists — in and around Basra are dressing up as U.S. soldiers, then accepting the surrender of other Iraqi forces and executing them."


03-25-2003, 03:56 PM
that's pretty hardcore

Mike AI
03-25-2003, 03:59 PM
I heard reports that they were going to try and do this.

I think any Iraqi captured with American or British uniforms on should be executed as a spy. Or at least put on trial for war crimes.

03-25-2003, 04:51 PM
Fuck wasting money trying them.
Tape a grenade under their
chin and run.

Whats next? Are these people going to strap
C-4 to camels and send them into our camps.

03-25-2003, 05:17 PM
I'm sure that's next on their list of tactics

Mike AI
03-25-2003, 05:21 PM
Whats next? Are these people going to strap
C-4 to camels and send them into our camps.

This was actually done in Afganistan, first against the Russians, and they tried a few times against us.

03-25-2003, 05:44 PM
War is war, I mean yes they can kill americans, but dressing up as americans is purely against all conventions.

If they get caught in american uniforms and were found to have killed any coaltion forces, it's the war crimes court for them I say.

03-26-2003, 01:43 PM
It is perfectly within the rules of war that an enemy combatant found in our uniform be executed with extreme predudice on the spot "No ifs ands or buts about it!!! "A BULLET IN THE BACK OF THE HEAD" and on TV if we feel like it!

Also, any enemy civilians who pick up arms against us are under the same rules.
They have no protection from the law whatsoever and can be capped on the spot.

Almighty Colin
03-26-2003, 01:58 PM
Shoot the ones with the mustaches.

03-26-2003, 02:44 PM
Where does every one get this "rules of war" concept

We are at war, Solders and civilians are being and will be killed, THERE ARE NO RULES EXCEPT TO WIN!!!!

While I in no way condone the acts of the Iraqi military forces I can fully understand them

Broken down to its most basic - if some entity where to try to invade my home and take it I would use every measure possible to save my home

This is not fighting with the Marquis of Queensbury rules, the longer the coalition forces continue to battle with restraint the more casualties the coalition will suffer

Furthermore France is now moved from simple dissent to active hostility toward America - I understand France is acting in their own best interest - however the best interests of the French are counterproductive and dangerous to the best interests of the USA

It is my understanding that French President Chirac warned East European nations if they side with the coalition that France will oppose their membership in the European Union - Poland has already decided to aid the coalition efforts

In my opinion the USA should declare France an enemy of the USA and remove all US personal from France and request France to remove all French personal from the USA
In addition the USA should suspend all trade with France, freeze all financial assets of France and French corporations in the USA and levy all economic and diplomatic sanctions at our disposal

Last edited by Vick at Mar 26 2003, 02:53 PM

03-26-2003, 04:07 PM
Originally posted by Vick@Mar 26 2003, 02:52 PM
Where does every one get this "rules of war" concept

We are at war, Solders and civilians are being and will be killed, THERE ARE NO RULES EXCEPT TO WIN!!!!

While I in no way condone the acts of the Iraqi military forces I can fully understand them

Broken down to its most basic - if some entity where to try to invade my home and take it I would use every measure possible to save my home

This is not fighting with the Marquis of Queensbury rules, the longer the coalition forces continue to battle with restraint the more casualties the coalition will suffer

Furthermore France is now moved from simple dissent to active hostility toward America - I understand France is acting in their own best interest - however the best interests of the French are counterproductive and dangerous to the best interests of the USA

It is my understanding that French President Chirac warned East European nations if they side with the coalition that France will oppose their membership in the European Union - Poland has already decided to aid the coalition efforts

In my opinion the USA should declare France an enemy of the USA and remove all US personal from France and request France to remove all French personal from the USA
In addition the USA should suspend all trade with France, freeze all financial assets of France and French corporations in the USA and levy all economic and diplomatic sanctions at our disposal
Or we could just send over a troop of boy scouts and take them over. :D

03-26-2003, 04:13 PM
The whole deal really is this:

The Western countries attempt to show that they are "civilized" and that they "care". The Western media is up people's asses for years to come if bombs were dropped indescriminantly into civilian areas.

Iraqis and their neighbors don't have any such restriction. Most of the countries in the area are either monarchy or dictators of one sort of another. Iraq has shown in the past that it is willing to kill it's own people. They have no respect for human life.

What the fuck, do you think they are going to follow some pansy-ass rules for war? War means win - any way possible as far as they are concerned.

The US will have to fight with one hand tied behinds it's back as a result.


Almighty Colin
03-26-2003, 04:17 PM

I'm with YOU as far as "rules of war". If America was attacked, I'd be out there defending Miami in my civilian clothes.

03-26-2003, 04:23 PM
Originally posted by sharky@Mar 25 2003, 12:59 PM
"Meanwhile, senior Defense officials told Fox News that intelligence reports indicate that Iraqi forces — either special Republican Guard forces or Fedayeen Saddam terrorists — in and around Basra are dressing up as U.S. soldiers, then accepting the surrender of other Iraqi forces and executing them."

Don't know about it being hardcore and all, but our specops train to do the same thing.

Todd, didn't you say Fletch was Specfor Psyops?

Would love to hear his take on this.

To clarify, our forces do not kill our own troops. But will don oppossing countries uniforms to blend in, gather intel, etc.

Last edited by Anthony at Mar 26 2003, 01:34 PM

03-27-2003, 09:36 AM
Originally posted by RawAlex@Mar 26 2003, 04:21 PM
The whole deal really is this:

The Western countries attempt to show that they are "civilized" and that they "care". The Western media is up people's asses for years to come if bombs were dropped indescriminantly into civilian areas.

Iraqis and their neighbors don't have any such restriction. Most of the countries in the area are either monarchy or dictators of one sort of another. Iraq has shown in the past that it is willing to kill it's own people. They have no respect for human life.

What the fuck, do you think they are going to follow some pansy-ass rules for war? War means win - any way possible as far as they are concerned.

The US will have to fight with one hand tied behinds it's back as a result.

That's the most intelligent post I've seen from you...could it be that you're finally 'getting it'? :yowsa:

03-27-2003, 09:59 AM
Some of you guys seem to be missing the point of that article.. not only do they have US uniforms that will help them get access to our troops.. but they are using these to get their own forces to surrender to them and they are excecuting them!
Anyone in defiance of Saddam will be executed. That is how he has operated for years, and it has worked so far. His country is so afraid that he will have them killed, they learn to live with it.

03-27-2003, 08:58 PM
As for the "Rules of War" that we are dicussing here.

Most of us know that the only rule of war is to win the fucking war by killing more of the ememy then they kill of you, period. (Luckily we don't run the fucking country)

This philosophy makes Saddam a realist and in doing everything he can, every nasty trick, using WMD and any other dastardly method he can to win the war he is right and correct by doing so, right?

The big boys have gotten together and made a set of rules of conduct that are supposed to be adhered to in war and if anyone strays from them they are "BAD" and don't play well with others.

If a country violates this code the persons responsable can be tried for warcrimes "And perhaps be executed after they are caught"

The U.S. has to follow these rules, otherwise the rest of the world will be ever more pissed than they already are at th U.S. and charges of war crimes can be brought against the U.S.

All I was saying was the U.S. would not be in violation of these rules for head shooting the bastards pretending to be U.S soldiers by wearing U.S uniforms and our boys would not be considered war criminals if they did so. (The U.S. won't head shoot those bastards anyway!!!)

All rules and laws are ficticious and man made, they are a philosophy, an idea of how things should be. Regardless of wether you believe a rule/law is correct or incorrect violating it means a conciquence of some kind. Usually enforced by brute force upon the nonbeliever in the rule/law.

I think a great number of rules/laws are foolish at best, but I would not wish to live in a world with no rules at all.

So war does have rules, if you don't want the rest of the counties in the world gang up and kick the shit out of you, it does!!!

Saddam is in the process of learning first hand that last bit.