View Full Version : Missiles thrown towards Kuwait were banned types

03-21-2003, 02:37 PM
I don't often believe that the ends can be used to justify the means but,

Now I just wish our U.N. Ambassador would stand up, look the French, Russian and German Ambassadors in the eye and say:

"I told you so, nyahh nyahh nyahhh"


"He said it was an al-Fatah missile, which is among the banned weaponry U.N. inspectors were hunting for in Iraq. The solid-fuel al-Fatah is smaller than the Scud and has a range of about 118 miles, exceeding the 93-mile maximum allowed by U.N. resolutions"

"Four of the missile strikes were believed to involve Scuds - which Iraq also is banned from possessing. Two others were identified as Chinese-made surface-to-surface missiles, Kuwait officials said. "

03-21-2003, 02:51 PM
damn. that article was pulled from Tampa bay News:-)


It looks to be pretty sure Hussein is Dead or Dying!


Mike AI
03-21-2003, 02:52 PM
Sarettah, I think the people who have been coddling Saddam and Iraq will not care.... they all knew he had these weapons. It is hypocracy....

03-21-2003, 03:01 PM
In the immortal words of Gomer Pyle:
"Surprise...surprise....surprise!" :yowsa:

03-21-2003, 03:22 PM
sad that there are all these empty headed little peaceniks who will be terribly disappointed if and when the evidence against Hussein piles up. And you just know none of them would have the integrity to say 'Boy I was wrong'. No they can't do that, cuz George W. Bush is an idiot according to them, he's a cowboy, he's not an intellectual like they conceitedly believe themselves to be.

And the worst thing is that these idiots will start to fill the Internet with their conspiracy theories that any evidence the American military and CIA comes up is fabricated.

You cannot win with this type of person. Their lives are built around mistrusting and finding fault with those in power. They are more dangerous than the yahoos who watched today's fireworks like it was
the latest blockbuster action flick in the movie theaters.

03-21-2003, 03:30 PM
Those missles could not possibly be Scuds.... the Iraqi Information Minister was adamant that they never HAD Scuds....


03-21-2003, 05:04 PM
Shocking :zoinks:

But then again - everyone knew that Iraq had/has illegal weapons (french after war started "we will help, if Iraq use illegal weapons" :blink: )

03-21-2003, 05:19 PM
Originally posted by Rolo@Mar 21 2003, 05:12 PM
Shocking :zoinks:

But then again - everyone knew that Iraq had/has illegal weapons (french after war started "we will help, if Iraq use illegal weapons" :blink: )
The French said they would help if Iraq used chemical or biological weapons. They did not say that they would help if Iraq had missles that went 10 (or 110) miles further than the U.N. limits.

How dare they fire missles at us anyway? Are there really idiots out there so soaked up in all the faux patriotism and self-righteousness running around these days that we're going to start getting pissed off that somebody has the balls to shoot back?

And hypocricy? You're kidding me, right? What in the name of all that's holy can be more hypocritical than a Republican of Bush's ilk proclaiming his belief in the United Nations?

And yes, the conspiracy idiots will be conspiracy idiots - left and right. And the bobble-heads will believe anything they are told - left and right.

03-21-2003, 08:54 PM
No one were talking about Scuds before the invasion, because they should all have been destroyed a long time ago.

The cease-fire from the last gulf war prohibited Iraq from owning ballistic missiles, such as Scuds.

If Iraq have hidden Scuds from the UN, then how likely is it that they also still have other illegal weapons - including chemical or biological?

If Iraq have to use their weapons before the UN are convinced that they have them, then I really think we are headed for a very unstable world.