View Full Version : What would you have done differently?

03-18-2003, 06:55 AM
What do you wish that you would have done differently when you started out in the industry? I suppose I wish I would have spent more time learning the programing side of things or had gone straight to the AVS world instead of putting off learning about it.

03-18-2003, 07:15 AM
I wish I'd got into the industry years earlier... around the time Serge and R_n where arguing on Ynot... easier money back then.... :cryin:

03-18-2003, 07:25 AM
I would have kept more detailed notes and archived successful pages more carefully...

03-18-2003, 07:35 AM
Learned more about and followed new market economics
Reinvested more capital
Started an affiliate program sooner
Stayed with the content providing business
Diversified more
Stop using Ibill as a 3rd party billiing solution sooner
Recorded the CD Cocky before Kid Rock did

Last edited by Vick at Mar 18 2003, 08:07 AM

Mike AI
03-18-2003, 09:50 AM
Yeah upon reflection back, I wished I would have worked harder back in the day, and followed some of the big boys.

Back in the day, when we reached some success, I eased up a little bit, relaxing, enjoying my success somewhat. I should have kept the hammer down.

Also in the early days I was clueless, looking for ways to make money. Finally a few programs came out, paying per click and then per signup. Wish I would had started a program back then....

Also I wish I would have worked harder to get and keep traffic.... back in the day traffic flowed like water.... it was eay to get, and it was quality. Wish I had more of it.

I could probably go over 1,000 things I would have done differently.