View Full Version : More human shields news

Almighty Colin
03-13-2003, 01:43 PM
I really hope the rest of the "human shields" get out of Iraq before Saddam orders them tied to the front of tank or something. Five more shields kicked out of Iraq for disobeying requests as to where they should be positioned.

Said one American shield "The Iraqi government was acting absolutely very stupid. If they had only cooperated and let us do part of what we wanted to do, we could have worked with them also to protect these sites and we would have brought in more people to stay."


Mike AI
03-13-2003, 01:53 PM
Guess the whole concept of dictatorship does not fly with the human shields.... haha morons!

I wish they would stay there!

03-14-2003, 01:55 AM
do we HAVE to allow them back into this country ?

They had chosen locations "essential to the civilian population," such as food storage warehouses and water and electricity facilities,

Let me be the first one to tell you, we're going to Iraq for their food and water.

"They removed us from the sites we had chosen because we were critical of the integrity and the autonomy of the Iraqi authorities," said O'Keefe, 33. "I was escorted by Iraqi intelligence officers to the border, because I say what I believe and the Iraqi government wants submissive easy robots."

i believe they prefer submissive easy robots that can hide Scuds in their ass.

03-14-2003, 01:57 AM
Australia's most famous human shield is 'famous' cos he was on the original Big Brother series...

His only redeeming feature is that he was nicknamed 'DonkeyBoy'...and with very good reason. :D

Almighty Colin
03-14-2003, 05:24 AM
I think this shows how easy it is to take one's freedom for granted in countries like the US, Canada, the UK, Australia, and of course many others. We hear so many people throwing around the words "freedom" and "democracy" that some people get numb to them. They can often feel like a birthright rather than something that must be earned and defended.

The human shields idea is pure folly. Some people suggested that the human shields were brave and standing up for what they believe in. Once they saw what Saddam's regime is like, many of those brave shields fled the country. Having an armed escort everywhere they went and being forced to go to obvious military targets didn't quite fit with their vision of Casa Baghdad. Your host for this magnificent journey? Saddam Hussein!

Didn't they know? Saddam took Westerners prisoner during Gulf War I and placed them in the same places the shields were volunteering to go to. They were volunteering to do something that the world was outraged about just 10 years ago. They even used the same name, "human shields" that Saddam's regime used back then. Doesn't that insult the people that were abducted by Saddam just a decade ago - a group that included a five year old boy? I think it does.

Have things been that good for us that some of us are willing to go to the country of one of the most brutal and repressive regime's in history by any standard and defend it? For the most part, no. Those people are starting to come home now. It's not worth it they are learning. The rest of us knew all along. Those people were naive. The rest should come home.

Last edited by Colin at Mar 14 2003, 05:33 AM

Almighty Colin
03-14-2003, 05:40 AM
They need to take this down off their website:
"Human Shield volunteers have not been deployed to military sites. All sites we have so far deployed to are chosen by us and unofficially okayed by UN staff as being critical to humanitarian concerns." From: http://www.humanshields.org/

At least they have an update at the bottom:
"TJP Human Shield Action Iraq - Update March 13, 2003
The deportation of 5 key organisers (including myself) by Iraqi officials on March 7th & 8th has called into question the autonomy of the Human Shields in Iraq."

"Called into question"? This guy should renounce the whole idea. It reminds me of cult members whose beliefs are strengthened by obvious failures rather than weakened by them. The founder of the human shields movement has been deported. They'll still help you obtain an entry Visa into Iraq, the founder says but they can't assure you of where you will be placed. Completely irresponsible. Give it up, stupid.

The founder goes on, "Part of my motivation for changing my stance now in NOT actively discouraging more shields from entering Iraq is my great concern for those shields that remain, they want more shields to join them and I understand why, there is strength in numbers."

Sickening. Really. Mr. O'Keefe should have convinced them to leave with him when he fled the country. Doesn't he realize those people are at risk for being moved to other sites at any moment?

Last edited by Colin at Mar 14 2003, 05:50 AM

03-14-2003, 05:42 AM
Why should these people be allowed to return home?

They've gone out there to defend an insane dictator and his regime, found out it aint all peaches and they're leaving. Make the bastards suffer for their moronic decision.

Saddam keep em' :steemed:

Almighty Colin
03-14-2003, 07:06 AM
Originally posted by Trev@Mar 14 2003, 05:50 AM
Why should these people be allowed to return home?

They've gone out there to defend an insane dictator and his regime, found out it aint all peaches and they're leaving. Make the bastards suffer for their moronic decision.

Saddam keep em' :steemed:
Some of their families thought they were "morons" too. Let them go home to them.

03-16-2003, 04:29 AM
wow.. pretty funny. these people are really disturbed.

from http://www.humanshields.org/


Mr. Blair

10 Downing Street


6th March 2003

Dear Mr. Blair


"...Since my arrival in Iraq I have been overwhelmed with the generosity, love and compassion shown to me, these are clearly intelligent, beautiful people, which have a right to live. This war will NOT BE IN MY NAME. How could you kill any family? Any neighborhood? How can you cook children?"


its nice that though he is so overwhelmed with in all his compassion, understanding and elightenment, he has taken the time to divide the world into "people who are intelligent" and "not intelligent"... as well as those who have the right to live and those who don't.

i wonder if Blair is cross referrencing his list of who should live and who shouln't with this letter?

Mike AI
03-16-2003, 10:33 AM
Man I love the internet!!!

Where else could you spend all day http://www.humanshields.org/ reading this site?

HAHAHA Freaking morons.

The deportation of 5 key organisers (including myself) by Iraqi officials on March 7th & 8th has called into question the autonomy of the Human Shields in Iraq."

I love it, they want Autonomy in a dictatorship? hahaha Useful idiots! Saddam must love them.....

Mike AI
03-16-2003, 10:35 AM
Man I wish the humanshield site had a forum we could post to.

Anyone know of any "peace at any cost" - anti-American - websites that we can go invade for a few hours? :D B) :devil:

03-16-2003, 11:50 AM
Originally posted by Mike AI@Mar 16 2003, 07:41 AM
Man I love the internet!!!

Where else could you spend all day http://www.humanshields.org/ reading this site?

HAHAHA Freaking morons.

The deportation of 5 key organisers (including myself) by Iraqi officials on March 7th & 8th has called into question the autonomy of the Human Shields in Iraq."

I love it, they want Autonomy in a dictatorship? hahaha Useful idiots! Saddam must love them.....
thats no shit Mike. i was reading that site for about an hour. its funny how we can be so entertained by stupidity.

these people were surprised that Saddam was a dickhead.