View Full Version : Fucking Fat Forest

03-11-2003, 07:53 AM
after seeing my pics from Photogreggs party I am going on a diet

im currently 216 FUCKIN FAT my ideal weight according to my height is 173 hahahahaha I havent been that in 15 years!!!

I start the atkins diet today

we should start an Oprano pool and see who can pick how much weight i will lose in the first 30days

well its either the Low Carb High protien diet or

:barfon: anirexia


03-11-2003, 08:44 AM
$10 says you'll "gain" 10 pounds in 30 days :)

With as many wild women as you have running around you can't help but going into the "oral gratification" mode.

Almighty Colin
03-11-2003, 08:47 AM
16 pounds.

Mike AI
03-11-2003, 08:58 AM
Good luck Forest!!!

03-11-2003, 09:04 AM
Hmmmm Good Luck Forest!!

Want a partner in crime?? heheheh I need to lose about 25 pounds total....

Would like to lose at least 10 by pheonix....


03-11-2003, 09:49 AM
hey Forest...

I didn't like my pics from that party either.
I knew I had gained weight, but jeez... the pics tell it all!

Maybe it was the camera... ??? :unsure:

03-11-2003, 10:09 AM
Forest and Susan,
Blame the pics on Marcella...told her not to use the "wide angle" lens :)

03-11-2003, 10:46 AM
Originally posted by Susan@Mar 11 2003, 06:57 AM
hey Forest...

I didn't like my pics from that party either.
I knew I had gained weight, but jeez... the pics tell it all!

Maybe it was the camera... ??? :unsure:

hahahaha dont I wish!!!

twinkey Sure jump on the scale

Mike and gang THANKS for the support

Gregg all the wild women should help me BURN calories no???

03-11-2003, 11:05 AM
the ONE good thing about atkins is i get too eat all sorts of good shit



03-11-2003, 02:30 PM

Merely stopping your carb intake won't get you to the level you want. Excercise! Walk 30 minutes to an hour every night when it's cool. Take the mutt for a walk, enjoy the florida landscape. Just stay away from the mountains of Coral Springs. You could die walking close to that!

03-11-2003, 04:39 PM
Here's what will happen. You'll stay on the Atkins diet for about 5-6 months and actually get down to about 185-190 or so but as is often the case with the Atkins diet you'll go off it and gain it all back plus about 10 more pounds.

03-11-2003, 05:39 PM
I could loose 40pounds or so...

but Im not fat, Im big boned ;)

03-11-2003, 05:42 PM
Originally posted by DrGuile@Mar 11 2003, 06:47 PM
I could loose 40pounds or so...

but Im not fat, Im big boned ;)
I'm not overweight, I'm undertall :okthumb:

Dianna Vesta
03-11-2003, 06:55 PM
Forest you have the type of body that just needs to work out. You really don't eat bad food. Get one of those total gym things on TV, they work great, only cost two hundred bucks and you can do it 20 minutes a day. You'll see a big difference.

I never had much luck on Atkins. I need fruit and some sugar.

I've lost weight just since I bought this land. OMG, tomorrow AM, bright and early I pick up two homeless pigs. Between running to my mom's four days a week, building animal pens, putting up fence, yadda yadda, you stay pretty damn fit. Once I get my stables in you can come out here. You'll loose weight.

Seriously, don't do the diet roller coaster. Eat the foods you love, drink your wine and just work out. You also need to get out of the house more and in the fresh air.


03-11-2003, 08:07 PM
I'm with you Dianna...

I am currently tipping the scales at just over 200 pounds. Not good considering I am most comfortable at 160. :( I tried Atkins a while back, and it's nice to know I'm not the only one who didn't have any success. I'm not a fan of extremely limiting *diets* but I met many people who did fantastic on Atkins. My sister lost a ton of weight and never felt better in her life. I gave it a shot for a month, never got into ketosis, and never felt worse. When I added the carbs back into my diet I didn't tell anyone at the office, but they noticed... One person actually asked me how the diet was going and when I told her I had quit a few days prior she said "I knew it." When I asked how she knew she said I was "back to my old self..." Apparently, all protein and no carbs makes Andrew a dull boy. hahaha She told me I was very quiet and subdued while I was on the diet, and not my usual happy-go-lucky self... I decided to just cut back on the eating and increase the exercise, and that seems to be working. It's going slowly, but at least I'm in a good mood. ;)

There is no substitute for good old fashioned hard work though. I used to work in a cabinet shop and do yard work & cut firewood on the weekends. I was never in better shape...

Let us know how it goes Forest. I'm not putting down Atkins, as I know a lot of people who have done extremely well on it. Good luck to ya. :okthumb:

03-11-2003, 08:27 PM
Originally posted by Forest@Mar 11 2003, 05:01 AM
we should start an Oprano pool and see who can pick how much weight i will lose in the first 30days
Depends on when the weighing will take place... before or after a visit to the toilet... The human body usual produce 100-200 grams of shit per day, however some are more full of shit than others ;-)))

I´m cheering for you Forest - I have been there... the first 1-2 weeks are always the hardest - hope you make it :okthumb:

My guess is 12 pounds! in 30 days!

03-11-2003, 08:31 PM

I did pretty good on Atkins - lost about 14lbs in 3 weeks, felt absolutely incredible and have kept it off ... BUT I didnt' follow through and stick to the diet to lose any additional weight. My love of wines, scotch and going to dinner with Serge pretty much limited my amount of TRUE committment to a carb free diet LOL ;-))


03-11-2003, 08:52 PM
Hmm.. maybe I ought to add good luck to ya and I hope you find something that works for ya so I don't sound like too much of an asshole!! :P

03-11-2003, 10:37 PM
Hi Mike, how've you been? :)

Yeah, I've heard about so many people who did well on Atkins. I don't know what's different about me, but man I couldn't hack it. I'll lose this weight if it kills me though. haha

03-11-2003, 10:54 PM
If I would just walk down to the lake, back to the house, then up and down my damn driveway ONCE a day, I'd be fine, lol! I have a freaking stairmaster right there :cdance:

03-11-2003, 11:41 PM
Hey Peaches,

I've got a Life Cycle... wanna trade? :D

03-12-2003, 07:41 AM
Originally posted by Anthony@Mar 11 2003, 11:38 AM

Merely stopping your carb intake won't get you to the level you want. Excercise! Walk 30 minutes to an hour every night when it's cool. Take the mutt for a walk, enjoy the florida landscape. Just stay away from the mountains of Coral Springs. You could die walking close to that!
I know I know

I sit behind this fucking box all day/night

03-12-2003, 07:42 AM
Originally posted by TheEnforcer@Mar 11 2003, 06:00 PM
Hmm.. maybe I ought to add good luck to ya and I hope you find something that works for ya so I don't sound like too much of an asshole!! :P

we all know u better than that man


03-12-2003, 07:45 AM
Seriously, don't do the diet roller coaster. Eat the foods you love, drink your wine and just work out. You also need to get out of the house more and in the fresh air.


U KNOW i need to get out of this house you above anyone know how I work!


These fucking girls are killing me

03-12-2003, 12:17 PM
I did Atkins from June - September last year and lost 52 pounds. When I went "off" the diet between September - January 1st (my doc advised 3 months on, 3 months off) I didn't gain ANY weight back. Although I admit, being on Atkins did change how I made my food choices. I didn't pick pasta or breads like I used to - and sugary things were just too sweet, so I kept up with the Splenda in my coffee and even in the holiday cookies I made for the family.

When I went back on however I lost another 13 pounds and then got STUCK. Couldn't lose another pound - and then the new 13 came back. I recently went back on (this week) and dropped 5 pounds in about 4 days. Not bad.

But Anthony is 100% CORRECT. It's the exercize. I think the difference between my summer loss and my problems with loss in the winter is the exercize. In the summer I was swimming every day for at least 30 minutes, just laps back and forth. Now the water is still too cold and with my back problems I really can't do much else. Going to try some walking this weekend though and see if that boosts it and HOPE that it warms up so I can jump in the pool.

Good luck Forest - my bet (if you stay on it and DRINK YOUR WATER!!! 1 oz for each pound - that's 217 ounces each day!!!) is that you'll lose 15 in 3 weeks - maybe more. My hubby did SO much better on this plan than me - you guys have an advantage. He could eat steak every day and not get sick of it - I need to have something different for a change. lol

03-12-2003, 12:32 PM

Thanks for the positive story!!! gives me hope

I am DRIINNKKKKIIINNGGGGG so much fucking water I get up 3 time in the nite just to pissss

yesterday I drank almost 5 liters. I have 3 1.5 water bottles that i put 1/2 full in the freezer over night and fill and drink them all day and they stay COOOLLLLDDDDD.

its been so hot here lately that the lake temp is almost back to 78f so im going for a swimmm instead of walking

If I dont post again you know the resident Alligator got me


03-12-2003, 03:03 PM
Hmmmm.... maybe it was the water...

I don't drink much water. Is that why I never got into ketosis and felt like crap the whole time?

03-12-2003, 03:06 PM

every board I read about low carb says drink as much water as u can possible handle especially durring the induction

im day 2 lol

03-12-2003, 03:09 PM
Originally posted by VooMan@Mar 12 2003, 04:11 PM
Hmmmm.... maybe it was the water...

I don't drink much water. Is that why I never got into ketosis and felt like crap the whole time?
Yes, that's why you never got into ketosis, but I got into ketosis and still felt like crap :( I think it was because I missed the bread, potatoes and sweets so much :awinky:

03-12-2003, 03:21 PM
Well then maybe it's worth another shot for me. I would like nothing more than to get this damn 45 pounds off. Then I can go back to being the face in the mirror that I recognize.... :okthumb:

Okay well, almost the face I recognize. There's some hair missing from my forehead, but I don't see that coming back any time soon. I guess I'm just not 22 anymore... :headwall:


Hey Forest, you have some links to low carb boards you like? Post 'em, would ya? :)

03-12-2003, 03:29 PM
Shoot, Voo, I've got tons (pun intended) of links. They're in IE. Tell me how to put them in a file and I'll email them to you. there are message boards, places where you can buy pre-packaged food, etc.

Maybe when the kid leaves, I'll try it again. There's no way to do it with him around :angry:

03-12-2003, 03:41 PM




Go for it dude!!!

03-12-2003, 04:25 PM
Cool, thanks Forest. :)

Nice avatar as well... I always loved Calvin and Hobbes.

Peaches, if you export your favorites they will go into an html file. You can delete all the other links and just send me the ones for the low carb stuff. It looks like Forest gave me a good start though, so if you're feeling lazy it's okay. :awinky:

03-12-2003, 04:29 PM
Originally posted by VooMan@Mar 12 2003, 05:33 PM
Peaches, if you export your favorites they will go into an html file. You can delete all the other links and just send me the ones for the low carb stuff. It looks like Forest gave me a good start though, so if you're feeling lazy it's okay. :awinky:
I sent you an email - LMK if you didn't get it and I'll try whatever the heck it is you just said :awinky:

03-12-2003, 06:25 PM
I got your email Peaches, thanks. :)

For IE, if you want to put your favorites into an html file all you need to do is export them... Open IE, go to file -- import and export, follow the steps to export your favorites, save the file, and you'll have an html page with all your favorites broken down by folders...

:bdance: :bjump: :bdance: :bjump: :bdance: :bjump:

03-12-2003, 06:55 PM
at christmas I started a new diet which follows the atkins principal but slightly different, no gluten, no sugar, no dairy and no acids

after removing the bread and pasta from my diet, and concentrating on fruits and vegetables for the first 4 weeks, I went from 170 pounds to 130 ... the weight literally fell of, and thats without any excercise at all ...

I have since added some things back into my diet and occasionally eat bread and pasta, but I find that like kath said, I just don't feel like those things as much any more. pasta is too heavy ... I choose rice over pasta and cornchips over cookies ...

my biggest problem was sugar, coming off the sugar was like quitting a drug LOL I had sugar shakes for days at a time, and eventually would give in and drink a powerade or eat a lolly.

since adding some things back into my diet, i've put back about 10 pounds, but it doesn't seem like i'm putting on any more.

the principal of atkins is that your body uses the carbs you eat first, before it burns energy from your body - so if you eat a big bowl of pasta, your body is working hard to get rid of it and will never start working on that ass! of course you will put weight back on if you put carbs back into your diet, the weight was lost because you didn't eat them!

now i wish i could pick an excercise I like ... i've tried lots of types of excercise and i hate feeling like i'm excercising. my latest fad is yoga, i've just completed a course on digestive yoga, to help the body process food better ... we'll see how long this lasts!!!

03-12-2003, 07:50 PM
Originally posted by cj@Mar 12 2003, 08:03 PM
at christmas I started a new diet which follows the atkins principal but slightly different, no gluten, no sugar, no dairy and no acids

cj - do you have a link or something that has what's good/bad to eat on the plan? I only do well on very controlled environments <_<

03-12-2003, 08:33 PM
Peaches, I was given a specific outline by my natropath on what foods are good and bad for me specifically, not for the purpose of weight loss but to create a 'healthy body' ...

different blood groups require different types of foods, and break them down differently ... so a 'plan' can only really be set by an expert.

I have found natropaths to be GENIUSES with this ...

Much of the time when we try to 'diet' we cut out fat and sugar and carbs but forget to replace what we are taking away with alternatives or replacements. those replacement foods are different for everyone ... for me, its green vegetables - i have to eat at least 1 serve per day ... supposedly they help the digestive system break down the rest of the food - including sugar and fat.

where's that chocolate bar!!! ;-)

i have been on this diet now for almost 3 months, and i have not felt healthier in several years.

03-12-2003, 08:56 PM
Originally posted by cj@Mar 12 2003, 09:41 PM
different blood groups require different types of foods, and break them down differently ... so a 'plan' can only really be set by an expert.

I have found natropaths to be GENIUSES with this ...
Different blood groups i.e. different blood TYPES, or do they test for other things? I'd love to look into this as I've always suspected part my migraines were due to foods, but I've never been able to pin point them, and goodness knows I've tried :(

03-12-2003, 09:26 PM
types, yes ... 0 + or 0 - or AB- etc

the questions he asked me when he was putting together my plan was blood group, and gross toilet related stuff like the smell and look of *ahem*.
moving on.

natropaths also look at your tongue, fingernails and eyes to look at what existing over/under's you have in your system - the liver, kidneys and every vital organ sends messages to your eyes, nails and tongue. because of my lifelong sugar addiction my system is super acidic, and with acidity comes heartburn and potential peptic ulcers ... amazing but he pinpointed many things i've never even realized were wrong based on this ...

i am trying to find a site i looked at a few months ago without much luck, its got a bunch of tongue diagrams that show how they read it ...

this is interesting ...
natropath techniques vs doctor techniques (http://www.patblocknd.com/Naturopathy.htm)

03-12-2003, 09:34 PM
Thanks, cj! My Mom's a midwife, one of my sisters is a massage therapist (Christmas and bday gifts are GREAT!!) and one of my brothers has a doctorate in bio genetics, so between the three of them, one will surely know what I'm talking about when I bring it up, lol! I'm going to print that site out also. I want to see if they are finding out anything regarding migraines! :bjump: Thanks again!!!

03-12-2003, 09:44 PM
there's nothing more empowering than the first time you hear something useful ;-)

I hope you find a useful path soon ;-)

03-12-2003, 10:49 PM
cj, one of the biggest ongoing problems for most people (myself included) is that we live with a high sugar high starch low nutritional diet - we almost all over eat, we almost all overdo suger, and we suffer as a result. Our bodies adapt as best they can to the onslaught, up to a point.

The amount of adult onset diabetes is scary.

There is one thing common to ALL diets, ALL nutritional guides, and basic common sense: Drink alot of water. Your body is highly liquid, and the amount of water you put through your body has a big effect on how well your kidneys and liver end up working. They are the filters, and they need the water going through to keep the filters clean. Don't clean the filters, and the results are toxic.

Peaches, have you ever been asked to do a full log for your migrains? Dates, times, meals, weather, humidity, blood pressure, etc?


03-12-2003, 11:10 PM
Hey Peaches,


I found some useful information on the site, as well as links to Naturopathic Doctors in Georgia. :)

03-12-2003, 11:26 PM
Originally posted by RawAlex@Mar 12 2003, 11:57 PM
Peaches, have you ever been asked to do a full log for your migrains? Dates, times, meals, weather, humidity, blood pressure, etc?

Yes, but I haven't done it in years (like 22-25 years), so doing it again would be advised, lol! They're VERY hormonal. I've told the dr's that I've finished using everything and it's OK if they take it all out :awinky:

Weather pressure is a factor. I can tell when a high front is coming. High blood pressure is also, and thankfully I have very low blood pressure. Lack of sleep, or TOO much sleep can get me :( The regular food triggers don't get me like cheeses, wines, red meat, etc. I have the common migraine, not the classic one - I don't get the auras.

So...if I'm PMSing, there's a storm front coming, I'm upset about something, and I haven't had much sleep - I usually take a handful of imitrex, some pain pills, ice packs, and hang out in a dark room for a few days. Yeehaw, I'm fun then! :bjump: :bjump:

I found some useful information on the site, as well as links to Naturopathic Doctors in Georgia.

Thanks, Voo! You'd think there'd be more than FOUR in all of Georgia! :zoinks:

03-12-2003, 11:33 PM
This is true... But, it's a start. I find the idea very interesting myself. I tend to lean towards the holistic approach. Don't know why I didn't think of it before. Thanks CJ. :)

03-13-2003, 02:10 AM
Originally posted by RawAlex@Mar 12 2003, 10:57 PM
cj, one of the biggest ongoing problems for most people (myself included) is that we live with a high sugar high starch low nutritional diet - we almost all over eat, we almost all overdo suger, and we suffer as a result. Our bodies adapt as best they can to the onslaught, up to a point.

The amount of adult onset diabetes is scary.

There is one thing common to ALL diets, ALL nutritional guides, and basic common sense: Drink alot of water. Your body is highly liquid, and the amount of water you put through your body has a big effect on how well your kidneys and liver end up working. They are the filters, and they need the water going through to keep the filters clean. Don't clean the filters, and the results are toxic.

Peaches, have you ever been asked to do a full log for your migrains? Dates, times, meals, weather, humidity, blood pressure, etc?

very true alex ...

what you described in your first paragraph pretty much sums up my problem ;-)

i started a serious intake of water about 8 months ago, and the natropath told me I would have shut down months sooner if I hadn't been a water guzzler.

those who don't drink water (as I never did) roll their eyes and thing 'fuck would you shutup on the water thing' but ... it is the MOST important thing for every single body/wellness issue you can think of. i bought a water cooler and get 60 to 100 litres of water delivered per month. can't get enough ;-)

03-13-2003, 08:38 AM
I am drinking 4-8 liters per day so far

day 3

waiting for the end of the weeek to weigh myself :gbounce:

wish i could bounce like that all day


03-13-2003, 11:46 AM
Wow - great info here! CJ - thank you for posting your story. Sounds interesting....I find that the glutens are often a real problem for me. I thought I had an allergic reaction at one point, but really think it's just not healthy for me.

I'd heard about those blood type nutrition info programs before - and I've always heard positive results from those who truly follow them. That's very encouraging.

FOREST - congrats on the water dude! That's great! Maybe I should up my bet from 15 pounds in 30 days to 20+! If you keep this up you could be a true success story and we could see you on Oprah in no time! :)


03-13-2003, 12:01 PM

day 3 and I havent weighed myself BUT

i feel like I have a TON of energy.

im in WAY too good of a mood and actually feel more alert then ever

Glugggg Glugggg Gluggggg :hic: (just pretending)

03-13-2003, 12:05 PM
Originally posted by Forest@Mar 13 2003, 12:09 PM
i feel like I have a TON of energy.

im in WAY too good of a mood and actually feel more alert then ever
Forest, you sound just like my sister when she was on Atkins. I bet this works out well for you... :okthumb:

03-13-2003, 12:07 PM

from your mouth to God's ears :okthumb:

03-24-2003, 09:55 PM
Hey Forest,

I thought I would tear myself away from the news for a moment to see how the Atkins diet was treating you. How's it going after a week and a half? :okthumb:

Also, is it just me, or is Jane Skinner really cute? :inlove: :inlove: :inlove:

03-24-2003, 11:04 PM
Ya Forest!! Give us an update!! :)

I have the common migraine, not the classic one - I don't get the auras.

Man oh man....I've had migraines since I was a child. I NEVER had the auras until about 3 years ago....then all of a sudden WHAM! The first time it happened I was convinced that I had a brain tumor...it was terrifying!

I don't get them every time I get a migraine...but I do get them maybe every 3rd time.

One thing I like about them is that they are sort of like my early warning system....the aura comes at least 1/2 hour to 45min. BEFORE the real pain of the migraine starts.....just enough time to get the meds in the system before it gets so bad you can't keep anything down. ;)

I feel for ANYONE who gets migraines...I wouldn't wish them on my worst enemy....well....maybe Saddam. :nyanya:

Let me know if you find anything naturopatic to take for migraines! I'd be very interested. :)

As a matter of fact, my poor son Josh has inherited migraines from me...boohooo.....but most of the time he waits until it's too late to let me know he has one and then the meds won't stay down. :(

So if you see anything about treating kids with migraines shoot it my way!

Last edited by gigi at Mar 24 2003, 08:15 PM

03-24-2003, 11:29 PM
gigi, the principal of all natural medicine is that the body is a machine and every piece must be working properly or there will be squeaks and rattles from everywhere that are caused from somewhere else ...

unfortunately when your problem is as severe as migraines (i only got them for about a 2 year period then they disappeared but that 2 years was more than enough!!), your body is already broken. there's LOTS of changes you might have to make in your life such as eating organic fruit and vegetables that don't have pesticides on them, exercising regularly focusing on specific areas to keep the energy flowing through your system and eating AT LEAST 4 - 6 serves of fruit and veges per day ... THEN the natural therapist will start working on your migraines ;-)

my natropath told me "The problem with YOU PEOPLE is that you expect a solution to be instant, you want a magic pill that will fix it and you refuse to take care of yourself properly."


after i bitch slapped him i realized he was right ;-)

how is everyone going so far since this thread was started? voo?!?!? forest?!?! anyone got anything positive or negative to report?!

03-24-2003, 11:33 PM
Gigi, have you tried the triptans (for both you and your son)? Imitrex is the only one that works for me, but it's the greatest thing since sliced bread! They are completely non-drowsy, it's fast acting (especially the shots), and there have been times when normally I know I wouldn't have been able to get out of bed when I've been able to function. I still have some that the Imitrex takes a bit of the edge off, but can't get rid of, but instead of being bedridden 2-3 days a month, now it's a day every 2-3 months! :bjump:

The first time it happened I was convinced that I had a brain tumor...it was terrifying!

My mother actually had encephalitis several years ago and kept going to the hospital getting demerol shots thinking she had another migraine :zoinks:

As a matter of fact, my poor son Josh has inherited migraines from me

That SO sucks :( Every female on my Mother's side has had them, and when I had John, I told the doctor in the delivery room I was glad it was a boy so he had better chance of not getting them. Hopefully they'll find better and better ways of treating/preventing them so he won't deal with them for long. I've had them since I was 13, and the advancements just in the last 10 years have been incredible!

Do you have them when you're pregnant? That was the only time I've EVER gone that long w/o one. I was ready to just stay knocked up :awinky:

Here's a good newsgroup for info:
http://groups.google.com/groups?hl=en&lr=&...daches.migraine (http://groups.google.com/groups?hl=en&lr=&group=alt.support.headaches.migraine)

And here's another good site:

I had a link somewhere of various vitamins to try....B's, Magesium, etc...I'll see if I can dig it up.

03-25-2003, 12:02 AM
Originally posted by cj@Mar 24 2003, 11:37 PM
how is everyone going so far since this thread was started? voo?!?!?
Uh... I really haven't done much. But I've got some great excuses:

1. Sweet T has this adorable three year old who calls me and invites me out to dinner all the time. I can't refuse when he says "Hoo Hoo, you wanna have Chinese with us?" haha

(Yes, he calls me Hoo Hoo) :okthumb:

2. I HATE to cook... anything beyond a cup of coffee is too much for me. :headwall:

3. I LOVE to eat. I call it emotional nutrition. I'm single, so I'm sure I'm filling some kind of void. :bdance: :bjump: :bdance: :bjump:

All kidding aside, it's REALLY time I did something. I'm sure I would be more the fruit and veg type than Atkins, but the bottom line is I've got to get off my ass. 200 pounds is waaay too much for me.

03-25-2003, 12:06 AM
but the bottom line is I've got to get off my ass


03-25-2003, 12:07 AM
... am I the only one that noticed Vooman saying "filling a void" and following that with four bananas?

Anything you want to tell us about, Voo? :agrin:


03-25-2003, 12:12 AM
i thought only single girls liked bananas in that way


03-25-2003, 12:29 AM
Okay, I should have used a smiley... sue me. :awinky:

03-25-2003, 12:38 AM
All kidding aside, it's REALLY time I did something. I'm sure I would be more the fruit and veg type than Atkins, but the bottom line is I've got to get off my ass. 200 pounds is waaay too much for me.

Two words Voo... PUSH MOWER... :zoinks:

03-25-2003, 12:44 AM
You would not believe how much time I spend working in my yard...

Granted, my mower is self propelled, but it takes about 4 hours or so to cut the grass. Ask Sweet T how many tons of stone I moved around last summer. Me and my wheel barrow... haha

03-25-2003, 01:08 AM
Originally posted by VooMan@Mar 24 2003, 09:52 PM
You would not believe how much time I spend working in my yard...

Granted, my mower is self propelled, but it takes about 4 hours or so to cut the grass. Ask Sweet T how many tons of stone I moved around last summer. Me and my wheel barrow... haha
Indeed... see it isn't the weight... it's the wait (for winter to get over that is)... I know you work like a banshee on that 'yard' of yours... although I think 'grounds' it the proper term for one that size...lol

I'll stick with walking the golf courses and chasing that second hole in one for next 50 years and leave the landscaping to buff studs like you... ;)

Seriously though, was up to 210 around my bday last November Voo, started with the water and fruit for breakfast, raw veggies/soups for lunch (no crackers), and whatever for dinner... Snacked on flavored oatmeal, fruits or raw veggies through day... Dropped a bunch before Jan show and still keeping it off... Me, I just gotta eat... merely have to find stuff that you can eat all you want and not worry about it... (if you actually like eating it that is a bonus)... lol

03-25-2003, 01:42 AM
Originally posted by VooMan@Mar 25 2003, 12:52 AM
You would not believe how much time I spend working in my yard...

Granted, my mower is self propelled, but it takes about 4 hours or so to cut the grass. Ask Sweet T how many tons of stone I moved around last summer. Me and my wheel barrow... haha
ooh ooh ooh!!

vooman, i just got a message on my icq from an admirer who thinks you are "damn fine just the way you are"!!!


03-25-2003, 01:59 AM
Gigi, have you tried the triptans (for both you and your son)? Imitrex is the only one that works for me, but it's the greatest thing since sliced bread!

I don't know why but I've never ever gotten a perscription for my migraines...I hate taking meds if I don't have to...lol. Plain old extra strength tylenol works most of the time...sometimes I have to take 4 of 'em...but they work. Unfortunately, if I don't get them down before the nausea starts I'm screwed. :( So something that is fast acting for those times I'm hit too fast would definitely help!!

When I was a kid my parents just called them 'headaches'. I remember laying in my bed in a dark room on a beautiful sunny day, hearing my sisters and friends outside playing while my dad was sitting with me rubbing my head and putting cold clothes on me....I didn't even know they were migraines until I was in my 20's.....LOL

instead of being bedridden 2-3 days a month, now it's a day every 2-3 months!

Wow, I guess I'm sort of lucky that way with my manifestation....mine have never lasted more than a day.....and I might get one every 2 or 3 months....but let me tell you....that ONE is enough!!

Ick! Your poor mom!!! I guess the symptoms are that similar huh?

I told the doctor in the delivery room I was glad it was a boy so he had better chance of not getting them.

Yeah, poor Josh. I feel so bad for him because I know exactly how it is being a kid. We went to a specialist and got him tested 2 years ago to be sure that was what he was getting and sure enough that was it. :(

The Tylenol seems to work with him too....but again, he's a kid and by the time he realizes he's in pain it's usually too late and the nausea is already there....that's the toughest for him.

We went to Canada's Wonderland (amusement park) 2 years ago and right in the middle of the day we had to take him to the first aid for tylenol because we didn't bring any with us....ick!! And by the time we gave it to him it was too late and he kept throwing it all back up.....sigh...it's a trial that's for sure. Again, something fast acting would be really beneficial in his case.

Do you have them when you're pregnant?

I felt the SAME way with all of my preg's EXCEPT THIS ONEEEEEEE!!! I had a bout for 2 weeks straight....it sucked. Of course it had to happen during my first trimester when I'm also fighting weird food cravings and morning sickness...haha. I'm feeling better now though....and the migraines are less....maybe 1 a week right now.

Thanks for the migraine links!! I'll check 'em out!

Last edited by gigi at Mar 24 2003, 11:08 PM

03-25-2003, 02:08 AM
gigi, the principal of all natural medicine is that the body is a machine and every piece must be working properly or there will be squeaks and rattles from everywhere that are caused from somewhere else ...

That makes sooo much sense to me CJ. I'm really into the 'all natural', get your body working properly ideology...and I believe it.

BUT, I am soooo bad to my body...lol. I eat crap, sleep poorly, am inactive, smoke and on and on....

There are SOOOO many places in my lifestyle that I KNOW would help me with migraines if I only payed attention and worked on them.

I ate all organic produce for 3 years. Of course that didn't help when I was also eating crap on top of it....hehe.

I was also looking into Ayurveda...a naturopatic system rooted in India. I believe ,Vooman, we were discussing it before?

I am so ready to work on a naturopathic approach. I'm going to have to see who's in my area....

And your naturopath is right!! Where's that little pill dang it?? :P

03-25-2003, 02:18 AM
Seriously though, was up to 210 around my bday last November

Oh puleeeeease Mark! I CANNOT believe you were 210!! I just can't believe that m'dear....you'll have to try again. :nyanya:

03-25-2003, 06:13 AM
I just started getting those auras about a year ago - didn't realize it was happening to others or that they were associated with migraines.

Actually - my catalyst seems to be allergy season. Right now we're having sand storms filled with pollen and crap from the coast that ends up out here in the desert. Being at my kids' ballgames 4-5 nights a week doesn't help either (geez I need a bubble!) but as soon as the sinus cavities start filling (I can actually FEEL them) - about an hour or so later the auras start - then about 2-3 hours later it's migraine time. Dark room, cool cloth on the forehead and absolute silence. It was so bad over the weekend that I snapped at my kid for chomping oatmeal too loudly. Oatmeal? Loud?

What usually works for me is that new Excedrin dissolve tab things - the caffeine kicks ass. I take 3 instead of 2 and I am medicine-phobic (allergic to aspirin and just about everything) the rest of the time so they work very well. It still takes about 6 hours for the whole thing to cycle, but these things generally only last a couple weeks on and off and then I won't see them again until Fall. *knock on wood*

Would love to see a naturopath - sounds like that's just what I need. What I've been doing so far for 33 years hasn't worked. Time to try something new. :)

03-25-2003, 07:39 AM
Originally posted by VooMan@Mar 24 2003, 07:03 PM
Hey Forest,

I thought I would tear myself away from the news for a moment to see how the Atkins diet was treating you. How's it going after a week and a half? :okthumb:

Also, is it just me, or is Jane Skinner really cute? :inlove: :inlove: :inlove:

I havent weighed myself yet because i dont have a reliable scale


i am wearing shorts I havent put on in 2 years!!!! :gbounce:

I have way too much energy and havent yelled at anyone in a week :biglaugh:

My LOVE handles are slowly dissapearing

Its WORKING!!!!!!!!!!!

:bdance: :bwave: :bjump: :cdance:

and I havent cheated once!!!!

But im supposed to have dinner with Mike and serge this week so i will be cheating with WINE!!!!
:stout: :hic:

03-25-2003, 08:36 AM
Originally posted by Forest@Mar 25 2003, 07:47 AM

My LOVE handles are slowly dissapearing

But im supposed to have dinner with Mike and serge this week so i will be cheating with WINE!!!!
:stout: :hic:
if your love handles are gone,
what should Mike and me fhold on to when we get too much wine?

Evi called yesterday, she is a sweetheart and I told her how much we missed her

03-25-2003, 08:43 AM

my ass is still HUGE

you can each have 1 cheek :moon:

yeah evi e-mails me daily. She misses home (here NOT France LOL) and she is worried for her mom

we miss her here to. Im working WAY TO HARD!!!!


03-25-2003, 09:14 AM
Tylenol's do nothing for me - never have :( Not even for "regular" pain - my body's just not set up for them, lol!

Kath - watch out for the Ex. Strength Excedrins. I was taking those for migraines also - until I got a bleeding ulcer that put me in the hospital for a few days (this is what was wrong when I was in NOLA - it just took the doctors a few months, 8 pints of blood and $25K to figure it out :angry: ).

The triptans aren't pain killers at all. They work on the vascular system, which is where MY migraines start. They don't work for a lot of people (for instance, they don't do squat for my mother), but they work for me :gbounce:

My mother stopped having them when she hit menopause, then just recently (10 years later) started having them again. Odd.

03-25-2003, 11:57 AM
Originally posted by Peaches@Mar 25 2003, 06:22 AM
Kath - watch out for the Ex. Strength Excedrins. I was taking those for migraines also - until I got a bleeding ulcer that put me in the hospital for a few days (this is what was wrong when I was in NOLA - it just took the doctors a few months, 8 pints of blood and $25K to figure it out :angry: ).
YIKES!!!!!!! :zoinks: :zoinks: :zoinks:

Thanks for the heads up Peaches...just curious was it the Aspirin/Acetaminophen combo or the Aspirin free? I'm allergic to aspirin so I just take the acetaminophen/caffeine version - those quick tab things that melt in your mouth. For some reason as they melt, the meds seem to go straight into my jaw, up the side of my head and into the pain. I know they probably don't do that, but it feels like they get right into my system. Hey - if it works don't question. lol

BUT...your experience has got me worrying now. Hmmmmmmm.......

03-25-2003, 12:01 PM
Forest -

Go ahead and enjoy that dinner and some wine. Seriously. My hub would cheat on Atkins about 1 weekend every 30-days and for some reason the days after the cheat, his weight loss would boost.

However...when he cheated more than once a month, he didn't lose well - even hit a stall. So...if you limit your all-out meals with Serge and the gang to once monthly, you should be good to go.

BTW...I'm off Atkins again. For some reason it wasn't working this time. Got an appointment with the doc after Phoenix to run blood tests, etc. to see if anything has changed. The first time though it was "magical" - I lost like mad. Glad to hear you're feeling well and losing enough to wear those shorts! That's what it's ALL about!

WTG!!!!! :rokk: :okthumb: :rokk:

03-25-2003, 12:08 PM
Originally posted by kath@Mar 25 2003, 09:09 AM
Forest -

Go ahead and enjoy that dinner and some wine. Seriously. My hub would cheat on Atkins about 1 weekend every 30-days and for some reason the days after the cheat, his weight loss would boost.

However...when he cheated more than once a month, he didn't lose well - even hit a stall. So...if you limit your all-out meals with Serge and the gang to once monthly, you should be good to go.

BTW...I'm off Atkins again. For some reason it wasn't working this time. Got an appointment with the doc after Phoenix to run blood tests, etc. to see if anything has changed. The first time though it was "magical" - I lost like mad. Glad to hear you're feeling well and losing enough to wear those shorts! That's what it's ALL about!

WTG!!!!! :rokk: :okthumb: :rokk:

kath tells me I can cheat 1 day !!!!!!

and Thanx for the support It has actually been much easier than I thought it would be.


03-25-2003, 12:15 PM
Originally posted by kath@Mar 25 2003, 01:05 PM
Thanks for the heads up Peaches...just curious was it the Aspirin/Acetaminophen combo or the Aspirin free? I'm allergic to aspirin so I just take the acetaminophen/caffeine version - those quick tab things that melt in your mouth. For some reason as they melt, the meds seem to go straight into my jaw, up the side of my head and into the pain. I know they probably don't do that, but it feels like they get right into my system. Hey - if it works don't question. lol

BUT...your experience has got me worrying now. Hmmmmmmm.......
It was the Aspirin/Acetaminophen/Caffeine combo, so you should be OK - acetaminophen alone doesn't do anything for me :( I may try the ones you're talking about just for the "minor" migraines. My body's almost immune to most pain killers, which is why the Imitrex is so great. When I broke my leg, they wanted to give me just straight Tylenol after the surgery....erm, no.... :zoinks:

03-25-2003, 01:41 PM
Kath, like any diet program, the weight loss at the start is as good as it will get. With Atkins, you are basically removing certain food types and your body adapts to it... during the first part it works well, but as your body adapts, it is less effective.

There really isn't any easy replacement for less calories / more exercise - basic math. Don't just eat less - exercise more... the losses are there.


03-25-2003, 01:44 PM
Originally posted by RawAlex@Mar 25 2003, 10:49 AM
Kath, like any diet program, the weight loss at the start is as good as it will get. With Atkins, you are basically removing certain food types and your body adapts to it... during the first part it works well, but as your body adapts, it is less effective.

There really isn't any easy replacement for less calories / more exercise - basic math. Don't just eat less - exercise more... the losses are there.


your a glass 1/2 empty kinda guy arnt you


03-25-2003, 03:14 PM
Nope... more like half a glass is half a glass...

ANY diet is an improvement compared to over eating. Any exercise is better than none. Get up and walk around a bit... (or like me, buy a house with too many stairs!).

Atkins is good because, more than anything, it makes you think about what you eat, and keeps you away from certain things... you'll do good with it, I am sure! :-)


03-25-2003, 03:43 PM
Alex -

I think that's what my doc was getting at when he said 3 months on, 3 months off. The first 3 months kicked butt - I lost 52 pounds. During the off time I kept my exercize regimine (swimming/walking) and didn't gain back a pound - but I ate everything I wanted. No holding back. I went back ON but had to drop the swimming (cold weather) and still did the walking (about 3 miles with my sis in 4 times a week), stuck to the "plan" like glue and nada. I lost a dozen pounds but that was IT. It just stopped.

I think my metabolism was like "oh wait - we tried this before" - lol I kinda wish I hadn't gone off after 3 months - maybe the loss would have kept up. It's tough for me because walking/swimming are my only exercize options due to some back surgeries, etc. I still haven't gained any back - but the loss is on hiatus. Hoping the pool warms up soon - summer's coming - maybe that was the real trick! :)

03-25-2003, 09:20 PM
Originally posted by Forest@Mar 25 2003, 07:47 AM
I havent weighed myself yet because i dont have a reliable scale


i am wearing shorts I havent put on in 2 years!!!! :gbounce:

I have way too much energy and havent yelled at anyone in a week :biglaugh:

My LOVE handles are slowly dissapearing

Its WORKING!!!!!!!!!!!
Like you said forest, ITS WORKING!

many diet experts say that you shouldn't bother weighing yourself because it gives you a false impression of your success/failure and that the true way to tell if you are succeeding is

a) the waist band of your clothes
B) your energy levels (a feeling of flowing energy through your body)
c) your mood (ie, irritability gone)
d) your mental capacity to concentrate longer and think clearler

the least important measure of your success is how much weight you actually lose, this part follows naturally if you are achieving the rest of the objectives which feel way better than simply losing weight.

get ready (or maybe its already happened) for that first morning where you wake up, stretch, *smile* and jump out of bed.

03-25-2003, 09:21 PM
B) is supposed to be b )

04-03-2003, 05:18 PM

getting dressed to go out to dinner with Serge and LL and i put on a size 34 pants!!!!!
jeans no less!!!!

wooohooo i was almost ready to go to a size 38 before the diet

:gbounce: :cdance: :bjump: :bwave: :bdance: :salute: :okthumb:

04-03-2003, 05:43 PM
Originally posted by Forest@Apr 3 2003, 05:26 PM

getting dressed to go out to dinner with Serge and LL and i put on a size 34 pants!!!!!
jeans no less!!!!

wooohooo i was almost ready to go to a size 38 before the diet

:gbounce: :cdance: :bjump: :bwave: :bdance: :salute: :okthumb:
you are the man!
I'm sure you be 36 after the dinner

I bought your favorit beer!

04-11-2003, 01:14 PM

you must be fucking psycic

15.5 lbs

:bdance: :bwave: :bjump: :cdance: :salute:

30 days and didnt exercise once

well unless you call the backseat vid exercise

:yowsa: :biglaugh: :salute:

Dianna Vesta
04-11-2003, 02:29 PM
Good job!

Living in the country on a farm will take it off you too. If you are looking for a way to shed those last extra pounds, come out and I'll put you to work. I'm even getting muscles. Once I get horses it'll be even better.

I'm just a fucking goddess cowgirl- yeehaw!

04-11-2003, 02:42 PM
Excellent news Forest! I knew you could do it!

I did my own weight loss for the same time. I cut out for the past 3 weeks, all Fast food. I still drink soda, but will be cutting that out soon. I have limited myself portion wise and will stop eating once I feel I am full. I used to have a problem with this, and would eat everything in site. Serge can attest to this, as I almost ate a Sushi place out of business.

For excercise, it's been grappling and walking. I try to walk a mile every day. I take a one hour class of almost non stop Gracie Jiu Jitsu, and when we get the chance, 1 to 2 times a week at home for about 30 minutes. We are increasing the home rolling hopefully more now that my back is getting used to the pain involved with submissions. My endurance level has litreally jumped through the roof. I couldn't last more than 3 minutes rolling with a partner, now not a problem for the whole class.

I came down to Los Angeles withing 260lbs. I know weigh in at 247lbs! I have definition in my leg muscles! I'm picking my girl from the airport in about 2 hours, and am waiting for her to go gaga over the new lean look. =o)

04-11-2003, 03:01 PM
you lean mean porn machine

:wnw: :salute:

04-11-2003, 03:05 PM
Hollly SHIT

I just a little "oprano" research and my Fat thread has the most views of any thread on Oprano


Is that a Good thing?

:biglaugh: :salute:

04-11-2003, 11:41 PM
Awesome job Forest!!

You are an inspiration to meeeeeeeeee.....well, as soon as this kid pops you will be...hehe

Well done!


04-11-2003, 11:46 PM


pop that kid and get on the tread mill!!!

You Gooo Girl!!


04-12-2003, 12:27 AM
So Forest, this is still with Atkin's correct??

BTW, I heard on the news today that Dr. Atkins slipped and fell today hitting his head and he is in hospital in critical condition.....weird....

04-12-2003, 11:18 AM
Originally posted by gigi@Apr 11 2003, 08:35 PM
So Forest, this is still with Atkin's correct??

BTW, I heard on the news today that Dr. Atkins slipped and fell today hitting his head and he is in hospital in critical condition.....weird....
yes atkins

has been verry easy for me

:bdance: :salute:

04-13-2003, 12:47 PM
keep up the good work Forest...
so you can make ANOTHER video for me...

here's a couple questions for everyone:

what has been the hardest for you to give up (or reduce):
carbs or sugar ??


what are:
your favorite low-to-no carb snacks ??
your favorite low-to-no sugar snacks ??
your favorite protein meals and/or snacks ??

how much more do each of you still want to lose ??

what's the single most tempting food item you have to deal with ??

another reason water is SO important... it helps carry that fat
out of your system as a waste product... after-all fat doesn't evaporate...
it has to be flushed out in waste products... the extra water will also
help your skin look younger... have more moisture and help your skin
with elasticity - so as you lose weight you won't have terribly saggy skin...

good luck to everyone and congrats on caring enough about yourselves
to do something good for YOU...

be forewarned though... when I am able to get to my first ever webmaster
gathering (and I think that will be the Fla. - Aug. 03 event)... I will be
going around and checking you all out... seeing if I can pinch and inch
here and there (in addition to shaking your hands and saying Hello of
course...) - - - at least that sounds like a good excuse for me to
feel-you-all up.... LOL !!!! :D


04-13-2003, 07:41 PM
what has been the hardest for you to give up (or reduce):
carbs or sugar ??
god damn sugar!!

your favorite low-to-no carb snacks ??
wheat free health bars

your favorite low-to-no sugar snacks ??
fruit - bananas, strawberries, natural sugars to eliminate cravings

your favorite protein meals and/or snacks ??
peanuts (mmmm cashews)

how much more do each of you still want to lose ??

what's the single most tempting food item you have to deal with ??
chocolate ;-(

04-14-2003, 06:47 AM
so how was the diet?

04-14-2003, 08:26 AM

Ice cream bar none

hagenDaz cookies and cream (i cheated lat night) LOL

This has been a verry easy diet for me.

I foud a sugar free Lowcarb baker in that area with bagels and bread and muffins and CHEESE CAKE!!!!!

all low carb and sugar free

Thank God

my goal weight I havent really set 1 but somewhere btwn 180-190