View Full Version : Weekend Warriors filling my Inbox

03-09-2003, 01:02 PM
Anyone else notice that the weekend warrior spammers (usually people using bad landing page locations - geocities, cable modems, rd.yahoo.com to cheap hosting, etc) are on the increase? I am blowing off probably 300-400 pieces of mail a day on the weekend of pure spam - and that is after filters.

Anyone else getting buried?


03-09-2003, 01:04 PM
I blame the Taliban

03-09-2003, 02:12 PM
Yeah i'm getting about 100 per weekend day quite a bit more than during the week. I havent noticed any large increase recently though.

I tend to overlook them though.

03-09-2003, 02:49 PM
Yup...we must all be on the same SPAM track - my weekends are overflowing with SPAM. :grrr:

I wish we really COULD get one of those Butterfly guys from the MSN commercials to just pull the lever and get rid of all that nasty unwanted email. It just keeps coming and coming and coming...

Except the Baklava....I would keep the Baklava :nyanya:

03-09-2003, 04:29 PM
yup but i've always noticed this. Wake up Sunday morning and it just starts flowing into the inbox like diarrhea.

03-09-2003, 05:32 PM
Is anyone else getting hammered by the spam wanting money for the Warwick, Rhode Island night club fire? I honestly get about 50 A DAY from these people :unsure:

Except the Baklava....I would keep the Baklava

I have to admit that's the one thing I didn't "get" on that commercial - I've NEVER gotten a spam about Baklava, lol! Everything else was right on the nose, but the Baklava?!!

03-10-2003, 09:59 AM
Is anyone else getting hammered by the spam wanting money for the Warwick, Rhode Island night club fire? I honestly get about 50 A DAY from these people

I'm getting spam after spam from them... the emails are loaded with graphic pics of the fire and injured people as well... :grrr:

Mike AI
03-10-2003, 11:06 AM
Mail is out of control.... and yes lots of amateurs doing it, which makes it messy, sloppy, and a pain in the ass.

Seems everyone in the business is mailing, I mean everyone.... its like tgping in a way. The problem is the saturation is going to make it more difficult for everyone - and like everything in this industry it too will die out....