View Full Version : Finally a REAL Rx Program

03-09-2003, 09:10 AM
Tired of the look alikes and the herbal bullshit that doesnt sell?


Let the Pharmasutical companies do the Marketing for you

Everyday these products are marketed to YOUR customers via TV Radio Print Direct Mailings, Dr.'s, Pharmacies, and by the makers themselves


All spend MILLIONS a MONTH to get brand recognision for their drugs

Capitalize on THEIR avdertising, and put their product infront of your customers and watch the sales roll in

What is one of the BIGGEST industries and most profitable business in the world...

If you said Pharmasuticals you'd be 100% CORRECT!!! B)

03-09-2003, 09:12 AM
you can buy prozac online??
is that legal??

03-09-2003, 09:13 AM
Originally posted by cj@Mar 9 2003, 06:20 AM
you can buy prozac online??
is that legal??
100% LEGAL

03-09-2003, 09:17 AM
The GREATEST thing about this program is that ANY kind of traffic will convert


soo many people these days are taking meds

03-09-2003, 10:27 AM
Dont you LOVE timeing


server is acting up and my tech is at the beach!!!


icq me with any questions


03-09-2003, 12:47 PM
Originally posted by Forest@Mar 9 2003, 06:18 AM
Tired of the look alikes and the herbal bullshit that doesnt sell?


Let the Pharmasutical companies do the Marketing for you

Everyday these products are marketed to YOUR customers via TV Radio Print Direct Mailings, Dr.'s, Pharmacies, and by the makers themselves


All spend MILLIONS a MONTH to get brand recognision for their drugs

Capitalize on THEIR avdertising, and put their product infront of your customers and watch the sales roll in

What is one of the BIGGEST industries and most profitable business in the world...

If you said Pharmasuticals you'd be 100% CORRECT!!! B)
From the anal-retentive word-witch: That's pharmaCEUticals -- if you're going to peddle them, at least learn how to spell the word!

And this next bit is nothing against you personally, Forest, or anyone else selling pharmaceuticals online... because as long as there's a market, there will be smart folks who'll capitalize on it; and more power to 'em, I say! Even better if they're able to fuck the pharmaceutical cartel out of some of the money they make by overcharging for their shit.

It's true America's become a nation of people who are encouraged to pop a pill for the slightest little ache, pain or off day -- in large part because now the pharmaceutical industry is allowed to advertise their wares to the general public instead of just pitching doctors.

I find it ironic... indeed almost the height of hypocrisy that this is happening in a country whose government came up with slogans and programs like "Just Say No, DARE to keep kids off drugs," and "The War on Drugs."

I guess as long as it's Big Business doing the dealing, and they keep pumping money into the federal till while "helping" the FDA make decisions, Drugs are just fucking A-OK with the USA.

I'm sure there are some people who are truly helped by many of these pharmaceuticals, but there are FAR more who see a Zoloft or Prozac commercial, then go to their doctor and ask for it by name... and he's all too willing to write the scrip -- it's easy and profitable.

Yet there are people going to prison for YEARS for smoking a fuckin' joint. That's just ridiculous.

Personally, I prefer my prescription drugs (particularly barbiturates like Valium and opiates like Vicodin) for purely recreational purposes once every few years. :lol:

03-09-2003, 12:55 PM

thatnks for the lesson in spelling should have spell checked first


But you are correct Pills ar OK for the USA

everyone takes them, The Feds approve them, now lets sell them

How's your sis doing?

tell her I said hello please

03-09-2003, 01:00 PM
And let's talk about cost for legal drugs - you think cocaine's expensive? I take imitrex for my migraines. $134-185 (depending on the pharmacy) for 9, yes that's right, NINE freaking pills. I can take up to three of those a day if I have a killer migraine. Thank R_n I have BCBS that covers 80% of my prescrips after my $500 deductible (which I've already reached in March, thankyouverymuch) because I usually go through 2 packs of 9 pills a month. PLUS now the doctor's experimenting with some preventative meds for another $116-200 a month :blink: BCBS ain't cheap for individual coverage, but in the end, I think I break even.

I kept telling the kid to study chemistry and make my drugs at home :agrin:

03-09-2003, 01:22 PM
Hahaha Peaches, I hear that... damn kids need to offset their costs!

Forest, lilb's doing alright; I'll give her your regards :-)

I remember YEARS ago, I had agonizing stomach troubles (which immediately ceased when I stopped taking birth control pills -- but I digress). I was prescribed Tagamet, which at the time was brand new, cost $120 for 30 pills and wasn't covered by insurance. I told the doc I didn't pay that much for the goddamned scrip drugs I bought on the street to get high for Chrissake.

Now you can buy the same shit over the counter for like $8. WTF??? The pharms certainly have quite a racket going on.

One thing that really bothers me is that drugs like Paxil, Prozac and Zoloft are being dispensed like Pez. My daughter's 12-year-old friend is on Paxil; that's just freakin' scary... And how do we expect to "keep kids off drugs" when we're supporting the "treatment" of teen angst with prescription drugs? The mind wobbles...

03-09-2003, 01:28 PM

Mike W and Wyldesites.com ROCK!!!!!!! :rokk: :wnw:

:bdance: :bwave: :bjump: :cdance: :gbounce: :okthumb:

03-09-2003, 05:44 PM
Forest, sorry, I had to do it

http://www.gofuckyourself.com/showthread.p...172#post1461172 (http://www.gofuckyourself.com/showthread.php?s=&postid=1461172#post1461172)

03-09-2003, 06:44 PM

Serge i would expect nothing LESS!!!!


03-09-2003, 10:34 PM
Originally posted by Serge_Oprano@Mar 9 2003, 02:52 PM
Forest, sorry, I had to do it

http://www.gofuckyourself.com/showthread.p...172#post1461172 (http://www.gofuckyourself.com/showthread.php?s=&postid=1461172#post1461172)
Nice Pic Forest - have you done any modelling before... you got a very "natural" look? :nyanya:

http://www.oneclickrx.com/ - looks like a good idea... is there a affiliate program? (couldnīt find it?)

Last edited by Rolo at Mar 9 2003, 07:43 PM

03-09-2003, 11:36 PM
Rox I agree wholeheartedly - nowadays the "cure" for a kid acting like a kid is to pump him full of Ritalin. The numbers I've heard on the percentage of kids in schools on Ritalin is staggering (I believe it was 30%?). I've even read where schools are giving the parents an ultimatum - "if you want your child to continue going to school here, you will put him on Ritalin". What the fuck?

Forest - I didn't see any affiliate links, either; planning on opening an affiliate program for it?

03-10-2003, 06:34 AM
Ritalin, will fuck up kids for the rest of their lifes.

looking back at my childhood, i bet i was a perfect Ritalin candidate.. and look at me now :P

03-10-2003, 06:36 AM
Forest, what i cant buy vicodin ? :)

03-10-2003, 06:47 AM
Originally posted by Rox@Mar 9 2003, 01:30 PM
One thing that really bothers me is that drugs like Paxil, Prozac and Zoloft are being dispensed like Pez. My daughter's 12-year-old friend is on Paxil; that's just freakin' scary... And how do we expect to "keep kids off drugs" when we're supporting the "treatment" of teen angst with prescription drugs? The mind wobbles...
yup get em hooked while they're young and than give em Ritalin to shut em up.
Perfect reciepe for dumbing down of america

03-10-2003, 06:58 AM
Speaking of the dumbing down of America... did anybody see that news article about how the car baby-seat manufacturers are dumbing down their instructions because peope couldn't follow them?

Apparently the instructions were written for somebody with a Grade 9 reading level, but the average American has a Grade 5 reading level.... scary stuff.


03-10-2003, 07:29 AM
Originally posted by Rolo+Mar 9 2003, 07:42 PM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Rolo @ Mar 9 2003, 07:42 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteBegin--Serge_Oprano@Mar 9 2003, 02:52 PM
Forest, sorry, I had to do it

http://www.gofuckyourself.com/showthread.p...172#post1461172 (http://www.gofuckyourself.com/showthread.php?s=&postid=1461172#post1461172)
Nice Pic Forest - have you done any modelling before... you got a very "natural" look? :nyanya:

http://www.oneclickrx.com/ - looks like a good idea... is there a affiliate program? (couldnīt find it?)[/b][/quote]
Rolo, Carrie

yes there is an affilite for it hit me up on icq and ill get you link codes

We are in the process of scripting an automated affiliate program will be ready in a couple weeks

Slav No vicodin, oxi's or any codine based products

those are regulated verrry strictly

icq 118156620

e-mail forestmiami AT interclimax.com for your affiliate codes

03-10-2003, 07:58 AM
Originally posted by slavdogg@Mar 10 2003, 03:42 AM
Ritalin, will fuck up kids for the rest of their lifes.

looking back at my childhood, i bet i was a perfect Ritalin candidate.. and look at me now :P

I took ritalin from 5-7th grade

Now am all fucked up
