View Full Version : Pending Naval Arms Race?

03-05-2003, 02:08 AM
http://www.military.com/NewContent?file=NI...03&ESRC=navy.nl (http://www.military.com/NewContent?file=NI_China_0303&ESRC=navy.nl)

It seems the Chinese are making major investments in their submarine fleet, both in a domestic made nuclear sub and by purchasing Russian diesel boats. They appear to be focusing on the ability to go after our carriers, as well as greater emphasis on the traditional role of balistic missle subs.

Interesting read for anyone who's interested ... more than a little disturbing, too.

03-05-2003, 03:01 AM
"This means that, for the foreseeable future, the Navy must retain an ability to locate and destroy Chinese submarines."

Believe me, it's a top priority.
I've been privy to the Navy's focus on submarines, torpedos, and especially sonar arrays since I was about 3 feet high.
Superior listening capabilities and advanced hydrophones are constantly being not only developed, but put into service. Something modified that was initially purported as "it can't be done" rolled off the line and was sent off for deployment just this past Monday, having passed all tests with flying colors.
Honestly the biggest danger to our listening capabilities is the damn sharks. I don't know *why* they seem to think a mile-long casing of delicate hydrophone arrays looks like a giant piece of bait, but they do. They're even biting the passive arrays, which do nothing but listen, so in theory it shouldn't upset the natural "sonar" that a shark has running down the length of his body.

China's fleet is being monitored very, *very* closely.

That's one of the things that worries me so much about North Korea. It's much like a small noisy dog sitting in front of a very large, silent dog. I do *not* want to get into a war with China, but I'm not so sure they don't want to get into a war with us not too far down the road. Their immediate target certainly looks to be Taiwan, but the preparations they're making are way more than overkill for that. They're looking further ahead, and they've got something in mind.

This article is extremely comprehensive and well worth the read - albeit a really *long* read.

Almighty Colin
03-05-2003, 05:51 AM
China is on a roll. In some ways, they remind me of an earlier US and USSR -- developing it's space program rapidly, arming itself technologically, growing it's economy rapidly. China is the world's second largest economy. They've even managed to pick up the concept of deficit spending.

One would think their long history of greatness as a nation is contributing to a national- will and self-determination.

Despite what some say, Communism is not dead. It is alive and well in China, though it has a sort of hybrid economic system.

03-05-2003, 07:24 AM
China is not going to attack or fight anyone. they dont need that to be the biggest super power. they just need time and they are aware of it. they will not risk their "most favored nation" trading status and their WTO membership just to make a political point. they dont have too. they are going to dominate the world anyway soon enough.

... anyone notice that they are suspiciously quiet about Iraq, N. Korea, Taiwan and everywhere else? they just kinda sorta make a statement now and then. 10 years ago, theirs would have been the loudest voice against action in Iraq... now they dont have much to say.

i am sure some day they will... we will all be hanging out, doing nothing and fucking off and suddenly, before you can say "counterfeit Nike's", they will be deciding world policy and implementing trade sanctions on the US.

Last edited by JR at Mar 5 2003, 04:53 AM

03-05-2003, 08:26 AM
Taiwan is next..