View Full Version : Sick T Shirts

02-25-2003, 04:20 PM
This one struck me as in very poor taste (so I had to post a link to it of course)


This one should have struck me a really sick sick sick one, but for some reason it made me laugh instead... go figger....


02-25-2003, 04:25 PM
I guess it's freedom of speech - a lesson we all need to learn - how to take the really really bad with the good. You can't love the ACLU for sticking up for our causes and then flip them the bird for everything else they support just because we don't agree with it.

Sick T Shirts....and freedom of speech. :rolleyes:

Almighty Colin
02-25-2003, 04:27 PM
What is it with T-shirts and freedom of speech (http://www.oprano.com/msgboard/index.php?act=ST&f=1&t=2105) this week?

02-25-2003, 04:38 PM
agreed...freedom of speech...I would rather have things I don't like around than banned. I like some of their t-shirts. Okay, that one is a bit off but then no more off than that spam that went around a couple weeks ago.

02-25-2003, 06:27 PM
The text on one of their first shirts says it all I think:

"We're not Democrats, were not Repubicans...we're just assholes."

02-25-2003, 06:56 PM
Is there any truth to the rumor that tshirthell.com is a joint venture owned by Raw Alex & JR?

:groucho: :groucho:

Mike AI
02-25-2003, 07:08 PM
People should wear whatever they want on their t-shirts. However they should not be shocked if someone kicks their asses, or makes fun of them for being a bunch of ignorant dipshits.

02-25-2003, 07:42 PM
they have some pretty crazy shit on that site

02-25-2003, 07:51 PM
Originally posted by Mike AI@Feb 25 2003, 07:16 PM
People should wear whatever they want on their t-shirts. However they should not be shocked if someone kicks their asses, or makes fun of them for being a bunch of ignorant dipshits.
I would agree with you on this, but I think we've already agreed once this week, and I think it would set a bad precedent. :D

02-26-2003, 04:02 AM
Originally posted by Mike AI@Feb 25 2003, 04:16 PM
People should wear whatever they want on their t-shirts. However they should not be shocked if someone kicks their asses, or makes fun of them for being a bunch of ignorant dipshits.

i agree completely. people should feel free to offend anyone they want but should not surprised or shocked or complain about the reprecussions even when it includes getting their ass kicked. not because kicking someones ass is legal, but because when you make light of 96 people burning to death in a night club, you are obviously crossing the line with a lot of people.

offend at your own risk.

this is 100% a true story...

i was in London a few weeks ago and there was a man and woman standing in front of a store holding big pictures of bloody and butchered animals and protesting against fur. (in front of a store called "Expensive" near Oxford street i think for those from London)

as i was walking out of the store, she thrust a picture of a skinned animal in my face and a leaflet about killing animals for fur. i lightly swatted it out of her hand and kept walking.

she yelled out really loud, "thats assault"

i turned around and calmly said "no, showing your nasty face and yellow teeth in daylight, is assault! now look around and think about how many 1000's of people you have already assaulted today!"

people in the store and on the street are laughing.

she yells at me really loud "you would not talk to me like that if i was a man"

i said "i apologize. i saw your clothes, your hiking boots and the buldge in your crotch and thought you were a man"

then this is where the polite and friendly exchange about fashion sense and personal hygiene breaks down....

she starts screaming at me about how she is just minding her own business, how she is doing nothing and how i have no right to talk to her like that and i deserve to have my ass kicked, how i have assaulted her etc etc... of course letting me know in conclusion that "i have no right" to do this and that.

i asked her what right she had to thrust a picture of a bloody, half butchered animal that was chosen ONLY for maximum shock value in front of mine and my wifes face. I get the typical "the end justifies the means" answer,

"i only am speaking for those who can't speak for themselves"

i asked her, "why do you feel you have the right to do that YET i dont have the right to oppose it, or to let you know how i feel about you and what you are doing"

predictably, she had no answer other than some mumbling under her breath which i conceded may have been a mutual conclusion that i can be a real ass sometimes.

i dont mind people saying anything. i dont mind people speaking out about abortion or anything they feel important... its their right in the free world to do so. but when people start thrusting pictures of dead babies in my face to make a point about abortion, i DO feel i have the right to then express myself and my opinions. i think it is reasonable to expect a reaction.

I dont feel that people should be shocked or surprised at the reactions of people when they INTENTIONALLY set out to shock and surprise people.

Last edited by JR at Feb 26 2003, 01:12 AM

Almighty Colin
02-26-2003, 05:11 AM
Originally posted by Mike AI@Feb 25 2003, 07:16 PM
People should wear whatever they want on their t-shirts. However they should not be shocked if someone kicks their asses, or makes fun of them for being a bunch of ignorant dipshits.

02-26-2003, 07:40 AM
Originally posted by Mike AI@Feb 25 2003, 04:16 PM
People should wear whatever they want on their t-shirts... or makes fun of them for being a bunch of ignorant dipshits.

Does that include the thousands of free tshirts given away at the shows these last 5 years?