View Full Version : Is This The Worst Taste Advert Ever?

02-23-2003, 03:28 PM
not sure if this has been mentioned before... was just cleaning out some old email .. got this from platinum bucks on 11th February..

Anyone else think this is an amazingly fucked up marketing idea? or am I just imaging I am seeing what I think I am seeing here??


02-23-2003, 03:41 PM
this was discussed on GFY at length.

Think about who's advertisment it is.. the whole site is filled with bad taste humor.

It fits wellk

02-23-2003, 04:02 PM
Hi Opti,

I gotta agree. If were talking the space shuttle here, it's def. in bad taste!

02-23-2003, 04:14 PM
When I was in college in the early 70s National Lampoon had a pictoral depiction of a starving African child, complete with bloated belly, made out of chocolate pudding.

It was at that moment I had outgrown the magazine. I don't get the humor in it ...

Mike AI
02-23-2003, 04:14 PM
Yeah what a bunch of scumbags.... I would not do business with them.

02-23-2003, 04:18 PM

well it mentions a few companies on that ad, so who really sent it out.

I know Dave the owner from Plat. Bucks, and It would surprise me to learn if he did this. Of course anything is possible.

Mike AI
02-23-2003, 04:27 PM
Todd, I get the impression the ad was for a TGP site or free site that sends its traffic to those programs.... using the conversion rates to promote how good their traffic is - and they are selling the traffic.

But I could be wrong.

02-23-2003, 04:28 PM
IIRC, the original ad was for Consumption Junction, which makes their living on tastelessness. I'm not saying it's right or wrong - just saying to consider the source :awinky:

02-23-2003, 04:31 PM
Mike, Peaches,

i see what you guys mean. So CJ did that ad hugh? I have been to there sites once or twice and they do have some pretty outrageous stuff on there.

02-23-2003, 04:36 PM
They have since pulled the ad and I believe apologized in some form also.

02-24-2003, 01:24 AM
Originally posted by sextoyking@Feb 23 2003, 04:39 PM
So CJ did that ad hugh?
i did not!!!!


Mike AI
02-24-2003, 01:56 AM
Yeah Peaches, I can see it being the guys from Consumption Junction....

I find it ironic they are now in the program business, with their own sites ( some are very nice looking) theri own custom content... yet Consumption Junction is nothing buy copyright violations. They do not creat their own material and have build a gold mine in free traffic, which they now send to their porn sites....

For the record, the guys from CJ I have met have been great.... and I did bring up their copyright issues...

Rick Latona
02-24-2003, 10:43 AM
Ok Guys and Gals,

We’ve spent many days now discussing our ad on the various adult message boards. I won’t be going into that area today. If you want to know more you can go to GFY and/or Porno Junkies and search for Consumption Junction. Bottom line is that we got your attention.

I would however like to discuss the issue of content ownership. Mike pointed out that I discussed the issue with him but never bothered to comment on the points I made.

We have a very simple business model at Consumption Junction. We archive and distribute the fucked up things that people forward around their offices as email attachments. People have been sending each other images, videos, etc. since before the Web was born. We are a catch all that picks the best and newest ones each day and posts them on our site.

When entering the site you have to agree that if you send something to us that it is yours and you have the right to give US the right to post it. Clearly, this is a less than perfect system. So, we have put policies in place over 3 years ago that to this day haven’t changed at all.

Many hundreds of people in our industry have heard me explain this in the past. If we ever accidentally post something that is yours, you have a few options. The first thing you must do is bring it to our attention. If we knew that it was a professionally generated file and not something that amateurs created to send out to their friends, we wouldn’t have posted it.

Option 1: Ask us to take it down. This will happen immediately. We have never refused to take down a single piece of content.

Option 2: Ask for a link. We sell links on our site but we never charge someone to link their content to their site if the content was posted by accident.

Keep in mind that we receive thousands of submissions a day and post only around 30 pieces. We have a full time staff of 3 in charge of sifting through and posting the content. Accidents do happen and will continue to happen. But there are many people in our little niche business and we are the only ones that are active in the industry and making every attempt possible to create long lasting business relationships with people.

Mike, it isn’t ironic that we are now sponsors. We have traffic and we are in the business. It was the next logical step. We also create significant original content and editorials on CJ, our flagship property. CJ is a window to other content. We archive and distribute content. Many of the videos and downloads that we post have the creator’s logo and/or URL on them. We never take credit for having created content in which we didn’t create. We DO however put our URL on the content. This issue has created much debate. Clearly we have created a very viral business model by posting our URL on the content but it is only meant to show people where they can find this type of entertainment.

If anyone has an issue with what we do they can feel free to contact me directly at anytime. We have a great deal of traffic and relationships in this business and we are a better friend than enemy, any day of the week.

02-24-2003, 10:52 AM
I'm glad to see some people backed off of the witch burning here. I think it is important to take things with a grain of salt and look at the whole picture before making widespread accusations and statements.

It looked like a consumption junction ad to me the first time I saw it. The CJ guys seem to be good business people and stand up guys as far as I can tell. And they seem to be doing very well in the niche...which is basically a bunch of sick ass shit :)

Also, a little dark humor even when it is offensive and tasteless isn't always bad. It gives us a chance to look at the bad as well as the good.

You know what they say, "People in glass houses, sink ships!" (that was from one of my favorite movies Boondock Saints, just had to throw that in there.)

Sorry, for the pseudo philosophy this early on a Monday morning ;)

02-24-2003, 11:07 AM
To be honest when I saw that email come through I didn't even put two-and-two together to realize what it was. lol I just figured it was another joke I didn't get. :biglaugh:

Glad that the ad was removed and very glad that someone from CJ came by here to post and let folks know where to go to read up. Going to check it out now....

Thanks :)

Mike AI
02-24-2003, 02:43 PM
Rick, you know I like you, so do not take this personally....

BUT, what is ironic is CJ built up their business model by stealing other peoples content, by profiting off of stolen copyrighted material ( I know you take it down when asked, people subit, yawn yawn ywan - might work for some people but we know better here at Oprano)

Anyway back to the Irony, you now have some GREAT websites, with some great custom content - if someone like me, or others wanted to build their business by taking YOUR content, and giving it away free to build up lots of surfer traffic - I think you guys would be sending a C&D letter out quick, and probably ready to file a copyright infringement lawsuit.

That is the Irony, and the hypocracy....

Again, I have nothing for love for you, and the other guys from CJ.... but the facts are the facts. Even while I like you guys, your still on the shady side....

Copyrights are very important to this industry, it is a battle we have been fighting for 7 years now, and continue to all the time.

02-24-2003, 03:25 PM
Originally posted by Mike AI@Feb 24 2003, 03:51 PM
BUT, what is ironic is CJ built up their business model by stealing other peoples content, by profiting off of stolen copyrighted material
Weeelll, if I may be the estrogen version of the Devil's Advocate for a moment :awinky: (it's REALLY nice outside today and I've been enjoying the mountain air and the lake and I'm in even a cockier mood than normal :groucho: ):

Except for a few, Michael being one of those few, the majority of the large sites that started back in 1996ish ALL built their businesses on "stolen", copyrighted material. They'd download the material from the newsgroups and upload it to their sites. It was a free for all and a LOT of $$$ was made which was then used to buy content once content started being sold. So, if you're going to call a spade a spade.... there are a lot of people making a lot more money today than CJ that started that same way. :nyanya:

(I'm going back outside now - 70 degrees on Saturday, 1/2 inch of snow Sunday morning, 65 now, and maybe flurries again Tues night - I feel like I'm on an acid trip....... :o )

Mike AI
02-24-2003, 03:52 PM
Peaches, you are very right.

Selling liquer used to be illegal as well, and many people made fortunes running illegal booze....
:D :P

02-24-2003, 04:29 PM
Originally posted by Peaches@Feb 24 2003, 12:33 PM
(I'm going back outside now - 70 degrees on Saturday, 1/2 inch of snow Sunday morning, 65 now, and maybe flurries again Tues night - I feel like I'm on an acid trip....... :o )
WHOA! That would be a trip! Sheesh! It's been 70-75 out here but no snow (except in the mountains) and c'mon - I'm in the freaking desert. It's supposed to be 70 degree weather out here in February.

Bet Meg is loving the nice weather though :) Enjoy while it lasts!

02-24-2003, 05:26 PM
Originally posted by kath@Feb 24 2003, 05:37 PM
Bet Meg is loving the nice weather though :) Enjoy while it lasts!
HAHAHAHAHA! Meg doesn't like anything that involves the outdoors except chasing squirrels, crows and deer (and those she prefers to do from inside). There are no sofas and pillows outdoors, silly! :yowsa:

Ferdinand usually likes the outdoors but for some reason felt the need to sit in my lap all day. So...here I am, out on the deck, trying to read with two 22 pound dogs in my lap...not REAL comfortable, lol!

02-24-2003, 05:38 PM
Originally posted by Peaches+Feb 24 2003, 02:34 PM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Peaches @ Feb 24 2003, 02:34 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteBegin--kath@Feb 24 2003, 05:37 PM
Bet Meg is loving the nice weather though :) Enjoy while it lasts!
HAHAHAHAHA! Meg doesn't like anything that involves the outdoors except chasing squirrels, crows and deer (and those she prefers to do from inside). There are no sofas and pillows outdoors, silly! :yowsa:

Ferdinand usually likes the outdoors but for some reason felt the need to sit in my lap all day. So...here I am, out on the deck, trying to read with two 22 pound dogs in my lap...not REAL comfortable, lol![/b][/quote]
I can totally picture that. I bet they miss you terribly when you get out to the conferences. Cats - on the other hand - could care less unless there may be a problem with the food flow. lol :unsure:

Speaking of conferences - will you be attending Phoenix in April or Internext this summer? Would love to say hello again - we met years ago but I've really enjoyed talking to you here @ Oprano and "reading" you in other posts.

Already making my "hit list" of people to see @ upcoming shows :)