View Full Version : Duke Transplant-am I Heartless?

02-21-2003, 12:44 PM
Yes, the doctors screwed up. But even if they didn't, at least 1 legal American resident was passed over for a transplant :angry: Where are the posters telling us that illegal immigrants didn't affect us?

http://www.townhall.com/columnists/michell...m20030221.shtml (http://www.townhall.com/columnists/michellemalkin/mm20030221.shtml)

Almighty Colin
02-21-2003, 12:59 PM
I agree with you, Peaches.

02-21-2003, 01:04 PM
I don't think it's heartless at all. Those are tough questions that need addressed. In fact on 2 other message boards, in threads about the girl I posed the question of how much of her care we the US citizens as taxpayers and insurance premium payers would be flipping the bill for.

I certainly hope the girl survives, and can lead a happy and healthy life. But I also wanted to know who was paying for it all. According to the link you just posted, it says a guy in North Carolina set up a private charity to pay for it. I have a very hard time believing that is completely truthful, and I'll be very surprised if we the US citizens don't end up paying for a portion of it.

And you better believe that we will all be paying to make her familiy multimillionaires when they file their lawsuits for the botched transplant. They'll probably walk away with $50 million dollars from a nice malpractice insurance settlement, and we will all pay for it in the form of high insurance premiums.

Here's a good part from that article:

Scripps Memorial Hospital in San Diego was forced to close after losing more than $5 million a year in unreimbursed medical care, much of it for illegal immigrants, Times reporter Jerry Seper noted. The Southeast Medical Center in Douglas, Ariz., is on the verge of bankruptcy because of uncompensated care to undocumented aliens; the Cochise County, Ariz., Health Department spends as much as 30 percent of its annual $9 million budget on undocumented aliens; and the University Medical Center in Tucson will spend up to $10 million this year providing uncompensated alien health care.

New York medical providers have performed dozens of organ-transplant operations -- and even sex-change operations -- to illegal aliens. The costs of such "charity" care typically are shifted to insured patients, resulting in higher health insurance premiums.

Next time you write your check for your health insurance premiums, remember this.

Great post Peaches!

02-21-2003, 01:18 PM
And then there's this angle as well:

Scripps Memorial Hospital in San Diego was forced to close after losing more than $5 million a year in unreimbursed medical care, much of it for illegal immigrants, Times reporter Jerry Seper noted.

Now there's one less hospital to provide medical care to San Diego's legal residents, not to mention an entire staff of workers who're out of a fucking job now. :headwall:

Count me among the pissed off.

edit just to say I cross-posted with Sword!

Last edited by Rox at Feb 21 2003, 10:27 AM

Mike AI
02-22-2003, 04:39 AM
Peaches I am with you 100% !!! :rokk: :rokk: :rokk:

When are you going to run for President? Senator? Gov?


02-22-2003, 07:02 AM
i dont know if it was heartless,
but TWO people were passed over in this case.

but WTF is this shit ??
""and even sex-change operations -- to illegal aliens.""