View Full Version : Ibill Allowing 30 Minute Free Trials?

02-19-2003, 12:54 AM
Wonder who these guys are. Offering a 30 minute "free trial" that converts in 30 minutes to a 40 dollar month...opening an Ibill join page in a frame..but it's an Ibill page alright..

Since when does Ibill allow that? And since when do they offer crossells?

Added in edit:

And since the surfer has to cancel within 30 minutes WITH Ibill...I doubt that very many successfully cancel, since the info doesn't go into the CMI for a while, perhaps meaning it's not in their system either before 30 minutes and half the time surfers can't manage to cancel through them anyway. I get tons of members complaining that they can't cancel through Ibill...and there is no other customer service address..so they're probably getting that month.

Chargeback City.

Last edited by originalheather at Feb 18 2003, 10:07 PM

02-19-2003, 01:01 AM
DAMN! According to Trevor, this is CEN running a blind submit PERHAPS to Ibill...but the join page isn't on Ibill's server.

Whoa. Muuuy Interesante.

Edit again, sigh.

Just got this from Don Moore when I asked him since when Ibill offers free trials...

"They won't be for much longer.

Thanks for the info.

Last edited by originalheather at Feb 18 2003, 10:14 PM

02-19-2003, 01:17 AM
ibill has been offering free trials, cross sells for a while
and cen does have free trial sites

That looks like one of those Babenet sites that has forwarded its join page to CEN or something

02-19-2003, 01:22 AM
And Ibill no longer hosts its own join page? Interesting.

02-19-2003, 01:27 AM
Originally posted by originalheather@Feb 19 2003, 01:30 AM
And Ibill no longer hosts its own join page? Interesting.
Heather, come on now

the credit card page is hosted by ibill
https://pay.ibillnextgen.com/EcommerceWeb/....b/............. (https://pay.ibillnextgen.com/EcommerceWeb/.............).

02-19-2003, 01:29 AM
Heather, I have mentioned this in the past - I have a real problem with billing info being "pre-submitted" like this... I have seen spam sites with signup pages on geocities and yahoo... and processors accepting forms submits from them! I can't beleive for a moment that the clients signing up in this manner are 100% clear on what is going on - and I am also confident that the credit card info is also getting siphoned off on the way around.

Any idea why "$38.19" a month? Weird number, no? at least they have the guts / brains to put the price up as a price.


02-19-2003, 01:44 AM
My tech checked it originally. I just sent this to him and he replied:

haha... he's right.... it does some funky javascript

No matter if you put it in or out of a frame

You end up in frames

I missed it because no matter WHAT you do, it doesn't LOOK like it's in a frameset

But thanks for being so patronizing. :D

02-19-2003, 01:53 AM
heather i dont have problem taking it out of the frame
just bookmark the frame and you'll see what i mean

i find it rather ironic but you seem to be doing the same thing hosting the join page and posting data to a credit card page.

and i'm not patronizing you, just pointing out your errored assumptions. Nothing wrong with beeing wrong. But making false accusations is not right either.

02-19-2003, 02:08 AM
haha... he's right....

Where in there did it say *I* was right?

We precap data..yes, I didn't say it was wrong to precap data. When I THOUGHT that Ibill wasn't hosting the join page, THAT was different. I don't precap cc#'s, and that's what I THOUGHT had happened. That's why I posted haha... he's right.... .

Making false accusations...ok.

I've gone from being wrong to making false accusations.

And look up the meaning of "patronizing".

Mike AI
02-19-2003, 11:16 AM
The real question about Ibill is who is leading the ship? Seems to be rudderless....

02-19-2003, 12:42 PM
DrGuile knows all....


DrGuile likes to refer to himself in the third

02-19-2003, 01:29 PM

I hate you! :)

We have been advised no more 30 min trials!!!!

:matey: :stout:

Dianna Vesta
02-19-2003, 02:54 PM
Originally posted by Mike AI@Feb 19 2003, 11:24 AM
The real question about Ibill is who is leading the ship? Seems to be rudderless....
<sign> One day everyone will get an error and ibill.com will get a Can't Display Page and millions of dollars will get tied up in court.

Just like you've been telling me about Cave Creek, I've been saying this about Ibill. The first sale was an escape laced with a lot of fancy numbers. It started raining charge backs and mis-management, now we'll see the storm.

It's like everyone is running around wasting time, getting paid for a job that has no description.

02-19-2003, 03:39 PM
Cavecreek Dianna? Would that be the same Cavecreek that is debt free, has no shareholders without a clue how to turn on the internet, has a sister company named CCBill that has never missed a payment or paid late in all the years they've been in business?

Would that be the same Cavecreek that had tech staff come in one Saturday to build boxes for an emergency situation where Directnic thought they would be without bandwidth on the following Monday morning and potentially down for a couple of days if that happened? The same Cavecreek that did not have Directnic as a customer when they did so, and was not guaranteed of any business even after helping out when they could?

Interestingly enough, I'll wager you, or anyone else that cares to take it, that CCBill/Cavecreek will be among those standing when Visa/Mastercard are done putting the brakes on this industry... and that there won't be but one or two more besides CCBill left.

02-19-2003, 03:54 PM
Originally posted by *KK*@Feb 19 2003, 03:47 PM
Cavecreek Dianna? Would that be the same Cavecreek that is debt free, has no shareholders without a clue how to turn on the internet, has a sister company named CCBill that has never missed a payment or paid late in all the years they've been in business?

Would that be the same Cavecreek that had tech staff come in one Saturday to build boxes for an emergency situation where Directnic thought they would be without bandwidth on the following Monday morning and potentially down for a couple of days if that happened? The same Cavecreek that did not have Directnic as a customer when they did so, and was not guaranteed of any business even after helping out when they could?

Interestingly enough, I'll wager you, or anyone else that cares to take it, that CCBill/Cavecreek will be among those standing when Visa/Mastercard are done putting the brakes on this industry... and that there won't be but one or two more besides CCBill left.
Can't read KK?

she said MikeAI has been telling her about cave creek...

02-19-2003, 04:06 PM
Originally posted by DrGuile+Feb 19 2003, 01:02 PM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (DrGuile @ Feb 19 2003, 01:02 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteBegin--*KK*@Feb 19 2003, 03:47 PM
Cavecreek Dianna? Would that be the same Cavecreek that is debt free, has no shareholders without a clue how to turn on the internet, has a sister company named CCBill that has never missed a payment or paid late in all the years they've been in business?

Would that be the same Cavecreek that had tech staff come in one Saturday to build boxes for an emergency situation where Directnic thought they would be without bandwidth on the following Monday morning and potentially down for a couple of days if that happened? The same Cavecreek that did not have Directnic as a customer when they did so, and was not guaranteed of any business even after helping out when they could?

Interestingly enough, I'll wager you, or anyone else that cares to take it, that CCBill/Cavecreek will be among those standing when Visa/Mastercard are done putting the brakes on this industry... and that there won't be but one or two more besides CCBill left.
Can't read KK?

she said MikeAI has been telling her about cave creek...[/b][/quote]
Can't read Guile? Who do you think owns a large chunk of Directnic?

02-19-2003, 04:30 PM

One of us is really not following, and I dont think its me...

You went on a long post telling how Dianna was wrong thinking cavecreek had some unstated problem...

I just pointed out it was MIKEAI that was telling her about cavecreek.

Dianna said nothing against ccbill/cavecreek. She said what MikeAI is saying about cavecreek, she was saying the same for IBILL.

Am I speaking slowly enough?

02-19-2003, 04:44 PM
Actually you must be reading in French.

She made the comparison between Cavecreek and IBill... if you can turn on babelfish for a few and read the comments, all negative, about IBill, that she made, then you would realize she was inferring that someone -- MikeAI -- was making negative comments about Cavecreek.

Perhaps you should go to an American third grade if you are having this much trouble with your reading comprehension.

Mike AI
02-19-2003, 04:46 PM
Would that be the same Cavecreek that had tech staff come in one Saturday to build boxes for an emergency situation where Directnic thought they would be without bandwidth on the following Monday morning and potentially down for a couple of days if that happened? The same Cavecreek that did not have Directnic as a customer when they did so, and was not guaranteed of any business even after helping out when they could?

WTF does this have to do with anything?

We all KNOW what CCBILL has been actively involved in, a laundry list of various scummy business. Kiddie porn, Beasty porn, under-age teen sites, etc.... The only good news is CCBill is no longer working for these kinds of sites. Why did this change? Did the owners realize they were being a bunch of cockholsters? Did they think they made enough dirty money? Did they want to be good citizens on the net?

Nah.... none of the above.

They did it because VISA finally came around and MADE them get straight.

My issues with CCBill have always been their business practices that they would do ANYTHING for money. I feel the same way. However, I never said they were bankrupt or had any money issues (morally bankrupt maybe). CCBill has always paid weekly, and probably has their act together better then other processors we all know.

My opinions have not changed.... the owners of CCBill know this, we have talked about it many times... but it is a MOOT point now. CCBill is away from the scummy sites they used to process for... which I guess overall is a godo thing, even if the reasons for it were purely self preservation.

02-19-2003, 05:03 PM
Originally posted by *KK*@Feb 19 2003, 04:52 PM
Actually you must be reading in French.

She made the comparison between Cavecreek and IBill... if you can turn on babelfish for a few and read the comments, all negative, about IBill, that she made, then you would realize she was inferring that someone -- MikeAI -- was making negative comments about Cavecreek.

Perhaps you should go to an American third grade if you are having this much trouble with your reading comprehension.
she didnt make any comparaison between ccbill and ibill.

She compared her comments on IBILL to the one MikeAI was making... (and made just now)

actually, no one attacked ccbill/cavecreek until you brought it up...

What's that about?

02-19-2003, 05:06 PM
Wow Michael, I dont recall seeing you in the office, but I guess since you know so much about Ron's thoughts and business you must have been there. ;)

Mike AI
02-19-2003, 05:35 PM
Kim, it does not take a rocket scientist to figure it out.

I have spoke to Ron on numerous occassions, the last time in Vegas in January.... it was a good talk. We both agree that we can have disagreements on how business is done, but yet be civil with one another.

Kinda like you and me! :D

02-19-2003, 05:39 PM
Originally posted by Mike AI@Feb 19 2003, 02:43 PM
Kim, it does not take a rocket scientist to figure it out.

I have spoke to Ron on numerous occassions, the last time in Vegas in January.... it was a good talk. We both agree that we can have disagreements on how business is done, but yet be civil with one another.

Kinda like you and me! :D
Good thing, I think both you and I can agree you are no rocket scientist. ;)

Mike AI
02-19-2003, 05:55 PM
Good thing, I think both you and I can agree you are no rocket scientist.

Yeah or else I would be working with NASA...

I hope one day to reach your level of knowledge, proficienty, and success... I will keep reaching for the stars!

02-19-2003, 05:56 PM
I just hope you learn to spell proficiency on your way to achieving it.

Mike AI
02-19-2003, 05:57 PM
Spelling is like sucking cock....

I guess that explains a lot.


02-19-2003, 06:29 PM
Originally posted by Mike AI@Feb 19 2003, 03:05 PM
Spelling is like sucking cock....

I guess that explains a lot.

You're still learning?

02-19-2003, 06:36 PM
Originally posted by RawAlex@Feb 19 2003, 01:37 AM
Any idea why "$38.19" a month? Weird number, no? at least they have the guts / brains to put the price up as a price.

I think thats because when people scan down their monthly credit card statement .. that at a glance that could appear to be maybe dinner, or a filling up with gas, or grocery store ... NOT the typical 19.95 or 29.95 you see on 99.99999% of other sites. So hopefully they would be less likely to charge back?? Just a possibility.


02-19-2003, 07:00 PM
Exactly MikeW -- it's a psychological thing -- you see 9.99 you think 10 bucks. You see nine ninety nine, you think ten bucks ;)

But you see an off the way price like that and your brain doesn't automatically categorize it as anything --