View Full Version : We Should Put 'em All On Notice.

02-16-2003, 10:25 PM
To all the fuckin' mutha fuckers of the world who are ungrateful for the liberty you have been granted from your own governments tyranny by the United States of America, Read this:

The United States gives more aid to foreign countries and goverments than any country in history. Be it financial, food, military aid or relief from disasters. (and even cold war and economic pressure when necissary)

The U.S with her might has freed Europe from Tyrants on a couple of occasions so far.

Saved the entire world from domination at least once.

Etc, etc, etc ,etc.......

The US has not taken over a counrtry it has defeated in war for quite some time but instead it has helped them in every way to become viable again and in some cases very properous. We are a liberator not a conqueror.

Whenever catostrophic events take place in the world the US is there to help.

We are not the bad guys in this conflict and would not even be seriously fuckin' around over there if some assholes hadn't destroyed our buildings, helped to fuck our economy up, generally scared the shit out of US and opened our closed eyes.

Go ahead and hate US!!!

Maybe the US should pull out of the entire Iraq and North Korea things all together since the world doesn't believe the US intelligence reports and think it's all about the oil. (Hell we can buy the oil guys, it's cheaper than a war!)
Let someone else keep the assholes in line for a change.

If the US doesn't go to war (It should be the UN but they are collectively looking out for their own unilateral interests) to clean up the treat of WEAPONS of MASS DESTRUCTION and to defend the US and from terrorist actions and hostile nations bent on our destruction then what?

If the US steps back from this war and waits for proof in the form of an attack of biohazard, chemical toxins or radiological weapons when it happens all bets are off!!!

Would the US be able to prove who did it to US if WMD were used? (most likely not!)

Who would the US attack in retaliation if it were attacked like this? (Somebody must be attacked after all)

The US should put the world on notice that in case of an attack of WMD on it's people it would become the fuckin' grimm reaper.

WARNING NOTICE: If we are atacked we are gonna just pick a fuckin' hostile country out of a hat and neucleofy there asses!!!

We'll start with the most likely candidate(s) at that point it doesn't matter if it was them or not, just pick the country that has the most people cheering in the streets at our pain and destruction.

And then we start the clean up of all the scum bags with hostile intentions against US in the world in earnest and by our rules!!!!


02-16-2003, 10:32 PM
:heil: :heil:

02-16-2003, 10:36 PM
Where does the lineup start for boot licking and grovelling?

I actually considered removing "United States" and replacing it with "muslin nations" and "nuke-clear" with "terrorist acts"... and came up with something that sounded like a BinLadin speech.

Think about it.

Alex :eninja:

02-16-2003, 10:46 PM
Originally posted by PornoDoggy@Feb 16 2003, 10:40 PM
:heil: :heil:
Yep, that's the exact thing I was thinking.

Any nation can become a destroyer or tyrant when pushed over the edge and I hope we are not pushed over the edge if or when WMD are used on us!!!

We are unemotional right now, but let our people get slain down by WMD and we will be emotional and most unreasonable.

The world doesn't see that it's better to deal with the problem now before we get emotional due to loss and grief.

That's my point!!!