View Full Version : No Takers...mothefuckers!

02-16-2003, 10:53 AM
http://www.gofuckyourself.com/showthread.p...threadid=108701 (http://www.gofuckyourself.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=108701)

http://www.gofuckyourself.com/showthread.p...threadid=108702 (http://www.gofuckyourself.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=108702)

Mike AI
02-16-2003, 11:19 AM
Funny..... lots of cry baby Euro trash....

Bush better move very soon.... before these people fully undermine the US efforts. This is what Iraq is traing to do, part of Saddam's plan to keep putting things off, stalling.... at least until Summer....

02-16-2003, 11:46 AM
sad what has happened to the world - the anti American sentiment out there from the young Eurotrash is disgusting. After WW II the U.S shouldn't have helped them rebuild and prosper, should have occupied France and turned it into one big whorehouse and themepark.

most of it is petty jealousy and envy which is one of the seven deadly sins -
America works longer, works harder than Europe, some of the same reasons for anti Semitism in Europe - they hate when people expose them for the lazy fucks they are by working harder and smarter than they do.

bitches. France and Germany must be penalized for this. There isn't a thing France or Germany makes that is necessary, boycott their wines, their cars, their fashions, everything.

as for the peaceniks at home, guess everybody is to blame for them, things are too good here, they forget why they are able to lead the lives they do.

02-16-2003, 12:14 PM
You guys are starting to sound paronoid..

"the world all hates us boo hoo"

"why wont everybody support bombing iraq.. they must be American haters if they dont want to bomb Iraq"

We didn't need a war to put Iraq in line.. Maybe if more countries had stood united to start with then the political pressure on Saddam would have been enough to force him out.... but they didn't... Bushes "fuck you UN stance" blew up in his face.

Bush has totally failed to put together a united force to fight Iraq. (Canada hasnt even committed have they??)

Bush has failed to find Bin Laden

Why are we blaming European kids for this again????

When do we get to start looking for the people that organised Sept 11?

02-16-2003, 12:26 PM
There are more people in Europe who loves the US - media and politicians are just playing their own national interest... The people of Europe love the US - Europe and US share a long history together, and it will withstand all the crazy european media and politicians who are speaking their minds today for their own benefit...

This was how the world and europe reacted after 9/11:

http://www.iconsofindustry.org/touristguy/...itedwestand.swf (http://www.iconsofindustry.org/touristguy/unitedwestand.swf) (big download)

Is this how an enemy would react?

02-16-2003, 01:32 PM
Opti, way to say it!

No, Canada has not committed on this one - instead, we have agreed to send peace keepers into Afganistan, so as to free up some more American troops... and we have some ships on the way, but those are mostly support oriented things, not direct combatants.

Most American's don't realize that when Bush says "fuck you UN" that he is also saying "fuck you, rest of the world"... anti-americanism isn't the result of some great publicity campaign from Saddam or Bin Ladin, but because of the actions of the American president himself. The continued growth in anti-americanism is a result of those actions.

What plays well at home don't play well in the rest of the world.

The idea of "get Saddam" is probably a good one - but the PR people are failing big time.


02-16-2003, 02:15 PM
Originally posted by RawAlex@Feb 16 2003, 01:40 PM
Opti, way to say it!

No, Canada has not committed on this one - instead, we have agreed to send peace keepers into Afganistan, so as to free up some more American troops... and we have some ships on the way, but those are mostly support oriented things, not direct combatants.

Most American's don't realize that when Bush says "fuck you UN" that he is also saying "fuck you, rest of the world"... anti-americanism isn't the result of some great publicity campaign from Saddam or Bin Ladin, but because of the actions of the American president himself. The continued growth in anti-americanism is a result of those actions.

What plays well at home don't play well in the rest of the world.

The idea of "get Saddam" is probably a good one - but the PR people are failing big time.

they fail because they don't speak on behalf of those people

http://www.geocities.com/Pentagon/Quarters...buchenwald.html (http://www.geocities.com/Pentagon/Quarters/6882/buchenwald.html)

The Other Steve
02-16-2003, 03:09 PM
Well - I never thought I would do it but I'm here agreeing with Opti.

The world doesn't hate the US - we don't consider you guys our enemy - we just don't want to be involved in a personal vendetta between the Bush family and Saddam.

Nearly everyone outside the US can see that this looming war is only going to increase the problems in the middle east, not reduce them. It doesn't matter what Saddam has done to his own people, it doesn't matter what weapons he has and what he can do to his Arab neighbours. The fact is that the US has lost the PR campaign before it even starts and no amount of military muscle is going to win the war - it might win a few battles but the war is never going to end once the bugles sound the advance.

Now if PR campaigns just meant a few lost sales that wouldn't be a problem but what that war will do is unleash millions of fanatical Muslims who don't care about right and wrong - all they will care about is revenge and I doubt that anyone wants what happens on an almost daily basis in Israel to happen on the streets of every western city in the world but the potential is there for just that. These fanatics don't care about killing themselves because when they do they see themselves as going straight to paradise.

That may all sound a bit far-fetched but the potential is there and no amount of technology or security will stop it. If it could then the Israelis would not be having the problems they are now.

Someone posted earlier that everything will settle back to normal within a few years and used the example of post WWII Germany.

I don't buy that for one moment. Just look at the terms that Bin Laden and Saddam are using now. They are calling the western armies Crusaders. A term that goes back a thousand years and reminds the Arabs of the what the west did to them once before.

That term rekindles the fires of hatred that have never gone out in the Arab world so if the war goes ahead, regardless of the immediate outcome this will not go away in 10, 20 or even 50 years.

The fact is guys, the world doesn't want it when there are other options that can be used to keep Saddam isolated and just because the world is prepared to stand up and say 'no' to dubyah doesn't mean that we're soft, of socialist or scared - it just means that we see things differently to some silly little wart who can't concentrate on anything for any longer and a television advertisment.

If he could you guys would still be in Afghanistan finishing the job George started there.

02-16-2003, 04:39 PM
Serge, you are correct - this is one of those weird situations where there isn't any REAL suffering, just the potential for suffering. When it isn't to right a wrong, it is seen as bald agression.

This is the first time that the US can clearly be seen to be on the "agressor" side of a war, everything in the past has been to control the agressions of others, to reply to attacks, to repell an invasion, etc. This time, Saddam MIGHT be be agressive, MIGHT have weapons, MIGHT use them... it puts the US in a position that it has condoned in the past... it's a weird one...

Not sure that there is a good solution to this one anymore, attack and your an agressor, back down and your a wimp.

Somehow I feel that Bush fell into a political trap that is going to cost him his job in the end, and might cost the world alot more.


02-16-2003, 08:40 PM
Originally posted by Opti@Feb 16 2003, 12:22 PM
Bush has failed to find Bin Laden
I didn't know Bush personally was out looking for Bin Ladin, maybe the french are hidding Bin Ladin!!!!


02-16-2003, 08:47 PM
Originally posted by RawAlex@Feb 16 2003, 01:40 PM
Opti, way to say it!

No, Canada has not committed on this one - instead, we have agreed to send peace keepers into Afganistan, so as to free up some more American troops... and we have some ships on the way, but those are mostly support oriented things, not direct combatants.

Most American's don't realize that when Bush says "fuck you UN" that he is also saying "fuck you, rest of the world"... anti-americanism isn't the result of some great publicity campaign from Saddam or Bin Ladin, but because of the actions of the American president himself. The continued growth in anti-americanism is a result of those actions.

What plays well at home don't play well in the rest of the world.

The idea of "get Saddam" is probably a good one - but the PR people are failing big time.

If it weren't for the USA, Canada would be sucking Mexico's dick for cash right now. (or some other small county that has a least 1 Boy Scouts troop with some bb guns)

They'd better know where their bread is buttered up there.

02-17-2003, 02:52 AM
Good late night reading..but I'm not touching this one! :D