View Full Version : Shame, Shame

02-15-2003, 07:26 AM
http://www.cnn.com/2002/EDUCATION/11/20/ge...quiz/index.html (http://www.cnn.com/2002/EDUCATION/11/20/geography.quiz/index.html)

Mike AI
02-15-2003, 09:12 AM
YEp, typical public education!! That is where the liberals, and other anti-Americans are going to pull this country down.... they are dumbing down the students with outcome based education, political correctness, and affirmative action type programs.... The foundation of this Nation is bein eroded quickly....

02-15-2003, 09:37 AM
I used to think I was a conservative til I met Michael :P

02-15-2003, 10:14 AM
"On a world map, Americans could find on average only seven of 16 countries in the quiz. Only 89 percent of the Americans surveyed could find their own country on the map. "

Pardon me, but 11% of Americans that are over the age they'd have graduated from high school cannot fucking find America on a map?????


02-15-2003, 11:04 AM
other countries aren't any better when it comes to this.

most people are flat out morons, don't read a newspaper. don't watch a news channel - people think CNN is a pervasive presence in most American's lives - check out its ratings, they are tiny, tractor pulls and rasslin' have higher ratings than CNN.

blame parents more than schools - when i was a kid, i saw my parents starting out the day reading the newspaper and making comments about the world so i just followed suit. I know most of my other friends didn't have this going on in their house and they never seemed to know about anything except sports, TV and music. Believe me, those kids were taught basic geography in public school, they just ignored it. MTV video game generation is completely out to lunch on the world beyond their own small ones.

02-15-2003, 12:26 PM
I once was able to find my ass with both hands, a flashlight and a map

02-15-2003, 01:14 PM
Originally posted by Mike AI@Feb 15 2003, 09:20 AM
YEp, typical public education!! That is where the liberals, and other anti-Americans are going to pull this country down.... they are dumbing down the students with outcome based education, political correctness, and affirmative action type programs.... The foundation of this Nation is bein eroded quickly....
Obviously ignorance isn't limited to public school graduates, Mikey ...That is where the liberals, and other anti-Americans are going to pull this country down....

Other "anti-Americans" like liberals? So I'm anti-American because I have political beliefs to the left of you? That's very interesting - all this time I've been thinking I love my country just as much as anyone else, and now I find out I have really hated it all along.

Oh, yeah ... how exactly do "affirmative action type programs" dumb down students, Mike? Good people get "dumbed down" when they come into contact with "them"?

I do have to agree with you about a lot of what's passed of as political correctness, however - it's every bit as simple-minded and moronic as a statement equating liberalism with anti-Americanism.

Almighty Colin
02-15-2003, 01:29 PM
I don't have a problem with this. Most of the world has been illiterate since the Phoenicans first struck that fateful deal with the devil for the knowledge of phonemes and phonetics.

And the beat goes on ...

Division of labor. SOMEONE has to serve me food and do my dry-cleaning. It's not going to help ME if they can find Iraq on a map and I doubt it helps the country much either. We have plenty of smart people in America. Let 'em build better bombs. God bless 'em.

02-15-2003, 01:41 PM
"WASHINGTON (AP) -- Young Americans may soon have to fight a war in Iraq, but most of them can't even find that country on a map, the National Geographic Society said Wednesday. "

Well, it's a good thing the vast majority of them will simply be following the leader...hopefully, the pilots know where they are going; or we could end up attacking someone like N. Korea. :unsure: :wacko: :blink:

Almighty Colin
02-15-2003, 01:43 PM
Follow the leader works just fine. Empires have been built on the backs of illiterate populations.

02-15-2003, 02:53 PM
Originally posted by Mutt@Feb 15 2003, 11:12 AM
other countries aren't any better when it comes to this.

You're kidding right??

From the article:

The surveyed Americans got a "D," with an average of 23 correct answers. Mexico ranked last with an average score of 21, just three points from a failing grade.

Topping the scoring was Sweden, with an average of 40, followed by Germany and Italy, each with 38. None of the countries got an "A," which required average scores of 42 correct answers or better on the 56 questions.

I'd say 40 and 38 averages are significantly better than our whopping 23.

02-15-2003, 02:56 PM
Originally posted by Colin@Feb 15 2003, 01:37 PM
I don't have a problem with this. Most of the world has been illiterate since the Phoenicans first struck that fateful deal with the devil for the knowledge of phonemes and phonetics.

If I was gonna strike a deal with the devil :devil: I certainly would make it for something more interesting!! :yowsa:

02-17-2003, 03:53 AM
Originally posted by Colin@Feb 15 2003, 10:51 AM
Follow the leader works just fine. Empires have been built on the backs of illiterate populations.
I totally agree! I consider myself at least decently educated and I can read the Wall Street Journal without having to use a dictionary. My kids will be home schooled (as I was) and if all goes well, they too will learn to profit from the masses.

All those uneducated people are the ones needing apartments, used cars, cheap clothes, and fast food. The uneducated are the ultimate in consumers. They cobble up resources like so many sheep on a fresh field of clover. They are the cheap labor that we manipulate to make products for them to turn around and buy. It is a great system, as long as you are one of the people on top... :rokk: