View Full Version : World Politicians Not Agreeing - Good/bad?

02-13-2003, 05:59 PM
With the last few weeks showing how politicians from western countries have real problems agreeing on the most basic things, then I was thinking that maybe it will be a really loong time before the internet will be tamed, and we all have to do business based on some kind of common obscenity laws, internet trade tax rates etc.

When politicians can not even agree on how to defend NATO countries asking for help (I´m still in shock that some politicians will use NATO to play out their national politics on CNN - if I was from Turkey I would be pissed), then it shows me that national interest comes first for many politicians.

The internet is global media, however it looks like we will have to live with local standards for a long time. Will be good for some, but bad for others.

Well I didn´t want to mix current world politics into the future of the internet, but it will probably be the same politicians who will have to agree on crossborder net sales tax issue etc. (I´m still wondering how the US will react to the new sales tax laws from the EU, where every US/world business with European sales over the internet, will have to pay sale taxes to the EU countries... I know it sounds crazy, but that shows how EU politicians are thinking national without regards to the rest of the world).

So how will it look in 2010?

02-13-2003, 10:02 PM
this is NOT a good sign.........

Almighty Colin
02-14-2003, 07:31 AM
Whatever happened to "an attack on one is an attack on all"?

In the mid-60's, France pulled its troops out NATO though it remained a NATO member.

More recently, France has suggested that the EU should enhance its military role and replace
replace the NATO mission in Macedonia.

France. Friend or foe?

Mike AI
02-14-2003, 10:04 AM
France is a foe, and we need to understand this. Not in the military sense but in a strategic, competative sense.... They continue to undermine the US, and we need to isolate them.

World powers have never agreed much....

This war to the French is about power, they do not want the US power to expand, they do not want to lose their contracts with IRaquis for oil, they do not want to piss off their LARGE mulsim population in France ( which is very violent as it is and responsible for most of the crime).

War, diplomacy is about a nations interest... and aparently the leader of France beleive its in their best interst to oppose a war. Thing is they are gambling pretty big. Chances are we will still go to war, the US will be successful, and France will continue to slide down as a Nation. They will be WRONG again, and will eventually start isolating themselves more and more.

Thing is the French cannot stop the US, so if we go in they as well as the UN, lose whatever credibility they have/had.... That is one reason I feel once we pull the trigger,they will somewhat support the war.... just due ot the fact the VICTORS in any war, are the ones who write the history, and divide the booty....

Almighty Colin
02-14-2003, 10:51 AM
Originally posted by Mike AI@Feb 14 2003, 10:12 AM
World powers have never agreed much....


Last edited by Colin at Feb 14 2003, 10:59 AM