View Full Version : Congratulations

01-12-2003, 01:21 PM
Susanne.....it's been a while since I've seen you.....you got married in Vegas.....wow..that's fantastic...you know I love ya, girl....you're looking great.....
Seeing you smiley...that's just plain good.

Serge....this being the first time I've ever met you.....mazel tov on your wedding....she is a favourite of mine.....

May the Universe always smile on your heads!

01-12-2003, 01:32 PM
Raven, I loved seeing you again, however briefly...shows are THE worst place for catching up with people you really want to spend time with.

Thank you for the congratulations! In every picture of me taken at the show I have the biggest smile on my face....almost sinfully happy. :rolleyes:

Give Tev a big hug for me, and thanks again for the best wishes...I hope to see you again soon.

01-12-2003, 03:26 PM
Raven - Sis! Great to see you here as well - wow, I think I've finally found where all my favorite folks have gone. To Oprano! :lol:

Glad you made it back home safe - we need to catch up by phone this week. Just saw you but as soon as I have my voice back (yes, got that damned crud) I'll ring you up! :)

*hugs* sweetie!

01-12-2003, 03:42 PM
Dear Kath:

Get better soon....the convention crud is the worst!

When Hooper was handing out hand sanitizer at the Hollywood show, I thought he was brilliant....throw a bunch of webmasters (who almost never leave home) into the virus and bacteria gumbo that is a Las Vegas show, and it seems almost everyone gets sick.


01-12-2003, 03:45 PM
Originally posted by LadyLaw@Jan 12 2003, 03:50 PM
and it seems almost everyone gets sick.

thanks God I didn't get crabs!

Sonia's fleas keep my system immune

01-12-2003, 07:21 PM
Thanks LL - convention crud does suck. This is my first time getting it in 4 shows. Guess I must've shaken hands with too many nose-pickers. I washed my hands like mad - every chance I got, but really - when everyone flocks in from all over the world we bring all these little bugs. And when those little bugs all get together they join forces to create the crud. God help you if they find a weakness and attack. lol

Lots of water, vitamins, rest and echinacea - I should be fine by Tues/Wed.

Hope nobody else got it. Blech! :stout:

01-12-2003, 07:27 PM
I'm happy to report I didn't get sick. The sore throat I feared was the beginning of the convention crud was just a result of talking non stop for 5 days when I'm used to just typing to people. I've never gotten sick at a show but I suspect that's cos I'm so high on adrenaline the whole time I'm there that the bugs don't stand a chance! :)

01-12-2003, 11:37 PM
Aw, Kath.....Tev told me you got the crud...I have a mild case of it...and, a healthy dose of laryngitis....well..like THAT'S a surprise!

Susanne....you know that smile of yours is contagious....and, it's okay that we had a brief few minutes....it was enough to see you being happy! That's what counts...

Lisa...I remember you telling me you were getting a sore throat...glad to see it didn't blossom.....and it was a pleasure meeting you..finally..

Damn..it's good to be home...

I'll talk to you, Kath..as soon as you can talk!