View Full Version : Tivo Modem

01-10-2003, 06:24 PM
Has anyone tried to repair/replace a TiVo modem? During a lot of power surges one week, I lost mine :( Yeah, I know, should have had a protector for the phone line (which I even HAVE, just packed in a box somewhere.....).

And for some reason, even if I hit "record", it only records for 31 minutes :angry:

Is it worth getting it fixed or is it similar to taking a hamster to the vet? Does anyone have the DirecTV DVR?

PLUS Psycho Bitch neighbor is getting weirder, I'm still sick, the kid did NOTHING I told him to do while I was gone (plus he ate the last of the Eggos - the nerve!), and the dog crapped inside AFTER I took him out as a way to tell me he was ticked that I left. Not a banner day today! :cryin:

Time to open the wine :hic:

01-10-2003, 06:43 PM
Need an Afghani RPG to take care of your neighbor? I have a couple, never fired and only dropped once. OK, I stole that from Full Metal Jacket. ;)

Last edited by ulfie at Jan 10 2003, 06:51 PM

01-10-2003, 11:31 PM
Originally posted by ulfie@Jan 10 2003, 07:51 PM
Need an Afghani RPG to take care of your neighbor? I have a couple, never fired and only dropped once. OK, I stole that from Full Metal Jacket. ;)
I don't care WHERE you stole it from, it sounds like a plan! :)

Just a small burst of firepower will suffice - enough to knock some sense into her head :okthumb:

01-10-2003, 11:46 PM
Why do I get the feeling that you wish you had a friend like Tony Soprano sometimes Peaches?? :rolleyes:

01-11-2003, 12:02 AM
Originally posted by TheEnforcer@Jan 11 2003, 12:54 AM
Why do I get the feeling that you wish you had a friend like Tony Soprano sometimes Peaches?? :rolleyes:
The scary thing is that I DO have friends like that! :blink: No one's ever hit that level of ticking me off though......yet....... :awinky:

The neighbor chick just needs to join the rest of us in reality :headwall: