View Full Version : How To Live Forever - Its No Joke. People Do It!

-= JR =-
01-08-2003, 08:13 PM
these people think that they can "live on light" - meaning that they can stop eating food and drinking water and get all nourishment their body requires from sunlight alone. sort of a cosmic, "one with the universe" type of thing.

http://www.angelfire.com/stars3/breathe_li...tharianism.html (http://www.angelfire.com/stars3/breathe_light/breatharianism.html)

a detailed, scientific explaination about the nutrition in light:

"Light is broken down into colors. Colors are the same as chemical substances. These chemical substances seem to "appear from thin air" (they appear from light!). These colors combine and form molecules and anything that is required by our DNA."

of course, i guess it takes practice.....

-1999 Darwin Award Nominee

Confirmed True by Darwin

"Airhead Extends Principle to Abdomen"

(22 September 1999, Scotland) A Scottish follower of Breatharianism demonstrated a comprehensive misunderstanding of biology when she died during an attempt to "Live with Light" in the Scottish Highlands. Verity, 48, left a diary in her tent with references to self-styled guru Jasmuheen. Jasmuheen, an Australian formerly known as Ellen Greve, boasts 5000 followers worldwide, though she does not disclose whether they are always the same followers.

Verity's diary reveals that she was attempting to adhere to the 21-day spiritual cleansing course wherein followers eschew all food and drink for seven days and then take only sips of water for a further fourteen days. They endeavor to learn "pranic feeding" on the carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen found in the air. After that, Jasmuheen says that adherents to 'breatharianism' need never eat or drink again, which she notes is the perfect cure for anorexia and world hunger.

Sufferers from anorexia and world hunger have already attempted this course of action with known results. Nutritionists say the human body can survive without fluid for no more than six days. But such research did not deter this woman, who took to the wilds with only a tent and her determination. A police source revealed that she had died from hypothermia and dehydration, aggravated by lack of food.

Jasmuheen, whose dress size was not disclosed, claims to have survived on "liquid air" since 1993, although she also allows herself cups of herbal tea and chocolate biscuits. In response to questioning, the founder of the cult stated that the woman's death was not due to any physical need for food. Rather, she said, it was a failure to satisfy spiritual needs brought about by a battle with her own ego.

:wnw: :wnw: :wnw: :wnw: :wnw:

this is why Jeff Bezos and Amazon.com is worth more than the entire adult web combined. He rightly realized that "stupid people" and their
quest for greater heights of stupidity (cleverly disguised as attaining enlightenment) is the largest untapped market and the biggest niche
to be exploited on the internet.

http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/392...5542259-7432103 (http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/3929512351/qid%3D940341936/sr%3D1-2/102-5542259-7432103)


01-08-2003, 08:21 PM
Hey, I guess that means more steaks for me and shorter lines at the all-you-can-eat chinese buffet on friday nights .. :blink:

:bdance: :cdance: :bdance: :cdance:

01-09-2003, 01:55 PM
JR loves the looney toons of the world.

-= JR =-
01-09-2003, 03:31 PM
Originally posted by Mutt@Jan 9 2003, 02:03 PM
JR loves the looney toons of the world.

i like people
i like people who are "believers".

i am going to start a cult. its going to be based on an incredibly insane and
rediculous premise... and i will make billions of dollars. its part of JR's 5 Step Plan for World Domination

||||_____ :bwave: _____||||
:wnw: :wnw: :wnw:
:wnw: :wnw: :wnw:
:wnw: :wnw: :wnw:
:wnw: :wnw: :wnw: