View Full Version : Flashca$h Now Pays Instantly

01-07-2003, 02:24 AM
FLASHCA$H has been working with the guys at Paycom and are now offering Real Time payments using the new Epassporte.
Our signup program payouts are credited INSTANTLY to your virtual card and you can spend it / withdraw it at an ATM the moment the surfer’s
transaction goes through. (Note: the surfer pays as normal, the
e-passport is being used to pay YOU in real time.)

This means that you get paid instantly. Make a sale, and your money is
available on your virtual card INSTANTLY. Go spend it or take it out of
an ATM. Make another sale 10 minutes later? That cash is in your account.
You get paid, not next month, not in 2 weeks, but INSTANTLY. Its like the
surfer is right in front of you handing you cash.
Sign up at http://www.flashcash.com/RealTimePayments
Or if you are already an affiliate, just select “real time payment” after
you sign in.

Hope I get to meet some of you cats here at Internext. If you missed tonight's shindig, Come by Suite 33140 for Happy Hour drinks tomorrow.
If security gives your gruff, have 'em buzz the room.

01-07-2003, 05:33 AM
this entire system seems almost too good to be true ...

I just followed it and it appears i only have to tick a few boxes and fill out a few fields and an e-passporte is on its way to me in the post ...

Where does the fraud protection occur if the webmaster is given the money straight away?

This is probably the most innovative thing that's happened in the industry for a long time ...

01-07-2003, 02:00 PM
I overheard Mark at Flashcash on the phone this morning:
"Yes, you just need to check the box.
yes...yes, that's all. Just check the box and you have Real Time Payments...yes, that's all. If the box is checked, then you are signed up for RealTime Payment...."

etc, etc.

Too Good? Maybe. True? Definitely.


01-07-2003, 03:23 PM
Originally posted by cj@Jan 7 2003, 05:41 AM
this entire system seems almost too good to be true ...

I just followed it and it appears i only have to tick a few boxes and fill out a few fields and an e-passporte is on its way to me in the post ...

Where does the fraud protection occur if the webmaster is given the money straight away?

This is probably the most innovative thing that's happened in the industry for a long time ...
If it was a smaller or lesser known program, I'd be extremely cautious....but with Flashcash, I'm sure they have protective measures in place. While I see this a great program incentive, I don't think it's something that just any sponsor can roll out, definitely not a new program...

01-07-2003, 10:54 PM
Halcyon, again I ask .....

Where does the fraud protection occur if the webmaster is given the money straight away?

oprano is to share secrets ... go on, share! ;-)))

I don't think it's something that just any sponsor can roll out, definitely not a new program

is that a dare sykk? :P

01-07-2003, 11:54 PM
Originally posted by cj@Jan 7 2003, 11:02 PM
I don't think it's something that just any sponsor can roll out, definitely not a new program

is that a dare sykk? :P
sure ;)

I mean someone new coming in, not a trusted name in the business ;)

If some Joe Shmoe just getting back from his/her first InterNext show think they're going to add this and the webmasters will jump aboard, it's just not going to happen, but if it's an established name/company, then by all means there is going to be more built in trust.

I figure this will become commonplace between trusted traffic senders and programs, but I wonder how many companies have the reserves to cover this type of payout...I'm betting not many, even some of the "players"

01-08-2003, 07:20 AM
I figure this will become commonplace between trusted traffic senders and programs, but I wonder how many companies have the reserves to cover this type of payout...I'm betting not many, even some of the "players"

>>between trusted traffic senders and programs

this being the key element
flashcash is offering this to all webmasters

i'm joe cheat, i see i can be paid instantly ... i have a database of 100 credit cards and an ip spoofing program and a script to make usernames and passwords and a bunch of other tools at my disposal ... over a period of a week i feed my 100 credit cards through the system, each day getting a little more money fed into my account ...

100 signups @ $25 per signup = $2500 payout ....
- 100 chargebacks staggered over the months following

>>but I wonder how many companies have the reserves to cover this type of payout

Its not a matter of having the 'reserves', its being able to afford to absorb the losses ...

all of the above is solved by having a realistic payout of $25 ;-)

This has been a hit with webmasters so far ... i'd like to see the 'new signup' logs for flashcash ;-)))

01-08-2003, 04:03 PM
Originally posted by cj@Jan 7 2003, 08:02 PM
Halcyon, again I ask .....

Where does the fraud protection occur if the webmaster is given the money straight away?

oprano is to share secrets ... go on, share! ;-)))

Mark and Jason wouldn't tell *me* details about the fraud prevention system.
But they have spent an enormous amount of time and resources developing it.
And I know the Fraud prevention aspect has been a huge part of the RealTime implementation.

Wish I could give ya more secrets. :)

01-10-2003, 12:54 AM
All I know is one of the guys at flashcash has a phd in neural networks...


these guys are on top of their game.

ePassporte - everyone will have one. :bjump:

Mike AI
01-10-2003, 12:55 AM
Instant payment is no more then a gimmick.

Lets face it, professional webmasters do not need to be paid everyday. Infact real webmasters do not have to be paid weekly. It is time consuming to deal with tons of checks weekly. Send me out monthly wires and things are fine.

Of course for the small fry, who lives week to week on paychecks - I guess now they can live day to day.

Only time I want quick payments is if I do not trust the companies solvency - but then should you be sending traffic to them in the first place?

01-10-2003, 01:05 AM

I agree 100 percent with you, entities of your success probably don't need this functionlality, however there is a large market out there which do. We only build the functionality how you use it is up to u.

Wether you pay instantly, daily, weekly or monthly ePassporte benefits both sponsor programs and affiliates.

This is a well thought out product which was 2 years in development.


Mike AI
01-10-2003, 01:13 AM
Clay Epassport is probably the best NEW idea in 3 years - hell, probably the only UNIQUE idea in that time.

I appreciate how it is being utlized by the Rhino Boys - and I am big fans of theirs... so it is cool.

I am more excited about how Epassport is going to help webmasters get more signups, conversions, and $$$ out of surfers! :D

01-10-2003, 01:44 AM
I am more excited about how Epassport is going to help webmasters get more signups, conversions, and $$$ out of surfers!

me too ;-)

Clay, hit me up on icq when you get a chance

01-10-2003, 05:14 AM
At the end of the day, what does it matter how Flashcash is running their business? Tho I will say, I've talked to Amber and the boys and I absolutely believe, yet again, that this will work well. Very well.

As you and I talked about Michael, this is not designed for people like you at all, yet. ;)

Actually let me qualify that, THEIR application is not, yet.

Last edited by *KK* at Jan 10 2003, 02:23 AM

Almighty Colin
01-10-2003, 07:44 AM
Originally posted by Mike AI@Jan 10 2003, 01:21 AM
Epassport is probably the best NEW idea in 3 years - hell, probably the only UNIQUE idea in that time.

I agree with that, Mike.

Congrats to Epoch for this one.

:okthumb: to Flash Cash for recognizing what was there and hitting full-steam with it right away.
You know how people like to sit back and see what other people are doing first? Flash Cash doesn't.

01-10-2003, 01:54 PM
Originally posted by Mike AI@Jan 10 2003, 01:21 AM
I am more excited about how Epassport is going to help webmasters get more signups, conversions, and $$$ out of surfers! :D
Same here. We're also in the process of adding Epoch as our primary biller as they seem to be very solid and are constantly coming up with new innovations and programs.

Epassporte, in concept, is what a lot of "outside" companies have been trying to do for years, but it took someone like Epoch to make it a reality. That's a testament to the company and their future.

01-10-2003, 08:06 PM
I read a post someplace ... don't even remember where - that indicated that the transfer fee for transactions with this card is $5 per $100.00. Is that true?