View Full Version : Way To Go Bucs!

12-30-2002, 12:10 AM
After last week, I was sure this wasn't possible.

1) philly loses to the giants
2) great bay loses to the jets
3) the bucs win for the first time ever in under 40 weather!
4) 1st week bye and Homefield for at least 2 games!!!


Mike AI
12-30-2002, 01:24 AM
Tampa had a great season - hopefully they will do better then they did in past with the playoffs....

Will be interesting...

I still think GreenBay and Raiders.... but I think there are no dominate teams in the NFL - just a matter of who gets hot and makes a run!

12-30-2002, 01:36 AM
Uh.. only one game is guaranteed Sharky. Philly is still ahead of you so you get a bye, then you get one home game. Only if Philly loses will you get to host the NFC championship.

12-30-2002, 01:39 AM
You are correct.

I read the story wrong:

"The final result: Tampa Bay will be home for at least the next two weekends. The Buccaneers have the NFC’s second seed for the playoffs, a first-round bye and a guaranteed home game in the Divisional Round on the weekend of January 11-12. "

12-30-2002, 01:40 AM
God I hope you are right Mike!! :okthumb:

I was rather pissed about how we played today. Was really a most pathetic site.

Still, I can honestly say I think we've had one HELL of a season regardless. There were maybe one or two teams who were hit harder by the injury bug and we fought through them quite well. A 12-4 record with all the injuries we had is one hell of an accomplishment regardless of what happens in the post season.

12-30-2002, 01:41 AM

site = sight

12-30-2002, 02:56 AM
I like the bucks too but since I grew up outside of Philly I have to say:

go Eagles!

:stout: :hic: :rokk:

:snipe: :matey:

Almighty Colin
12-30-2002, 05:47 AM

Hopefully the Packers keep on with their "never lose a home game" playoff streak. I want the Packers at home. Watch, now that Tampa won a game under 40 they will say "Tampa has never won a game under 35".

I'm pulling for the Giants against San Fran so Giants can go play Philly again. ;-)