View Full Version : 2002 In Review....

Mike AI
12-26-2002, 05:40 PM
IT seems this time of the year everyone does the year in review - news shows, internet sites all go over the past year - the highlights and low lights.

So I was hoping we could do the same here on Oprano.

They can be issues dealing with adult industry, politics, entertainment, etc.. Maybe we can make a top 10 or something.

I would say the biggest story of the year in the adult business is the new VISA regulations. Though so far besides the money grab ($750) not much has changed in reality.

For politics I would say Republicans winning elections and taking house and senate.

Well now its your turn to add more....

12-26-2002, 05:50 PM
The Epoch comeback seems pretty large to me, they went from being known only for having fucked a lot of people out of a lot of money to being the primary processor for most large paysites.

I would also point at the worldcom debacle as fairly important because of the ibill ramifications.

And reality porn made it's way into the vocabulary of most program owner's minds.

How fun it is looking back...

Mike AI
12-26-2002, 06:23 PM
Hoop the Epoch comeback borders on the miraculous - that is a good story for this industry - we need as many solid processors in this industry as we can get.

The bankrupcies of lots of companies, including worldcom, and of course the stock market probably is going to end another year down - 3 total.

Reality porn is nothing new, at least not in video - but it definately hit big online in 2002....

What will year 2003 bring? We know there will be tons of copies - what will be the new trends?

12-26-2002, 06:37 PM
I'd be suprised if there werent a lot fewer celeb sites around in 2003.. as well i vote that we'll see more of a blur between the lines of adult and non-adult imho.

12-26-2002, 06:52 PM
how can you forget the biggest story of 2002 Mike?


adult business wise, VISA was the number one story, the reality site craze, that's about it ..... i think Epoch made it's comeback before a year ago? I didn't see any company collapse or any company come out of nowhere in the past year.

I think I know what the story of the year next year will be .... end of a third party processor.

I would give CollegeFuckFest a nod for the most attention paid to a new paysite.

who died last year? i love when they do the rolecall of famous deaths at the end of the year - very sad and pretty moving the way they do them.

Mike AI
12-26-2002, 07:04 PM
HAHA Mutt my marriage was my PERSONAL highlight of 2002...

Your prediction for 2003 of the collapse of third party processing is one that is not off the mark - VISA definately wants to shut these guys down. Thing is, if it happens, it will collapse a majority of the industry... that would be huge. Hopefully it will not happen, it seems the 3rd party guys have been working to get their house in order!!

Don't forgrt JLo and her new man.... that is the holywood romance of 2002... figured you would know that Mutt! :lol:

12-26-2002, 07:17 PM
no i don't think the end of all third party processing in 2003.........ONE of them is going to go down. Hooper alluded to it in his post.

i'm not big on JLo. doesn't do much for me.

Mike AI
12-26-2002, 07:32 PM
Ahhhh I think we have all been saying each year that a 3rd party processor was going to bite the dust - in 2003 it may be IBill.

Yeah I do not like JLo either, she bugs me... but what do I know?

12-26-2002, 07:42 PM
who died last year? i love when they do the rolecall of famous deaths at the end of the year - very sad and pretty moving the way they do them.

Lots of deaths this year:

Joe Strummer
Joey Ramone (or was this last year??)
Dee Dee Ramone
George Harrison
Queen Mom
Princess Margaret
Lisa 'Left Eye' Lopes (from TLC)
Kevin Smith (Played 'Ares' on Xena and Hercules)
Glenn Quinn (played 'Mark' on Rosanne)
John Entwhistle
Ann Landers
Linda Boreman, better known as Linda Lovelace
Dudley Moore
Milton Berle
Waylon Jennings
Dave Thomas (Wendy's)
James Coburn
Jam Master Jay (Run DMC)
Bruce Paltrow (Gwyneth's father)
Layne Staley (Alice in Chains)
Robert Urich
Lawrence Tierney (Reservoir Dogs)

It feels like there are more though...lol...but man, so many big names died this year, many of them so young....very sad. :(

12-26-2002, 07:47 PM
Wow, John Gotti died this year too...I didn't know that :P

12-26-2002, 07:50 PM
- Major comeback of free trial sign ups
- MILF craze
- Big Cock Sites
- crossbilling and billers no longer get bashed
- Beasty Sites kicked out of US
- gay sites gone more niched

The worse idea for a porn site this year and probably ever
- bum fights and porn

Mike AI
12-26-2002, 08:02 PM
Slav so you are saying 2003 will be the Milfs who crave Big Cocks?

I think the crossbilling is different when done through processors and is fairely upfront compaired to some of the other ploys others have used in the past.

As long as their is ful lfiscloser and not hidden in the small print, I think it is cool... and obvioulsy VISA does as well.

12-26-2002, 08:09 PM
Feel free to go ahead and e-mail me if you know what the next "big thing" is :-)

i promise i wont copy it or tell anybody :matey:

hooper AT reallyhonestinventioncorp.com


12-26-2002, 08:13 PM
Milke from where i'm sitting demand for Milfs is not slowing down just yet, but conversions have fallen off a little from its peaks.

>> Milfs who crave Big Cocks?
haha that could be an interesting niche :)

and yes ful lfiscloser is good :))

it only helps the sign ups, not hurts them.

12-26-2002, 09:52 PM
2002 big story? The un-social aspects of the adult business - hundreds of webmaster resources and chat boards, everyone niche-ing themselves down to their little corners of the world and not paying attention to anyone else.

Maybe also the start of the squeeze... income is down for almost everyone, and the lower rungs of the ladder are now under water. Those without a snorkel are going to sleep with the fishes soon enough.

2003? Well, with mainstream overdosing on consoles, I expect to see more and more "anti-console" things happen. More and more traffic coming from paid listing and less and less traffic for normal SE listings.

Google dropping a bit as Yahoo slides over to Inktomi, perhaps.

The end of DMOZ as it was known.

Watch the TV... you will see what is next in porn (hint, Survivor didn't draw all that well on it's final night for Thailand... some forms of reality are already burning out... Anyone want to try to write a 30 minute porn situation comedy?)


12-26-2002, 10:33 PM
Do you think there isn't enough MILF content out there Slav?

i'm probably going to license content soon and it might be a niche that isn't as saturated as many of the others. To me a MILF is 30 to 45, on MILFHunter they have some women who are closer to 20 than 30.

12-26-2002, 10:52 PM
Personally moving was a low light, moving back was a highlight lol ;)

The Visa situation is a big thing, the fact that IBill did not make good on its' contracts with webmasters over Web900 is a big thing... some of the more well known sponsors drawing back from the business, almost entirely, not sure how to categorize that...

What Alex mentioned -- it was bound to happen sooner or later, Lord knows we ain't been one big happy family in years... at least 2+ that I can think of... but as the business matures, that's just the way it is. You don't see Carla Fiorini and Michael Dell swapping stories over lunch by themselves... you don't see Ford and GM sharing design secrets... it's not necessarily a bad thing, since as groups segregate they tend to puddle together based on their business practices. IF Visa is looking for a certain subset of people, I dont see them having too much trouble finding them all holding hands...

12-27-2002, 12:19 AM
Good posts.

I think 2003 will be near the same as 2002, except I see alot more companies either closing down, merging, etc.

I don't expect the economy to get much better till about 4th quarter 2003 if even that.

right about the big cock sites, we have been doing quite a few of those designs for clients, also alot of gay. Reality seems to have slowed down alot, but ppl are still making good coin out there.

hopefully visa and it's new program to use your card with a password online will help everyone fight and protect themselves against chargebacks.

2003 should be interesting, war is coming, hopefully we don't see any Ashcroft V Porn online wars..

happy holidays

12-27-2002, 12:24 AM
2002 gave us -
Sluggish and or stagnant sales for many
Lack of innovation (I'm guilty)
More bulk emailing campaigns
Visa's ever changing regs
Emphasis on Custom Content
Ibill resembling a plane wreck - hope they can land without too much more damage
Explosion of resource boards
The Sweet's Saga
30 minute trial memberships
Hustler & Webquest success
Bandwidth getting even less expensive
The business not getting as ugly as I predicted ..... yet

For 2003
More consolidations
More Custom Content including all the reality style sites
More Bulk Mailing
More business practices that at one time were deemed sketchy by some becoming acceptable
More broadband connections meaning more users can access video
Pop up killers coming in vogue
Playboy getting their feet wet in the "dirty" part of the adult internet while in search of profits
The continued decline of traffic from traditional website based sources
More sites to have the "amateur" look
Sex will continue to sell and the pie will take new shapes

Am sure there's much more. It will come to me ... and you :yowsa:

12-27-2002, 01:41 AM
More Bulk Mailing
More business practices that at one time were deemed sketchy by some becoming acceptable


2003....so 3...3+3 is 6...and if you have 3 sixes...,...



I do agree with all of that.

But fortunately for me, you are all playing catch up :) :devil: :devil: :devil:

12-27-2002, 01:42 AM
Pop up killers coming in vogue


12-27-2002, 01:52 AM
Low point???

I STILL havent got laid.

:headwall: :headwall: :headwall: :headwall: :headwall:

12-27-2002, 02:24 AM
Lowpoint: SykkBoy's generosity and good oldboy from Wyoming nice guy schtick got the better of him and he got embezzled to the tune of $25K
Highpoint: the embezzlee got capped
LowPoint: SykkBoy didn't do it
Highpoint: SykkBoy now has one decent friend in the FBI
Lowpoint: The friend wants to leave the FBI to be in the porn business and refuses to believe there's no money in it ;)

As I predicted, 2002 became the year of the lawyer and 2003 will continue the trend and it will get nastier.

In 2002, some players went away and others emerged, same will happen in 2003.

4th quarter of 2003 will probably see investors a little more (although still begrudgingly) open to investing in porn companies.

2002 was definitely the year of reality porn and for the better. Finally sites that even adult webmasters will join ;)
End of 2002: content once again became king, 2003 good photographers will be snapped up to become fully paid staff members of the major companies and will be more valuable and probably better compensated than board whores.

uberlowpoint of 2002: SykkBoy didn't win the fucking Powerball Wednesday and thus keeps on his string of shitty Christmases and his closer conversion to becoming Jewish...(his was a close tie with SykkBoy getting 7 poundsworth of synthetic hair sewn into his own luxurious mop and then eventually cutting it all off)

Resolutions for 2003:
No more Mr. Nice Guy
Bulking? who gives a fuck, gimme your list, fucker!
Since I actually joined the Al Tracy gym, will actually attend and learn the art of breaking limbs.
Put a twist so twisted on reality porn, that the friend in the FBI may be called upon more than once to help ease any problems with the content ;)
Finally break down and buy a new computer
Give Zoe a pay raise

12-27-2002, 02:48 AM
wow sykk, you been doing some serious thinking... ;-}}}

12-27-2002, 03:12 AM
Originally posted by SykkBoy@Dec 27 2002, 02:32 AM

Highpoint: the embezzlee got capped
LowPoint: SykkBoy didn't do it

er, fuck, I mean the embezzler got capped, the embezzlee just got fucked ;)))

KK, nah, I tried thinking once...once....

Evil Chris
12-27-2002, 12:02 PM
2002 makes me think of this stuff....

- new Visa (and Mastercard) regulations
- Bumfights fiasco
- reality sites making more money than ever
- demise of the mega sites
- an increase in the amount of webmaster chat boards
- more people getting fired and/or moving around
- Oprano and Netpond give in and go threaded :P
- pics of Serge and Meat arm in arm at the Florida show!

What I see in 2003:

- dialers in trouble (again)
- processing becoming MORE difficult
- TGP traffic will remain strong
- mailers will DIE. die die die....
- spam suits will be costly (see above) :awinky:

12-27-2002, 12:15 PM
TGP traffic has finally turned into such crap that even the best tgp'ers are looking for jobs. I know at least 3 people that made their living doing nothing but tgp submitting now not making enough money to pay their bills and had to get real jobs to make ends meet. These were people making over 100k/yr that were happy with it that now have ratios of 1:5000. A feel a big shakeout is finally going to happen in 2003 in that area which should be good for everyone except the people at the bottom.

Epoch's turnaround is definately a huge victory story. A couple years ago I wouldn't promote anyone that used them as a processor. Now, I prefer them. I remember sitting in Miami last year at cybernet expo and listening to Clay speak about how they were turning things around and thinking, "yeah, right." I was definately wrong about them and I'm glad I was.

Mike AI
12-27-2002, 12:32 PM
Top news story for National Geographic is a hoax!!

http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/20..._toptenaol.html (http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2002/12/1216_021216_toptenaol.html)


12-27-2002, 12:54 PM
Wow, I can't believe I get to recap another year....

How is this?

-Gary Kremen -SEX.COM victory, and his relaunching of sex.com
-Serge unmasks CONFUCY
-Acacia sends C&D's
-Max Hardcore and Steve Sweet along with Mikey from CD Babes find out what it's like to be probed themselves....
-The year of the sucky TRADESHOW- everyone has had one or is starting one.
-Joe Elkind kicked out of CEN, and the emotional upheaval that soon follows.
-Danni Ashe still doesn't do dick with anyone :-))
-VISA regulations
-Dave Holio becomes COO of Cybererotica
-Marc De offers health insurance to webmasters
-Mike Rick dies falling off cliff while birdwatching
-Madd Russian RIP dies in car crash in PHX
-Aria Giovanni becomes the IT girl of the web
-Reality Porn becomes saturated ...but not until great sites are discovered like netvideogirls.com and the OX cash's of the world
-Online Pharmacies selling everything from Anthrax shit to Viagra
-KB has only two jobs this year


12-27-2002, 02:31 PM
-KB has only two jobs this year

KB sweetheart, that IS news! :rolleyes:

12-27-2002, 02:40 PM
-KB has only two jobs this year

There is still 4 days to go ;)

Mike AI
12-27-2002, 03:01 PM
KB you are brilliant - I did forget one of the top stories of 2002!

Serge exposing Confucy. For years she antagonized everyone safe in her cocoon of anonimity.... but then she went to far, and Serge made it is #1 task to find out who she was and expose her!

She still posts on boads and snipes, but her venom is not nearly as toxic, since everyone now knows it comes from an old, bitter, stalker.

12-27-2002, 03:21 PM
From Vick: Hustler & Webquest success

I couldn't just let that one slide...hehe That means alot Vick, Thank you! We have worked very hard this year, and I think it shows. But (and this is going to sound sooo...tacky but, it's true) we really aren't anything without our affiliates. They are what keep us going. :D

It's amazing to read through some of the changes you guys have wrote here...so much has happened in the span of one year. It really verfies the fact that Internet Commerce is ever-changing and VERY fast moving.


Last edited by gigi at Dec 27 2002, 03:29 PM

12-27-2002, 03:39 PM
Nick :wnw: "There is still 4 days to go "

Mike Brilliant know but I do have a near photographic memory.
Bumfights was definitely a big story as well Evil.

Voice Media Finalizes Sale of Web Properties To Offshore company.
people that liked Brad Shaw now hate brad shaw and people who hated Brad Shaw still hate Brad Shaw


12-27-2002, 04:10 PM
people that liked Brad Shaw now hate brad shaw and people who hated Brad Shaw still hate Brad Shaw



12-27-2002, 04:16 PM
People actually care enough about Brad Shaw to hate him? C'mon now ;)

12-27-2002, 04:17 PM
Originally posted by KBpimps@Dec 27 2002, 03:47 PM
people that liked Brad Shaw now hate brad shaw and people who hated Brad Shaw still hate Brad Shaw

Don't confuse pity with hate

12-27-2002, 05:16 PM

Mike AI
12-27-2002, 06:48 PM
Gigi the way Cashquest rolled out Flynt Digital sites was amazing and will be the future roadmaps for others to follow.

Another prediction in 2003 - Cashquest will be running more sites for more companies... I keep on trying to get Ken to run HiRise for me.... :D

12-27-2002, 07:11 PM
Originally posted by Mike AI@Dec 27 2002, 06:56 PM
Gigi the way Cashquest rolled out Flynt Digital sites was amazing and will be the future roadmaps for others to follow.

Another prediction in 2003 - Cashquest will be running more sites for more companies... I keep on trying to get Ken to run HiRise for me.... :D
Mike, let them run Oprano, we'll just attend PHB3

12-28-2002, 07:20 AM
Haha Mutt...if you want your MIlf's in the 40 year old range, you'll have to come up with the new name: GILF: Grandmothers I love fucking!!!

As for the MILF craving huge cocks...heck I have a hell-uv-a time finding any cock that will get "hard" for film, let alone a huge one :) Good luck on that niche.

Still haven't seen a successful production of every guys fantasy turned into a reality site: 2 wild women pick up guys and fuck them silly....hummm, have the wild women...

See everyone in Vegas...my first convention where I can just party and not worry about hustling up biz.

12-28-2002, 07:24 AM
photogregg, have you seen bitchmobile.com ?

Mike AI
12-28-2002, 02:02 PM
Photogregg what are you paying male talent? What about guys who are hung like fleas? ( But can keep it up? )

:P :D :lol: :blink: :yowsa:

12-28-2002, 02:39 PM
love threads that get changed into wild stuff :)

Seen Bitchmobile...doesn't seem like the male fantasy to me because the girls treat the guys like shit. Pick em up, fuck em silly, then smile and go off and get the next one...get members wishing they were that guy.

MikeAI: we get the hung like fleas (pencil dicks) that can keep it up, and shoot with them for various customers... Guys we pay $200 per scene, and some average sized we use again and again if they can perform. Our superstar for MilfSeeker (24 episodes so far) gets $400 per scene.

If you and Katie want to fuck in the back of a moving vehicle down I-95 we'll shoot you for our new TopBucks site we're doing: BackSeatBangers.com Don't worry about your dick, she's cute :) Pay is $400 for 30 minute scene.

12-28-2002, 03:00 PM
we get the hung like fleas (pencil dicks)

We prefer the more politically correct "genitally challenged" , gregg :)

Evil Chris
12-28-2002, 03:31 PM
Originally posted by KBpimps@Dec 27 2002, 02:02 PM
Wow, I can't believe I get to recap another year....

How is this?

-Gary Kremen -SEX.COM victory, and his relaunching of sex.com
-Serge unmasks CONFUCY
-Acacia sends C&D's
-Max Hardcore and Steve Sweet along with Mikey from CD Babes find out what it's like to be probed themselves....
-The year of the sucky TRADESHOW- everyone has had one or is starting one.
-Joe Elkind kicked out of CEN, and the emotional upheaval that soon follows.
-Danni Ashe still doesn't do dick with anyone :-))
-VISA regulations
-Dave Holio becomes COO of Cybererotica
-Marc De offers health insurance to webmasters
-Mike Rick dies falling off cliff while birdwatching
-Madd Russian RIP dies in car crash in PHX
-Aria Giovanni becomes the IT girl of the web
-Reality Porn becomes saturated ...but not until great sites are discovered like netvideogirls.com and the OX cash's of the world
-Online Pharmacies selling everything from Anthrax shit to Viagra
-KB has only two jobs this year

KB..... none of your points affected my portfolio this year. :P
So that means.... one of us didn't accomplish much in 2002.

Mike AI
12-28-2002, 03:37 PM
HEHE PhotoGregg, I think you are missing my point....

I wanted to be part of that 2 girl fantasy thing.... Katie is on her own, I am no suit-case pimp! :P :D

EC - Anytime frame college fuck fest is going to start paying per signup?

Mike AI
12-28-2002, 03:49 PM
A few other big stories....

The Snipers. For a few months this was a huge story terrifying 2 states...

The miners being rescued in Penn was big too.

12-28-2002, 06:07 PM
I say Mainstream going pop-up on every site was a big internet thing of 2002

12-28-2002, 06:15 PM
Mike, how did you forget The Osbornes and your favorite show Anna Nicole hitting it BIG in 2k2 :)

12-28-2002, 07:17 PM
haha MikeAI
No problem getting you in the 2-girl fantasy thing...just need a customer that wants it first...oh well

Evil Chris: one of your points about every has a radio show or wants one...yep thats me too :) cept instead of radio it will be live show with camera for webmasters...guest webmasters, wild ass action with naked women, promotion, etc...cuming soon :)

Mentioning fantasies...my secretary/video editor/assistant talked me into doing a spanking scene with her this afternoon...40 minutes later and a bit more than spanking...whew, I'm wayyyy tired...and still smiling and licking my mustache every few minutes.

12-28-2002, 07:19 PM
Oops, forgot the link of my secretary/assistant in action...check out "Clip 2" on my "news" page.

Fluffer Girl (http://www.photogregg.com/news.html)

Mike AI
12-28-2002, 09:18 PM
Slavv those would be considered low lights to me....



12-29-2002, 05:09 AM
I like the Osbornes, but that vacant stare in those glassy eyes surrounded by rolls of fat that Anna Nicole is sporting these days creeps me out.

12-29-2002, 05:28 AM
Originally posted by *KK*@Dec 29 2002, 05:17 AM
I like the Osbornes, but that vacant stare in those glassy eyes surrounded by rolls of fat that Anna Nicole is sporting these days creeps me out.
rolls of fat, rolls of fat...
so you know,
men are NOT dogs, they don't go after the bones!

according to Cleo, who "interviewd" over 10,000 men during her "escort" career,
the best women in bed are the fat waitresses

if anybody here interviewd more men than Cleo,
I'd like to hear your opinions

12-29-2002, 07:35 AM
Wow...no wonder I get so many webmasters bugging me for bbw content :)

After photographing bunches of hardcore scenes (not at 10,000 yet), I see mature 30-40 as giving the best performance, into pleasing the guy, fuck like crazy, etc.

12-29-2002, 08:24 AM
Originally posted by photogregg@Dec 29 2002, 07:43 AM
Wow...no wonder I get so many webmasters bugging me for bbw content :)

After photographing bunches of hardcore scenes (not at 10,000 yet), I see mature 30-40 as giving the best performance, into pleasing the guy, fuck like crazy, etc.
do you know WHY they fuck like crazy???????

every time they think it's their last....

12-29-2002, 09:20 AM
Makes sense to me Serge...I fuck like crazy every time I get a chance...same thought pattern..."this might be my last" :)

12-29-2002, 09:32 AM
Originally posted by photogregg@Dec 29 2002, 09:28 AM
Makes sense to me Serge...I fuck like crazy every time I get a chance...same thought pattern..."this might be my last" :)
I speak from the same expereince too!

our generation sticks to the motto:
"It's better OVERfuck than UNDEReat"

12-29-2002, 10:53 AM
Originally posted by Serge_Oprano@Dec 29 2002, 06:36 AM
according to Cleo, who "interviewd" over 10,000 men during her "escort" career,
the best women in bed are the fat waitresses
Woohoo! All those years of me eating fried southern cooking and waiting tables is going to pay off !! :bjump:

12-29-2002, 01:55 PM
I am not advocating Anna Nicole take on the ever popular concentration camp survivor look that you see in all the magazines...

But really, she has gone beyond the point of appearing to be able to manage her appetite... couple that with the totally STUPID things she says and ugh!!!!!!

It's not like I'm skin and bones in any case either you know ;)

Mike AI
12-29-2002, 02:25 PM
Anna is a typical stripper, she is always fucked up, acts stupid, does shocking things for attention, always looking for money... and o course self centered. She needs to put down the chaluppas, and stay off of TV!

As far as women and sex.... never underestimate the young ones... while many may not have much experience, or do not have the self-confidence to get wild... there is something magical about bringing out the inner-freak of a hot 19 year old. :D

Of course MILFs can be fun...

I do not desriminate...

Though since I am married now, I guess I do! haha :blink:

12-29-2002, 02:39 PM
Originally posted by *KK*@Dec 29 2002, 02:03 PM
I am not advocating Anna Nicole take on the ever popular concentration camp survivor look that you see in all the magazines...

But really, she has gone beyond the point of appearing to be able to manage her appetite... couple that with the totally STUPID things she says and ugh!!!!!!

It's not like I'm skin and bones in any case either you know ;)
it all depends on perspective...
Let me quote Michelangello who once said:
Making sculptures is easy, you take the piece of marble and just remove what doesn't belong

in every Nicole Smith I always see the potential for this:


something I can't envision in ribs and bones
you can say I use CLASSICAL approach to women

12-29-2002, 02:56 PM
Come now Serge, no woman in her right mind would ever eat spaghetti or change the oil wearing a white dress ;)

Mike AI
12-29-2002, 02:59 PM
Everything looks nice on the girl but for those damn torpedos she has on her chest....

12-29-2002, 03:03 PM
Originally posted by *KK*@Dec 29 2002, 03:04 PM
Come now Serge, no woman in her right mind would ever eat spaghetti or change the oil wearing a white dress ;)
I don't think words
WOMAN and "RIGHT MIND" belong in the same sentence


12-29-2002, 03:03 PM
Originally posted by Mike AI@Dec 29 2002, 03:07 PM
Everything looks nice on the girl but for those damn torpedos she has on her chest....
what's wrong with them?

you can't ride 'em, cowboy?

12-29-2002, 03:04 PM
Well it looks like my tastes are freakish then :)

It seems I have a "type". :)

Tallish blondes with big mouths (both literally and metaphorically) ;)

I agree with MikeAI re:strippers though.

I prefer "pumas" or "cougars" to young women.

1.)I hate being mistaken for there father ;)
2.)I haven't time to train them. :)
3.)I NEED to sleep, I am not from Havana,baby :)

The main factor however in my choice of women is,lets get real, if they are willing to be with a fat, flatulent,penisly challenged Canadian with a British accent. :)


Mike AI
12-29-2002, 03:09 PM
Serge, huge balloon tits are freakish... doctors should have their medical liscenses pulled for destroying womens bodies.

I have nothing against fake boobs, but not basketballs....

12-29-2002, 03:11 PM
Originally posted by Mike AI@Dec 29 2002, 03:17 PM
Serge, huge balloon tits are freakish... doctors should have their medical liscenses pulled for destroying womens bodies.

I have nothing against fake boobs, but not basketballs....
that';s strange...
I don't give a shit about basketball like you do,
but I have no problems playing with basketballs like you do

you gotta switch your favorite sport

I think golf or ping pong would be more down your alley

12-29-2002, 03:12 PM
Serge, huge balloon tits are freakish

Agreed.Maybe there should be a poll.

Mike AI
12-29-2002, 03:18 PM
Serge, I love Basketball - just think they should be independant and not stuffed under the skin of women.... softballs maybe... but not basketballs.

Fake boobs are good for evening women out and helping bring them into proportion - but when they go HUGE - it is simple disfigurement.

12-29-2002, 03:30 PM
Originally posted by Mike AI@Dec 29 2002, 03:26 PM
Serge, I love Basketball - just think they should be independant and not stuffed under the skin of women.... softballs maybe... but not basketballs.

Fake boobs are good for evening women out and helping bring them into proportion - but when they go HUGE - it is simple disfigurement.
when you finally make it to Florence, Italy and see the statue of David,
you gonna find out that he has unproportionately large.....head.

...and nevertheless he is concidered to be one of the world's masterpieces!


I haven't seen tits that are too large, ever!

..at least from a close distance

anybody can recomend reputable ASS implant surgeon?

12-29-2002, 03:32 PM
side note...
why ALL meaningful topics on adult webmaster boards turn into
Tits and Ass discussions????

ah? ah?


12-29-2002, 03:49 PM
Just curious but unless it's some one you know
What makes everyone sure this is a woman? :o

Cockatoo drag queen shaking their bells

12-29-2002, 03:51 PM
just to be on the safe side I'll envoke Clinton:

"I didn't have sex with this woman!"

12-29-2002, 04:23 PM
I'm following the logic of a women with breasts that large wouldn't crawl under her own car
She'd stand by the road and wait for men to stop and do it for her :D

12-29-2002, 05:19 PM
That might just be Anna Nicole... every sane woman (no comments from the peanut gallery, err, Serge) no matter the number of rolls of toilet paper stuffed in her maternity bra wouldn't be on the ground, on the side of the road, Vick's right...

Mike AI
12-29-2002, 06:07 PM
That is not Anna Nicole, she would be eating the car like Godillza!!


Evil Chris
12-30-2002, 10:44 AM
Originally posted by Mike AI@Dec 29 2002, 07:15 PM
That is not Anna Nicole, she would be eating the car like Godillza!!

hehehe.... and asking for more! B)

01-01-2003, 08:41 PM
2003 issues

- Around may/july online tax will begin to take some profits (EU´s digital VAT will be first - US is probably going start 2004 or mid 2004)

- VISA US & MC US will make new rules... Verfied by VISA will be sweet and sour... no more chargebacks on some tracsactions - less recurrings.

- VISA & MC EU will get more adult business - they will be happy at first :rolleyes:

- More payment options at paysites to avoid the "all egs in VISA´s basket" situation from ever happening again. ACH, SMS, local debit/credit cards, 900#, ecash, all to spread the risk. Some of the big processors will take these on making it available for most paysite owners with just a few clicks.

- Paysites will find even more ways to earn money from their members - FTC will start to take notice.

- Paysites will do their own chargeback scrubbing on top of what the processors are doing. Will hurt profits, but save merchant accounts.

- Hosted galleries will kill most tgp submiters business. TGP owners will accepted more ads on galleries, since they also get paid for those ads.

- Number of free movies posted on TGPs will skyrocket

- It will be possible to fight most of the hitbots, and proxybots, and they will start to loose ground at adult sites.

and alot of other issues...

Oh btw. Hi to everyone (this is my first post on Oprano) and Happy New Year :okthumb:

Mike AI
01-01-2003, 08:47 PM
Hey Rollo - for you first post on Oprano you have set a pretty high standard for yourself!! :okthumb: :okthumb:

The tax issues is going to be a big one in the future. When I was in Cali that was the talk in every newspaper - talking about how Cali is losing millions in tax money from the net.

Will be interesting to see how it goes - gov;t loves to get their greedy hands on every part of the economy - Internet will not be any different. The longer we can hold out the better....

01-01-2003, 08:53 PM
Awesome rookie post, Rollo :)

01-01-2003, 10:22 PM
I agree.

01-01-2003, 10:40 PM
If you don´t like taxes and think its a boring subject then skip this post :zzz:

Mike AI - yes, in time the internet will be taxed... I hope it will sometime in 2020s :D

I remember this quote from somewhere:

"The best things in life are free, but sooner or later the government will find a way to tax them"

EU have been talking about this for last 2 years, and the solution they have found is not going to work unless they get the banks, credit card unions (visa & mc), and none EU countries (like the US) to inform about their clients/custormers/citizens. EU are having their member states/countries put into law that every none EU company will have to register in a EU country, and from that country pay VAT to each EU country based on each EU country´s own national rates. Ex. - if you sell to Europeans with credit cards thru a processor like Epoch, then you or Epoch should register in a EU country and pay VAT to each EU country:

Sales made to German surfers = 16% VAT of total subscription price
Sales made to Swedish surfers = 25% VAT of total subscription price

And with soon to be 25 different countries in the EU, which each have their own VAT rates, then get ready for a accouting mess.

Now there are loop holes. Instead of registering a US company in the EU, then buy a company in some low VAT rate EU country like Luxembourg. Because of "free trade" laws within the EU you can sell products to all EU countries, with Luxembourg 15% VAT rate, and if you sell to surfers from none EU countries like the US, then you will not pay VAT to any EU country (tax free sales from EU to the US).

Now like I mention earlier, then this will not work, because how will the EU get US companies to register and pay tax in the EU, unless the US goverment accepts it (not going to happen with the current Bush goverment)... but then again, politicians from both the US and EU want to tax the Internet, so maybe they will do some tax deal, and "we" will be left holding the bill... :zoinks:

Last edited by Rolo at Jan 1 2003, 07:52 PM

01-01-2003, 10:55 PM
with geanie being out of the bottle,
I just don't see how governments can tax it directly and tie it to sales.

governments are inventive, I have my faith in them and they'll find the way to fuck a wet dream, but still...

01-02-2003, 12:53 AM
Serge, I agree... the sales tax system in the US is different from VAT in the EU, so the US solution to net tax will be very interesting. I belive that only a nationwide net sale tax can keep US net companies from looking for the same loopholes as European companies are...

There is VAT on almost everything in the EU - beside from making a huge % of all tax income, then the goverments also use VAT to keep tracks of who buys and sells goods/services (Big Brother IS watching). The VAT is huge income of the EU, and they want to keep it that way. So no EU politician want to have a internet tax free heaven (it has never been tax free to sell on the internet in the EU - EU adult net companies have always had to pay their country VAT for sales made to surfers - no matter where the surfer is from). However this all about to change with the new VAT laws.

Ex. One of the first tax cases using the EU VAT system loophole is underway... a portuguese phone company is licensing phonelines in other EU countries like Denmark (who have 25% VAT), and then reselling them to citizens in those countries... now the trick is that the portuguese phone company are sending the bills to their European custormers from Portugal, and in Portugal the VAT is only 13%.... Local politicians in Denmark are mad about this, but there is nothing they can do because of the EU free trade laws, so Denmark is about to loose billions in tax revenue from phone companies located outside their own country. This loophole can be used by many other industries working with digital products - like the adult net :)

But this still only apply to European companies selling direct to surfers from within the EU. US companies are first to start their EU registering in July 2003 - however lets see how many will do that voluntary :moon:

01-02-2003, 03:38 AM
Hmmm, interesting Rolo, one of the biggest problems I see is one you touched on -- how in the world would the EU enforce collection on VAT? Let's say you've got an Aussie company using IBill to process for a sale in Germany. The collection point is IBill? the Aussie company will get a bill for what they need to send in?

Very much a giant tangle like the current state sales tax system here with interstate commerce.

01-02-2003, 06:17 PM
Originally posted by *KK*@Jan 2 2003, 12:46 AM
how in the world would the EU enforce collection on VAT?
So far I have heard of 4 models:

1. None EU companies would be required to appoint a local fiscal representative who would be responsible for the company´s compliance with VAT rules. But again - who says ANY none EU would do that voluntary.

2. The standards for secure Internet payments (e.g. SSL/SET) should be required to include a field which would disclose the identity and location of each customer so that the various tax authorities could audit tax compliance. Again this would be a voluntary solution, and no one have said what would happen if you do not make these changes (one hardcore rightwing EU politician have said to ban urls/companies at the European ISPs so "normal" surfers can not access them - however this will NEVER happen too many "good forces" will fight this).

3. Banks that process payment data from credit cards, debit cards, wire transfer etc. would retain VAT from the transactions they handle. This could be done with VISA and MC, since they already have marked which merchant accounts do online trade and where the companies operating the merchant account are located. ECash companies like PayPal could also get forced to supply the same information to the EU. Wires would probably fail on the grounds that it is not possible to determine from the payment data the nature of the goods and services purchased (and therefore whether they are subject to VAT), however there is voluntary system inplace today, where the sender informs what kind of product/service he is paying for.

4. Last there is the "old logic of the tax man", where the tax authorities try to determine how much companies have made on online sales to European surfers. Once they have set the ammount they think the companies should pay, then the companies either pay them or try to prove that the companies are innocent (guilty until proven innocent).

If companies do not pay the EU after they have been told to pay VAT, then the EU could do a asset search inside the EU member countries for any assets belonging to the companies - in some cases that could also be privat asset belonging to mangement or others with key postions in the companies... if they do not find any assets, then they have in past send collection agencies to try and collect the money in the home countries of the companies (don´t think they will try that, unless the mangement of the company are EU citizens).

I wouldn´t fear anything from the EU at first, because this will be new law mid 2003, and alot of countries (including the US) have not said positiv things about it, however with politicians worldwide starting to look for ways to tax the internet, then sure something will be worked out eventually.